
Monday, August 08, 2011

Vines of Flowers

What a busy past couple of days!!  Yesterday, Gord and I headed out to Langley early in the morning to pick up Penny.  Evan and Nikki were going to be busy all day painting their garage and we thought we'd take the dog so that they didn't have to worry about her while they were painting.  We love looking after Penny - she's so much fun!  My friend Cindy came over and her and I went for a nice lunch at Times Pub (formerly The Celtic Pub).  We had a delicious lunch and then headed back to my place for White Peach Daiquiris on the deck - yum, yum!!  After dinner, we took Penny home.  It's not that we did that much, but I was tired by the end of the day - might have been the rum!! :)

Today I made batches of Sun-dried Tomato Pesto.  I make it every summer when the basil is fresh and plentiful and then freeze it to use throughout the year.  Moe (SIL) was nice enough to pick up a big bag of fresh picked basil for me from Westham Island Herb Farm on Saturday morning ... thank you Moe!!  I managed to get 15 dinners made for the three of us.  Whew!!  Tomorrow I make dinner for Evan to pick up on his way home ... I'm thinking we'll all be having Penne with Chicken and Sun-dried Tomato Pesto.

On to today's card.  I was planning on making a one layer card, but I felt it needed a little something more, so I added a thin purple frame for the main image panel and a thin purple frame for the card base.  I got to use my new stamps that I picked up from the $1 store - they are so cute!  This is a quick and easy card and took only about 10 minutes to make.  I added half-pearls to the centers of each flower after posting onto the SCS website ...   Hope you like.

"Vines of Flowers"  
Stamps:  Marina Drive (Heidi Grace)
Paper:  Elegant Eggplant (SU!); Bazzill White
Ink:  Old Olive, Elegant Eggplant (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  mauve half-pearls, adhesives and dimensionals
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I inked the vine stamp with Old Olive and stamped it three times.  I inked the flower stamps (two different ones) with Elegant Eggplant ink and stamped them over top the vines.  I added mauve half-pearls to the center of each flower.

I mounted all the pieces as shown in the picture above, popping up the main panel with dimensionals to add depth.  Easy, peasy!!

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