
Monday, August 26, 2013

Road Trip!!

Hi everyone.  A super CAS, one-layer card for today.  I CASE'd this fun card from this week's Featured Stamper on SCS - Gabby (FS342 - Gabalot).  I kept my card even more CAS than Gabby's by leaving off the map and banners.

Congrats Gabby on your honor and I hope you enjoy your special week at SCS!!

This is also for SCS CAS Challenge (CAS235 - Going on a road trip) ... perfect timing!!

Here's a close-up:

Stamps:  Fly Away with Me (C.C. Designs)
Paper:  White (C.C. Designs)
Ink:  Basic Black (SU!); Copics:  R27, R29, W4, Y21, YR24
Accessories & Tools:  Ruler

Just found out that I was the Top Pick at Merry Monday for my "Peace" Christmas Card.  Thanks to the Design Team for picking my card ... I'm so honored!!  :)


  1. just fab Loll, I love the CAS ness of this card (is that a word!!) and congrats on your win for the peace card x

  2. Such a cute card! I love your CAS design!

    Congrats on your well deserved win!

  3. This is the cutest little card! Wouldn't it be fun to tool around in one like this!

  4. What a fun card Loll - perfect for so many occasions.

    Karen x

  5. Hi Loll
    Fabulous card... Just found your gorgeous blog stunning cards from Annes Blog.., i am your new follower
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  6. Ach!! this little car is so totally cute Loll!

  7. So stinkin' cute, Lolly!! You rock the OLC!! xxoo Dolly

  8. So totally cute. This little doodlebug of a car just says it all! TFS such a CAS fab card!

  9. This is adorable :) I have been to ur blog earlier but never followed you... God only knows why, maybe at that time I was pretty new to the concept of blogging and following. Now in 6 months, I think I am a better blogger. Nevertheless, what I want to say is that I simply love ur creations :)and would love to keep myself updated with ur creativity :)

  10. Such an adorable little card your sweet car a really great CAS card


  11. Precious card just precious!!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)