
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Birthday, my sweet friend

Hi everyone.  Today I'm sharing a birthday card I made for my sweet friend Frances.  We've known each other for over 20 years and we have spent lots of time over those years crafting together.  In fact, yesterday I hosted a card workshop for Fran and a few of her friends from her Dragon Boat team.  We had lots of fun making Christmas cards ... and we had a birthday cake to celebrate as well.  We have gone out for dinners and lunches several times over those years of friendship ... and occasionally we went for high tea.  Our favorite place is the Secret Garden in Kerrisdale - yummy sandwiches, cakes and tea.  This sweet digi image made me think of the fun times we've had at those high teas ... and I hope it reminds Fran as well.  Happy Birthday Frances!

Here's a close-up of Fran's card:

I stamped the image onto white card stock and colored in with Stampin' Write markers and fussy-cut.  I added dazzling diamonds to the cake "frostings" and crystal effects to the cake plate, two hearts and cherry for some shine.  I popped the cake plate up on a piece of ruby red grid paper.  A simple knot of red ribbon and sentiment finishes the card.

Stamps:  Tea Time (DigiStamp Boutique); Sweet Sentiments (Amy R)
Paper:  White, Ruby Red DSP (SU!)
Ink:  Pretty in pink, Wild Wasabi, Pink Pirouette, So Saffron, Real Red (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  Dazzling diamonds, crystal effects, 1/4" Real Red grosgrain ribbon, Stamp-a-ma-jig, glue, adhesives and dimensionals

This is one of my favorite layouts right now.  Can't get enough of it. :)


My wonderful son, Evan ... came by the other day and put up some more shelves for me in my art studio.  He had set up shelves for me over my work desk a few months back and somehow I managed to fill the space and I was again running out of room - wonder how that happened?? :)  Anyways, I now have more storage on the opposite wall ... I'm so happy! :)  Thank you Evan!!  Love you!!

Still have lots of space to add more containers too! :)  This is not typically how my studio looks ... but I did a big clean up and started rearranging things for the new shelves and wanted to get a picture while it still looked clean! :)  I'm now heading to Simon Says to see what I can buy to fill in those blank spots :)


  1. What a lovely background story to your card for Frances, Loll ... it is rather splendid ... full of yummy colours, glisten and shine ... I'm sure she'l love it! You have an amazing work space ... so organised and tidy and clean ... perfect for creating! Anita :)

  2. Oh wow, what an amazing craft space you have, Loll!! Now wonder you make so wonderful cards. :) This is no exception, the layout looks great and I love the yummy theme. xxx

  3. A truly sweet card for your longtime friend, evoking so many happy memories for you both. Great job on the card as always, and thanks for sharing the story of your friendship. Glad you were able to have some quality crafting time together yesterday. Gosh, you have a wonderful craft space, not to mention a skilled & loving son to create this for you. Does he make house calls? LOL! TFS & Hugs

  4. Love the cupcake birthday card - perfect from someone like you who loves to bake. I love the Dazzling Diamonds - they look like sprinkles.

    And I'm green with envy after seeing the photos of your gorgeous craft space! When I get home, I really must finish my reorganizing. Looking forward to seeing the results of your shopping at Simon Says - I just ordered some stuff from them!

  5. What a charming card for your dear friend! I love how you popped up the elements and added some fun sparkle! I'll bet she loved it!
    I love the shelving you have in your art studio, Loll! How lucky can you get to have such a sweet son to install them for you...and a great friend to enjoy time with at 'High Tea'! Thanks for sharing the photos with us!

  6. How blessed are you, Lolly, to have a handyman son! Well done! You have to use ALL that wall space and do your part aiding the economy by filling them up!!

    Your card for Fran is so adorable and so personal! I love how you've made those sweet cakes look so real on my monitor!! Hugs, Dolly

  7. Fabulous card Loll-Loving those sweet little cakes!That is a great layout and could be used for so many themes.
    Lucky you having a lovely handyman son-and having all that wall space to play with(I mean cram full of goodies tee hee!)I'm with Darnell-fill it all up LOL!!
    Have a great day,Nessa xx

  8. What a gorgeous card for your friend Loll and which lady doesn't love your new storage space it's so neat and tidy


  9. Beautiful card, I am sure ur friend would have loved it :) and ur studio looks brilliant, isn't it great when our family understands our need for space and more space ;)

  10. Yummy card, Loll! Love your spacious, tidy craft studio!

  11. I love this card! the red graph paper pattern is perfect for letting these yummies stand out.
    Your craft space...I'm jealous! Mine is such a disaster zone :S

  12. What a lovely birthday card with so much thought behind it! I love this layout and want to give it a try! You have a super son to put up shelves for you. I can't wait to see what you find to fill them!

  13. Love your gorgeous card Loll - it looks delicious:) Your craft cave looks lovely with all those coloured trays on your new shelves....and it's so neat & tidy too! Hugs xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)