
Monday, October 24, 2011

Two Christmas Wreath Cards ...

After I posted my wreath card yesterday, I spent a few more hours in the art studio making more wreath cards.  I'm crazy about Christmas cards right now :).  I just bought the Autumn Days stamp set (even though it's been around for a long time).  I love the different leaves, stems and berries in this set.

I saw a card posted this weekend on SCS that used the branch with berries to make a wreath - how ingenious!!  It reminds me of the pepper berry wreaths that are available during the holidays.  Click here to see Diane's beautiful card that inspired my card below.  I love the airiness of the branches and so used Cherry Cobbler seam binding to continue the light feeling for this card.  Hope you like this clean and simple version.  This card is made with all SU! products.

"Pepper Berry Wreath"

Stamps:  Autumn Days, Easy Events (SU!)
Paper:  Cherry Cobbler, Whisper White (SU!)
Ink:  Old Olive, Real Red (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  circle template, pencil & eraser, Stamp-a-ma-jig, Cherry Cobbler seam binding, Bow Easy, sticky strips and glue dots

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Using my circle template and a pencil, I drew a 2" circle onto a large piece of Whisper White cardstock.  I used the circle as a guideline when stamping the berry branches.  I inked the stamp with Old Olive and Real Red Stampin' Write markers and stamped around the circle, cleaning my stamp and re-inking with each new stamping.  I used the Stamp-a-ma-jig to position the sentiment and stamped it in Real Red ink.  I used the Real Red ink as I liked the lighter color for the berries and originally had planned on using Real Red cardstock to match ... but it turned out the wreath looked better backed with Cherry Cobbler cardstock.  I made sure that all the ink was dry before erasing the circle I had drawn in pencil.

I added a ribbon and bow made from Cherry Cobbler seam binding near the bottom of the cardstock, securing the ends at the back with sticky strips.  I placed a glue dot under the bow and both tails to hold them in place.  I mounted the main panel onto a card base of Cherry Cobbler cardstock.


After making the above card, I was looking at the rest of the stamps from the Autumn Days set and thought the pine branch & cone stamp might made a nice wreath too.  I love how this turned out!  Again, this card is made with all SU! products.

"Pine Wreath"

Stamps:  Autumn Days, Christmas Greetings (SU!)
Paper:  Old Olive, Whisper White (SU!)
Ink:  Old Olive, Early Espresso, VersaMark (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  circle template, pencil & eraser, white embossing powder, heat tool, Mistletoe ribbon, sticky strips and adhesives

* * * * *

Using my circle template and a pencil, I drew a 1" circle onto a large piece of Whisper White cardstock.  I used the circle as a guideline when stamping the pine branches.  I inked the stamp with Old Olive and Early Espresso Stampin' Write markers and stamped around the circle, cleaning my stamp and re-inking with each new stamping.  After I stamped around the whole circle, I cleaned my stamp and this time just inked one branch of pine needles and stamped to fill in any gaps around the wreath.  I made sure that all the ink was dry before erasing the circle I had drawn in pencil.

I stamped the sentiment in VersaMark onto the bottom of an Old Olive card front and quickly embossed it with white.  I mounted the main stamped image above the sentiment, leaving a little Old Olive cardstock showing at the top.  I added the two pieces of ribbon bordering the main image, tying a knot on the bottom ribbon and secured them both at the back of the cardstock.  I used sticky strips to mount the card front onto a card base of Old Olive (this allows me to hide the back of the ribbon in-between the layers of cardstock.  


  1. When did you purchase these stamp sets? Don't see them listed in current or Christmas catalogs.

  2. I bought them over a year ago. Maybe they have been discontinued.


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