
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Lovely Westcoast

I wanted to try to get the feeling of the Westcoast in my next brayered card, so I used a soft blue to brayer the mountains in the distance ... I'm happy with the way it turned out.  It definitely looks familiar!! :)
I ended up with the main image slightly smaller than when I started.  Sometimes with glossy paper there are imperfections (or fingerprints, even though I wipe the paper with a clean cloth before starting).  That happened to me today - there were small imperfections, luckily all on the one side of the paper near the edge.  So when I was finished brayering and stamping, I just cut the paper down a little ... you'd never know!  Hope you like.
"Lovely Westcoast"
Stamps:  Lovely as a Tree, Vintage Labels (sentiment) (SU!)
Paper:  Glossy White, Soft Suede Designer Series (SU!); Brown Leather
Ink:  Old Olive, Baja Breeze; Stampin' Write markers:  Old Olive, Always Artichoke, Soft Suede, Early Espresso
Accessories & Tools:  Speedball Rubber Brayer, post-it notes for masking, sponge, clear embossing powder, heat tool, small oval punch, medium oval punch, suede strips, sticky strips, adhesives and dimensionals
* * * * *
I ripped a post-it note mask to cover the sky area on the glossy paper (about 2/3).  I brayered Old Olive up to the mask and then used a small sponge to add a darker line right along the mask at the top of the "grass" area.  I removed the mask and ripped a new mask for the first set of mountains (right above the grass area).  I covered the rest of the sky with the mask and then brayered Baja Breeze ink for the first mountain range, ending at the grass.  I removed the mask and placed the third (and final mask) to covered the sky, creating a second range of mountains above the first.  I brayered with Baja Breeze and carried it down to just above the lowest dip in the first mountain range, leaving a small bit of white space (it's hard to tell in the picture above).  I removed the mask and then brayered Baja Breeze just at the top of the sky area, leaving lots of white space between the top range of mountains and the blue sky.

Using Stampin' Write markers, I inked the tree with Soft Suede and Old Olive and stamped the tree in the middle of the grass area.  I used my heat tool to heat set and dry the ink.  I then "colored" in the trunk of the tree with more Soft Suede and also random swipes of Early Espresso.  I colored in the tree branches with Old Olive and Always Artichoke.  I heat set the inks again.

A knotted double strand of suede strips was added at the top left corner of the main image.  The main image was mounted onto the background paper and card base as shown in the picture above, popping up the main image with dimensionals.

The sentiment was stamped in Early Espresso ink and embossed with clear embossing powder.  

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