
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More Copper from my friends

Hi everyone.  Quick post as I just wanted to follow-up on my copper post from a few days ago.  I have sent a few of the heated sheets to crafty friends and wanted to include cards made by them ....

First up, two cards made by my good friend Nancy.  Nancy doesn't have a blog, but if you click on this link, it will take you to her Splitcoast Stampers Gallery and hopefully you'll be able to look at all her wonderful work.  Not sure if you have to be a member to view her gallery, but membership is free ... you just have to sign up and you have access to hundreds of thousands of handmade cards as well as challenges and tutorials, and (of course), Nancy's amazing gallery of cards. :)  Otherwise, you can see her copper cards below ...

Next up is my friend (and owner of ATCAS and ATS&M), Kylie.  Here's a link to Kylie's blog which is full of creative and inspiring cards.  

... and one from my friend and fellow DT member at ATCAS, Sandie.  Here's a link to Sandie's blog, which is full of fabulous CAS cards.

Thanks to Nancy, Kylie and Sandie for letting me share their beautiful copper cards with you!!

Edited to Add:

Jacquie just sent me a picture of a copper card she made that was inspired by me (I'm honored!) :) ... so I wanted to share it with you as well.  She is the one that told me about using a heat gun on the copper --- thanks again Jacquie!!  I love the amazing colors she got on the copper! :)


  1. thank you for the shout out and thank you for the sheets. I adore the colour and such fun to play with. Great cards from Nancy and Kylie xx

  2. What amazing cards Loll it's such an effect technique


  3. Hi Loll,

    WOW! These are so gorgeous, love them all especially Nancy, Kylie's and Jacquie's leaves, they are fabulous.

    Please can you tell us where you can buy this copper from?

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie. Buying info for copper is on my original post two days ago. Loll

  4. Wow these cards are so awesome :) I am so glad to see u inspire so many of us. Loved all the cards, isn't this the proudest moment to see people creating inspired by you

  5. Your friends did a beautiful job with the copper. So pretty to see it used so many ways.

  6. Lots of fabulous copper creations, thanks to you Loll! These are gorgeous...I'm way behind with mine...can you tell ? :)

  7. Haven't worked with any copper, but after seeing these beautiful cards I must get some. I think I might do something for fall. Love fall colors and the copper really fills the bill! You and your friends do inspire.

  8. OMG Loll...Look what you have inspired several of us to do with your gifts of copper, many helpful hints and GORGEOUS samples. I loved your cards Kylie, Sandie and Jacquie:-) So creative and such beautiful colors on your copper. Jacquie, I can't wait to try my heat tool.

    Loll, you do not have to be a SCS member to look at someone's gallery, but you can not add a comment if you are not a member. No cost just need to sign up with a password. Easy, Peasy! I am so pleased Loll that you liked my 2 cards. I have an idea for another...what a surprise ! Hugs, Nancy

  9. Wow Loll, just see how you inspire people. Fabulous samples from everyone but must say that the first card by Nancy is amazing.........the dimension is jaw dropping; sure it is one of those tricks of the eye when something looks like it's falling down but in fact is going up, but it's brilliant. Strangely I've been playing with copper this afternoon, so you may see something on my blog in the next day or so.........!

    Karen x

  10. What a great idea to showcase these other artists and their beautiful copper cards! I'm blown away! Hugs, Dolly

  11. Wonderful cards made by your friends!! I'm ashamed to admit I haven't used the copper you gave me yet - life has been so hectic. But then again, I've had the chance to be inspired by everyone else first!! Thanks to all!

  12. Awesome, Loll ... an amazing gallery! Thanks for being the shining light for this trend! Anita :)

  13. They have put me to shame, Loll! I made a card but haven't been able to get a good picture. I'll try again tomorrow. You are such an inspiration!

  14. You are so kind to share all these awesome cards and we are so blessed to by your tutoring. I'm loving the simple beauty of each one of them. I can't wait to try my hand at more of these styles. I don't have a creative type mind, but once I see something that inspires me, I love to try to make it myself. Hugs, Jacquie

  15. WOW, what a gallery of gorgeous copper cards. So much talent out there!!!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)