
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Card Candy Give-away #6

Hi everyone.  Time for my next card candy.  This time I made "Christmas Candy" :)

Just LOVE my Blooming Poinsettia die from Poppy Stamps and used it A LOT last year on my cards.  For the candy, I've made two medium and four small poinsettias, with one of each size coated in red and gold glitter glue.  Each poinsettia is shaped and layered for lots of dimension.  In fact, these need to be used on cards that are NOT going through standard mail in envelopes because the flowers would be crushed.  Either boxed for mailing  ... or hand-delivered (which even better!).   :)

I'm planning on making several Christmas cards with these poinsettias and might even use a few of them on tags or as the bow for a small gift.  My tutorial on how I made these is here.  And I've also used them in a card recently ... check here to see!

And to compliment the Poinsettias, I've made a package of "Christmas Greenery".  I have included two of each flourish and two sets of pine branches (one plain, one glittered).  Picture below just shows the plain set.

I used a variety of dies (Madera Corner from Memory Box, Fanciful Flourish from Cheery Lynn, Flourish #6 from Crafty-Ann (a gift from my friend Peggy - thanks Peggy!), Pine Branches from Cheery Lynn.

As I mentioned before ... I'm still experimenting on how I secure the candy in the packages.  The above was secured using temporary adhesive and hopefully everything stays in place during shipping. :)


Would you like some of the card candy above??

I'm offering the above to one person that leaves a comment on this posting before Aug. 13.  I will use the "True Random Number Generator" to determine which comment will receive the candy.

Thanks.   :)


  1. Poinsettias, one of my favorite flowers.
    You have created some beautiful blooms to put on cards and maybe even small gifts.
    cheerios gail

  2. This would be a great head start on Christmas projects. Thanks for a.chance to win.

  3. the flowers look like you just picked them Loll. Beautiful!

  4. More gorgeousness Loll. These are lovely and the "greenery" compliments the poinsettias so well.

    Karen x

  5. Beautiful flowers Loll, thankyou for the tutorial too :) Cathy x

  6. Those are such beautiful flowers, Loll. I always look forward to your card candy giveaways.

  7. Oh my yes, I would love to win some of your beautiful candy. Each of these is so lovely, and I'm off to look at your cards (which I know I saw, but my mind says I better go re-view!), and then check out your tutorial. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs

  8. How lovely! Thanks for the opportunity to win! You sure do great work - thought I can tell it is a labor of love.

  9. WOW!!! These are SO gorgeous!! At first, I didn't realize you made them. I thought they were something you found in a store and bought! You are AMAZING!! These are so beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win these!! And for the tutorial! If I ever buy those dies, I will definitely have to try to make some myself!

  10. Hi Loll,
    What a perfect and delightful giveaway. I'm feeling lucky, since it is my birthday!! Thank you for sharing these, as well as ALL of your inspiration!!

  11. Such pretty card candy!! I just LOVE poinsettias and use them a lot during the holidays!! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  12. the flowers and flourishes are so pretty - would love to win!

  13. I would love a chance to win the card candy. Your poinsettias are beautiful!! Makes me want the dies really really bad, but I know I won't get them. I just signed up for updates to your blog about a week ago, and am really enjoying your cards!
    Thanks, for the inspiration!

  14. Love all the beautiful cards that you make, keep up the great work

  15. Who wouldn't want to add these beautiful "candies" to their Christmas greetings to family and friends. They are stunning!

  16. Loll, your card candies are so awesome, who would no want to win them!! You do such beautiful and inspiring work, thanks so much for a chance to win some!!
    Take care

  17. I would love to win your pretty candy - no calories!

  18. Adoreable, would love to win!! Those flourishes are awesome!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. Love your card candy series. You are such an inspiration to us all - I think I have said this before but it needs saying over and over!!!!! Sarah

  20. The poinsettias look so real, great job!

  21. beautiful eye candy!! thanks for a chance to win

  22. Yummy candy! I adore poinsettias! Thanks!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  23. like the way you package your card candy.

    xx Joanne xx

  24. I love you candy and presentation and would love to stand a chance to win these. Can not wait to see what you come up with next.

  25. yes please Loll, I adore your handmade flowers and how fab you are now moving onto Xmas! Thank you for this opportunity x

  26. Oh wow! beautiful Poinsettias and leaves.. Lovely work. Thanks for the wonderful chance to win... :)

  27. These are amazingly beautifu. Thanks for the chance to win these.

  28. Ooh more goodies Loll! Love the greenery it looked fab on your door wreath the other day:)
    Val x

  29. These are beautiful and I would love to win. Thanks for sharing your sunflower as well. It is gorgeous too.

  30. I like the idea of using the flowers on a tag, would make a neat package. Thanks for a chance to win.

  31. Oh my gosh Loll! look at these fun packets! it's like a little on line shop! so pretty! love your Christmas door on your previous post too!

  32. These are so very beautiful and I would love to win. Thanks so much for being so very generous.

  33. Wow! These are gorgeous. I'm planning my christmas cards now and these would look great. thanks for the tutorial

  34. Some more yummy candy, Loll! Just beautiful!

  35. Trying again to win some of your "card candy" - no calories!!
    Laura Holt

  36. I stumbled on your website today...your cards are BEAUTIFUL!
    I'm going to bookmark your site for sure...thank you for sharing your talent.

  37. Aside from the card being incredibly beautiful, the candy is fantastically generous. How lucky the winner will be. I truly appreciate all that you share with us. loyaz at yahoo dot com

  38. Card is great....candy is great....YOU are great. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Who wouldn't love to win your lovely card candy Loll. I love poinsettias and don't have any die cuts of my own of them. So....I'm wishin...and hopin. Will be waiting to see the lucky winner?

  40. You and your cards are awesome! Thanks for all you share and for the chance to win this fantastic card candy. GlendaJ

  41. Gorgeous Candy Loll, beautiful Poinsettias and such pretty greening to enhance them.
    Thank you for the chance to win.
    Hugs Mau xx

  42. Absolutely gorgeous poinsettias & greenery! I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway! Good Luck to all!

  43. Really lovin' your card candy! Hope I win :o) Hugs D

  44. Just found your blog and already am in love with your cards. And now I see your card candy, which is gorgeous---and you give it away. Wow! Thank you for the inspiration and the opportunity!!

  45. Hi Loll
    Really love your blog heres hoping its me for the blog candy as its gorgeous.
    Will be back real soon.



Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)