
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Little Snowman

Hi everyone.  Today's card features a free digital image from Bugaboo.  They have a new free image each Friday - how nice is that??!! :)  I changed the image up a little ... the original had a star dangling from the snowman's hand, but I replaced that with three red jingle bells that are not only fun to look at, but fun to listen to! :)

I paper-pieced the snowman, adding lots of layers and a little sponging.  I cut out the base image before paper piecing, so replaced the digital image of the ear muff wire with a piece of real wire - happy with how it turned out.  Hope you like.

Here's a close-up:

Stamps:  Lil Snowman Star (Bugaboo); Frosty Sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White (Neenha); Be of Good Cheer DP (SU! - retired), red glimmer
Ink:  Smoky Slate, Pumpkin Pie, Tangerine Tango, Cherry Cobbler, Gumball Green (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Wire, Red Glitter Glue, Dazzling Diamonds, Hemp twine with copper, red jingle bells, glue, adhesives, glue dot, and dimensionals


My stargazer lilies are out in full bloom so wanted to share a picture with you.  These are my favorite flowers ... and I can smell their lovely scent when I'm sitting out on the deck.


  1. Adorable image - looks great against that dp. The Winter Wonderland challenge is bells - do you know that challenge:

    Love your stargazer lilies. I love their scent too. Right now my garden is full of the scent of phlox and sweet peas.

  2. Fab card Loll. I've just downloaded this image and love how you've paper pieced him and the shading is great. Super idea for the ear muffs. Don't you just love Stargazer lillies.......mine are just coming out now.

    Karen x

  3. Beautiful card Loll, I love the snowbank he's sitting on, the sparkle is lovely. Fab lillies too. One of our cows has been in the garden and munched anything that was growing, especially the passionfruit vine :( LOL!! We're still harvesting the fruit so that's something , Cathy x

  4. What a lovely card, and your paper piecing is always wonderful. I enjoyed reading how you changed up the digi image to make it all your own. What a great freebie on this one. Will have to check Bugaboo freebie next Friday. Liked your idea of adding the jingle bells too...nice creative touch. Thanks for sharing your beautiful lilies -- they are gorgeous. Have a great Sunday afternoon, and enjoy. TFS

  5. He's adorable, Lolly! Funny smile on his face, like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or an outlet! It's cute as can be with the jingle bells!! Thanks for sharing the star lilies, too!! xxoo Dolly

  6. nice little snowman, very cute

  7. Hi Loll, what a cute Christmas card, super little snowman :)
    Your Lilies are beautiful! I too adore Them in fact I adore all Lilies and have lots of them in my garden too. I think they have excelled this year, the weather has been good for them xx
    Thanks for calling by, will be a better blogger when we get my Sister sorted :(
    Huge Hugs Mau xx

  8. Such a cute snowman Loll, love the paper piecing and the fact that his ear muffs now resemble trendy head phones:) lovely lilies btw!
    Val x

  9. Thanks to you, I didn't miss out on this adorable snowman freebie!! I love how you've done him!! :)

  10. Your Lillie's are beautiful Loll, just gorgeous, and that card is ho so cute, Just love it.
    Thanks for sharing your talents and pictures.

  11. What a cute and sweet snowman so beautifully colored and paper pieced. Love all your added glitter too. TFS your card and your pretty lilies. I can just smell their sweetness :-)

  12. The devil is in all the details. You always add such depth with them!

  13. The glittery earmuffs and jingle bells really make this handsome guy festive! What a fun Christmas card!

  14. Such a sweet card, Loll...I love all of your details! Thanks for the pic of your stargazer lilies...gosh, they're beautiful!

  15. Your Snowman is so cute!!! I just love the paper piecing and extra details. I love to craft that way also. I was able to download him so I can't wait to give it a try. This will be my first attempt at Digi stamps.

    I love all your artwork!!

  16. Gorgeous card - I love your cute snowman:)hugs xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)