
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Polka-dot Birthday

Hi everyone.  Here's my DT card for the latest challenge at Addicted to Stamps & More - CAS#5.  I love CAS, so this is was an easy card for me.  I used an adorable digi from this week's sponsor ... Bugaboo ... called fat mice flower.  I made this card for one of my good friend's birthday that's coming up in a few months.  She loves mice (the stuffed toy kind, not the real ones!!) ... and polka-dots - so when I saw this image I knew exactly who I was making this card for.  I paper pieced the mouse ... and I also paper pieced the flower, but added a twist by using the paper tole technique to give the flower some depth.

Our challenge runs for one full week, so you have lots of time to create a CAS card to enter.  We have a fabulous prize of 7 digital stamps from Bugaboo (click on the highlighted link below to check out their adorable digital images).  Come join in the fun!!

Prize:  7 digital images 
 (please follow the rules of the challenge to be eligible to win)

Stamps:  Fat Mice - Flower (Bugaboo); Sweet Sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White (C.C. Designs); basic gray polka-dot, red & white DP (SU!); light gray (unknown)
Ink:  Basic Black (SU!); Copics G43
Accessories & Tools:  Gray twine (The Twinery), distressing tool (Making Memories), glue, glue dots, and adhesives

As I mentioned above, both the mouse and flower are paper pieced.  I also used the paper tole technique on the flower.  After paper piecing one layer of the red and white polka-dot DP onto the flower, I printed off a second flower and cut out each petal individually.  For each petal, I added a rolled up glue dot at the tip and a dab of glue at the other end (where it joins the center of the flower).  This makes the petal flush at the center, but the end of each petal is raised up with the rolled glue dot - love it!!  I used my distressing tool to distress a piece of white cardstock ... then I gathered up all the fluffy bits from the distressing and glued them to the center of my flower.

Here's a close-up of the mouse and flower:

... and here's another angle.  Hopefully you can see the depth of the paper tole on the flower ...

I hope I've inspired you to join us for this fun challenge at Addicted to Stamps & More.  Come and check out the wonderful samples from the other Design Team members.


  1. You make the most amazing CAS cards, Loll!! This is so cute, really good idea to do paper piecing. Grey and red is also a very good color combo I think. Have a fun rest of the week!

  2. Perfect colors and patterns! A fun card, Loll!

  3. What a great trick for adding even more dimension to your paper piecing by using the rolled-up glue dot! I love how you used the paper shavings in the center of your creative! This is a beautiful CAS card!

  4. Just love your card Loll and such a cute image...a great technique with the flower the paper piecing and spotty papers


  5. Just love your card Loll. That mouse is too cute for words. Love the paper piecing with the red and grey polka dots paper and great technique with the paper tole - so effective.

    Karen x

  6. Oh wow - this is exquisite - love the paper piecing and the flower technique - brilliant - Jacqueline xx

  7. Sweet card, Loll. The colours and paper piecing are gorgeous. Like your cute mouse! Sue x

  8. Fabulous card, Loll. I love the matching flower and border.

  9. Gorgeous Loll! Another wonderful technique I will have to try! xx

  10. Your card is so cute, loving your polka dot approach. Caz

  11. super cute Loll! love the cute image and how you designed your creation with it! Sweet! I think I can play in your challenge! Working on a few things... just need to get a post up! yea! TFS!

  12. Well you've certainly inspired me Loll! I love the image and the way you carried the polka dots onto the flower and on the inside as well. paper tole is new to me and it's a technique I will try soon:)
    Val x

  13. be still my polka dotted passion...this is soooo adorable Loll. Love the details and the paper tole technique and tips. Thanks for sharing:)

  14. Fabulous Loll you certainly make beautiful cards and this is no exception. I love this cute guy and the paper piecing is just fabulous


  15. Loll, you have done it again. This is just gorgeous. Love the red and white. Elegant country meets cute. Have a great day.
    Hugs, Florence x

  16. Darling card Loll! Love that paper pieced mouse and flower - really love it! You are the queen of CAS my dear lady! Hugs. D


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)