
Friday, February 18, 2011

In the Studio with Lili and Natasha

Another Brayering workshop today (check out my Tips Sheet).  This time Lili and Natasha are here to learn this fun and easy technique.  I found that my first Brayering workshop went extremely well, so I'm repeating it today.  I started by demonstrating the technique and giving them some tips ... then they both practiced on some scrap pieces of glossy paper.  Experimenting is the best way to learn what works best for each individual, so practicing is an important start ... no pressure to have it be perfect for making a card the first time.  We spent a little over half an hour just playing and getting to know how the ink spreads on the cardstock and what works best for each person.  Lili and Natasha picked up the brayering technique really quickly.  Then on to the card making.  Their cards turned out so beautiful and they each left with three stunning cards.  We have already planned what we'll be making at our next time together (end of March).  More brayered cards (of course), but with a little more difficulty.  Can't wait!

Here's a picture of the three cards for today ...

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