
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trio of Christmas Trees

It's been a busy couple of days.  Yesterday, hubby and I went to Garden Works, a nursery in Burnaby, and picked up soil and lots of bulbs.  My plan is to hopefully have lots of pots of flowers come spring.  But first, we needed to get the garden ready for the winter, cutting down the perennials, emptying the summer flower pots and raking leaves.  We worked in the garden in the afternoon for a couple of hours before calling it quits for the day.  The weather here has been a beautiful for the past couple of days ... sunny and bright, cool and dry.
Then last night, our youngest took us and our oldest son to dinner at Earl's.  We were celebrating Jer's first pay cheque from his new teaching job.  We had such a great time!  Thanks again Jer for treating us!  Love you!

Today I was back out in the yard.  The weatherman is predicting rain by tomorrow, so wanted to take advantage of the dry weather.  Managed to pot up 50 King Alfred Daffodil bulbs.  I also finished off emptying out all my summer flower pots - it was a big job!  Still more bulbs to pot up ... another day.
Spent the afternoon in the art studio working on today's sketch challenge.  It's a fun one!!  Here's my take on the sketch - hope you like.  Everything used in the card below is from SU!

SCS Sketch Challenge 355:

"Trio of Christmas Trees"

Stamps:  Season of Joy, Short & Sweet (SU!)
Paper:  Old Olive, Very Vanilla, Real Red, Merry Moments DP (retired) (SU!)
Ink:  Old Olive, Real Red
Accessories & Tools:  1" double-stitched red ribbon, Stamp-a-ma-jig, masking tape, sticky strips, adhesives and dimensionals

* * * * *

I masked off the star at the top of the stamp with a small piece of masking tape, inked the stamp with Old Olive, removed the masking tape and colored the star with my Real Red Stampin' Write marker.  I used the Stamp-a-ma-jig to position the tree 3/4" from the left side of my cardstock.  I repeated the process, stamping the tree 3/4" from the right side of my cardstock.  I repeated a third time, stamping the tree in the middle.  I framed the main image with Real Red cardstock.

I dry fit all the pieces of cardstock, ribbon and DP and then made pencil marks on the background piece of Very Vanilla cardstock, marking where the main image would fit on the piece.  This gave me the margins for stamping the sentiment.  I used the Stamp-a-ma-jig for placing the sentiments on the sides and top of the background Very Vanilla cardstock and stamped the sentiments in Real Red ink.  I framed the background piece with Real Red cardstock.

I mounted all the pieces as shown in the picture above, popping up the main image with dimensionals to add depth.

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