
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Japanese Screen

Last night we had our friends Lance, Lili and Natasha over for dinner.  It was so great to spend an evening with them!  This afternoon we're heading to a family dinner with my nieces and nephews (and my kids, mom and SIL).  Kevin and Sarah will be hosting the dinner at their house ... and Adrienne and David will be the cooks for today.  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone!

But before I go, I needed to get this write up done for today's card for Monday's CAS Challenge (CAS152) - Die-cuts!  I made an Asian-themed card, creating a flower arrangement and a screen.  I cut a rectangle "window" on the front panel of the card and lined it with vellum so it has a slightly transparent appearance (the picture doesn't show that ... much better in real life).  I used three die-cut squares to create a "screen" that I placed on top of the vellum.  And I randomly sponged a darker brown over the entire front of the card to give it an aged look.  Hope you like.

"Japanese Screen"

Stamps:  Silhouette Sentiments (SU!)
Paper:  Crumb Cake (Kraft), Basic Black (SU!); vellum, red swirl DP (unknown)
Ink:  Real Red, Old Olive, Soft Suede (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Cuttlebug Corners Die (squares), Big Shot, ornament punch, Stamp-a-ma-jig, sponge, mini half-pearls, Tombow glue, adhesives and dimensionals

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I made the card base from Crumb Cake and cut a window 4" x 1 1/4".  I randomly sponged Soft Suede ink all over the card front to create an aged look.  I used sticky strips to attach a slightly larger piece of vellum behind the cut-out.
I ran the Cuttlebug die-cut through my Big Shot three times with Basic Black cardstock to create the three squares.  I mounted the squares to the front of the card overtop the vellum, using Tombow glue to secure.

Using my Stamp-a-ma-jig for placement, I stamped the flowers using Red Red and Old Olive Stampin' Write markers.  I went over the stamping again (free-hand) with the Stampin' Write markers to make the image darker and I also enlarged the flowers.  I place mini half-pearls in the center of each flower.

I punched the ornament from Basic Black cardstock and trimmed the bottom slightly and then cut the whole piece so it was only 1/2" deep, creating a dish for my flower arrangement.  I cut a thin (1/16") strip of red swirl DP and mounted it on top of the dish to create interest.

I mounted the dish on top on the card front so that the bottom lined up with bottom of the screen, popping it up with dimensionals to add depth.

A second card for CAS Challenge - Die-cuts (CAS152).  This time I made a baby card using my new purchase of the Top Note die ... I've been wanting it for a long time!  Another card for my upcoming twine workshop with my crafty girls next weekend.  Hope you like!

"It's a boy"

Stamps:  Baby (Heidi Grace)
Paper:  Daffodil Delight, Whisper White (SU!); stars and swirls DP (unknown)
Ink:  Basic Black, Tempting Turquoise, Daffodil Delight (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Top Note die-cut, Big Shot, Lemon Drop and Caribbean Twine (the Twinery), More Mustard button, adhesives and dimensionals
* * * * *

I ran a large piece of Whisper White cardstock through my Big Shot with the Top Note die-cut.  I used a Basic Black Stampin' Write marker to go over the stitched line of the die-cut.  I stamped the main image and sentiment in Basic Black ink and then colored in the birds beak with Daffodil Delight and the baby bundle with Tempting Turquoise.

I wrapped Lemon Drop Twine and Caribbean Twine around the Top Note and tied a bow.  I added a small More Mustard button on top of the bow.
I mounted a large piece of the stars and swirls DP onto a Daffodil Delight card base.  I mounted the main panel on top, popping it up with dimensionals to add depth.

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