
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Anniversary, My Friend

Hi everyone.  This is a special post for my good friend Dolly (Darnell)!!!!  Happy Anniversary to you and Mister - hope you have a fabulous day!  After seeing 'old' pictures of Dolly and Mister when they were young adults, I realized that they must have posed for this image ... can you see the resemblance, Dolly??!!

Thanks to Ardyth for organizing this fun event to honor Darnell ... and to Shirley-Bee for letting me know about it! :)  I'm sure many of my blog followers have visited Darnell's blog ... but if you haven't, please check it out - she has the most wonderful sense of humor and reading her blog is one of the highlights of my day.  Click here for the link.

Here's the info on the card:

Stamps:  Bike Ride (Bugaboo); Pals Penguin (Lisa's Doodley Doos)
Paper:  White (C.C. Designs)
Ink:  Copics:  E000, E00, E01, R29, R59, YG95, YG97, B39, B97, BG72, Y21, Y32, W4, E44, E77, 0 (colorless blender); Stampin' Write markers:  Basic Black, Basic Gray
Accessories & Tools:  dimensionals ... yep, that's it :)

Here's a close-up of Dolly and Mister - you can tell they are sooooo in love!!


  1. I just love your card Loll and such a worthy couple to make it for:) I also love Darnells blog - she is such a treasure and a highlight of my day too! It's so lovely of you to make a card in her honour - hugs x x

  2. Ha, this is brilliant for Darnell (tho knowing her, she'd fall off it!).

  3. Fab card Loll - perfect given the photos she posted earlier. After I spoke to you last night I nearly had a heart attack as my broadband went down......still down this morning and spent an hour on the phone to BT who sorted the problem - thank goodness. Didn't think I would be able to join in the fun.

    Karen x

  4. What a fun image - I love this for an anniversary card! Thanks so much for joining in all the Anniversary Fun - you can link this up on my blog if you want, so that we can see everyone who's participating!

  5. Oh Loll! This is so stinkin' CUTE! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

  6. Oh, Lolly, this is truly, truly a perfect card for me and the Mister and yes, Shirley is right, you can see from the image that I'm trying to hog the picture and in doing so, I'm going to slide right off!! What are we going to do with me??

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me feel so special with your post dedicated just to our anniversary! Mister Kevin is quite overwhelmed, too, and he doesn't overwhelm easily!!

    (BTW, I'd love to know I know the month and day of your anniversary, so I can return the sentiment on your special day?)

    Thank you! I heart you! Dolly

  7. I agree, Loll, they had to have posed for this! Perfect for their anniversary!

  8. Hi Loll - no need for a scanner - I just took a digital photo of my photographs in my album - still time to play if you want! Thanks for linking up to my blog!

  9. This is such an adorable image Loll! Great card for Darnell and Mister!

  10. Love it! The image is such fun and I really enjoyed your post too!

  11. A perfect likeness to the happy couple ... such a fun card! Anita :)

  12. What a wonderful card! The joy absolutely shines through, love it.


  13. Loll its gorgeous and bears a striking resemblance to the happy couple !!! What a great stamp and you have coloured it perfectly.



Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)