
Friday, June 29, 2012

More Tiger Lilies ... and guest designer

First of all, thank you to all my family and friends that making my birthday so special.  I had a wonderful birthday, getting to spend the day with my family ... and over the past couple of weeks, have had several lunches out with friends to celebrate.  It's been so special being able to spend time with the people I love!  Thank you, thank you!!

Here's my card for today's SCS Free For All Challenge - (F4A123 - what a load of scrap!).  I have a ton of scraps ... I keep anything that's larger than one inch, so you can imagine!  I kept the designer paper scraps that I used on today's card ... I really didn't think I'd ever use them, because to me, the design is really meant to go horizonal and these were the end cuts and are vertical.  I was surprised when I tried them and they looked good. :)  I also used scraps of Kiwi Kiss cardstock for the border around the DP and the flourish ... I just love Kiwi Kiss and miss it so much.  I have only a few little pieces left, and have been hoarding them.  They match this DP so perfectly, I had to give-in and use some today.  Also, I hope you're not tired of seeing the Fanciful Flourish from Cheery Lynn.  Since I bought it about a month ago, I've had a hard time making cards with flowers than didn't include it.  I used my "go to" layout.  Hope you like.

"Fanciful Tiger Lilies"

Stamps:  Fifth Avenue Floral, Elements of Style - sentiment (SU!)
Paper:  White (C.C. Designs); Kiwi Kiss, watercolor (SU!); Chic Indie DP (My Mind's Eye)
Ink:  Stazon Black, Cameo Coral, Tangerine Tango, Cajun Craze (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Big Shot, Fanciful Flourish die-cut (Cheery Lynn), blender pen, Stamp-a-ma-jig, white gel pen


So, you're probably wondering about my guest designer ... it's Jeremy.  He made me a card for my birthday and I just LOVE IT!!  He is always here to give me valuable feedback on my cards and I'm going to miss that with him moving to his own place in a couple of months :(

Gord has already agreed to pick up the slack in that department ... and for those of you who know Gord well, you know he's really putting himself out there to give me artistic feedback :)   He's a mechanical kinda' guy - and art is a bit of a struggle for him --- but he really took an interest once Jeremy made it his major at university.  I give Gord full credit for working hard at understanding art.  I, on the other hand, never made the effort to learn anything about mechanics ... so I didn't support Evan in the same way when he became an automotive mechanic - I should really work on that! :)

On to Jer's card ... he said it took him four hours to make ... now he knows why I spend so much time in my art studio :)  Sometimes the artistic process is a long one, especially if you're not used to making cards.  Another quick note - I call my craft room an art studio, only because at one time I had to share the space with Jeremy ... and since he was actually DOING art, we called it the art studio - not that I consider myself an artist in any way - I am a crafter, through and through.

"Happy Birthday Mom"

He used a gold and dark brown color scheme - so striking - the picture doesn't do it justice.  I love that he hand wrote "birthday" at the bottom in gold pen ... no happy, just birthday - definitely more hip and modern - just like Jer!  Thanks Jer for a beautiful card!


  1. I am so impressed by the card your son made you - what a great guy!

    And I love your card - and no, I'm not tired of the flourish, but you've made so many lovely cards with it that I may just have to buy it!

  2. I agree, Loll! You must be so proud of your son and how wonderful to share your love of art! Both of your cards are beautiful!! I think it's awesome that you have both worlds of mechanical and artistic around you. Happy Birthday!!

  3. I don't know why I have never clicked on your blog before...I was happy I did tonight and got to see the card your son made for your birthday! What a cool card, I am so impressed with his creativity with the EF's.and bows wrapping the boxes! Love your card as well and no I never tire of that flourish, in fact I just got the smaller version of it and have been palying around with some idea's.

  4. Wow, Jeremy has created a card worthy of any seasoned stamper. The use of texture and balance is great. Your card is just lovely. I love that flourish so much, I had to go looking for it online. It's now on my wishlist at one of the stores I shop at. Thanks for enabling!

  5. How Wonderful! You both make such amazing cards!!! Plus, congrats Loll, on being feature stamper at SCS! Well deserved!!!

  6. Belated happy birthday and what wonderful cards! Both!

  7. are a natural stamper and artist. What wonderful talents. Your mom will be treasuring her gorgeous card with the elegant color scheme and textured gift boxes. Love the hand written birthday too.

    Thanks Loll for sharing your gorgeous card. Nancy L

  8. I love the card Jeremy made you for your birthday. Your card is great as well. I like the flourish die. It adds so much to cards. I like to use mine, too.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)