
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pretty in Pink Flower Card

Another beautiful and sunny day in Delta!!  The weather has just been fabulous this past week.  Forecast is for clouds late today with the possibility of flurries by tomorrow - but it will only be a dusting IF we get anything at all.  Went out to the greenhouse yesterday (haven't been out there for weeks!! - my bad!), and found some bulbs that I missed potting up last fall - oops!  They were sitting loose in a pot with no dirt, but had all sprouted - they are survivors!!  So I potted them up and expect that I'll have some lovely tulips in no time :)

Into the art studio I go ...

Today I made a tutorial on Paper Flowers.  You have probably seen several of these on the internet, so what's one more to look at!! :)  Click to take a look.

I have just written out what works best for me and even though it's very straightforward, there are a few tips included that will make your flower-making easier.  These flowers are beautiful on a box or bag ... and I have also included them on cards.  Because of the depth of the flowers, you'll need to make a box envelope if you're putting them on cards.  I plan on writing a tutorial on the box envelope construction soon.  There is one on splitcoaststampers, but I have a few problems with their tutorial and I'm hoping to make adjustments to suit me.  The changes include: change dimensions so that it fits a standard card size, but with a little depth for 3D embellishments (theirs was very large and very deep); change lid so that it overlaps at the front rather than having to add a separate piece of cardstock; find a better way to keep it closed other than having to tie a ribbon around it.  Stay tuned ...

Here's the card with a paper flower that I made for my Mom's birthday earlier this month.  I think it's so pretty!  What girl doesn't love pink!!  I used Stampin' Up!'s Sending Love Designer Series paper from last year.  It's no longer being made, but it's still available (for now) until supplies run out.  Hope you like.
"Pretty in Pink Flower Card"
Stamps:  Vintage Labels
Paper:  Pretty in Pink, Very Vanilla, Sending Love Designer Series paper (Stampin' Up!), Pink Vellum
Ink:  Stampin' Write Marker: Pretty in Pink
Accessories & Tools:  MS scallop border punch, small oval punch, medium oval punch, scallop circle punch, brad, Flourish Embossing Texturz plate, Big Shot, sheer pink ribbon with glitter edge (Michael's), stickles (on paper flower edge), sticky strips, adhesives and dimensionals

* * * * *

I started by running the large piece of Very Vanilla though my Big Shot using the Flourish Embossing Texturz Plate.  It's hard to tell in the picture, but there is a subtle embossing on the top part of the card.  I then attached the piece of Sending Love Designer Series paper on the bottom of the Very Vanilla cardstock.

Next, I punched scallop borders on the 5" x 2" piece of pink paper and pink vellum ... these will eventually be cut to 4" x 1", but having the extra allows you options for centering the scallops on the page, rather than cutting the paper to size and then trying to center the border punch exactly.  I attached the two border pieces to each other, overlapping them, with the vellum on top of the cardstock.  I then attached the border pieces to the front card panel, lining the vellum edge with the top of the Sending Love paper and trimming off any excess border paper on each side. The whole front panel was then adhered to the card base.

I attached a paper flower and double bow, slightly to the left of centre, along the top of the Sending Love paper (use sticky strips to attach the paper flower as they are much stronger than other adhesives).  I stamped "Happy Birthday" onto Very Vanilla and punched it out using the small oval punch.  I punched a medium oval of Pretty in Pink cardstock and layered the small vanilla oval on top.  I added the sentiment to the top right-hand side of the card, popping it up with dimensionals.

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