
Saturday, July 05, 2014

Happy Birthday Kylie!

For my ATCAS post, click HERE.

Hi everyone.  Today is Kylie's birthday.  She is a fabulous friend who is kind, generous, supportive and a lot of fun!  Not only that ... Kylie is incredibly talented.  Check out her blog  Kylie's is Addicted to Stamps (and now butteflies) - you'll be glad you did. Kylie is also our leader at ATS&M and ATCAS challenge blogs ... and the BEST boss ever! :)

Today is all about you, Kylie.  Below is a Linky Party in your honor.  Friends have come together to help make this a fun and exciting birthday for you.

Kylie, here is my birthday card to you, my friend.  Have a fantastic birthday with lots of fun and lots of laughs.  And enjoy this special tribute to you!!  Happy Birthday!!

To all of Kylie's friends ... come join in the fun and link up below.  Thanks for playing along!

Here's how to play.  Make a card for Kylie ... upload to your blog or favorite gallery (Flickr, Splitcoast Stampers, etc.) and link below to join the party.  The link will be open for two weeks, so there's lots of time to play along and send your happy birthday wishes to Kylie.

Thanks to Sandie and Nonni for setting up the "Linky"! :)

For details on how I made this card, please click HERE.

Reminder ... my card for Kylie works great for the new Mixed Media Card Challenge #1 - Touch of Nature.  The challenge is open until July 25th ... hope you'll play along!! :)


  1. Thank you Loll and the girls for organising this for our wonderful friend Kylie. You are all stars!!
    Hugs to everyone,
    Flo x

    1. I forgot to say what an amazing card to kick off the celebrations with!!!
      Thanks again Loll.
      Hugs, Flo xxx

  2. OMG....What a fabulous surprise birthday party for Kylie:-) I will definitely be playing along!

    Kylie so deserves this honor of celebrating her birthday, talent, dedication to creativity and especially her Friendship to all of us from Around the World!

    Thanks for organizing Kylie's party Loll. You are very special too mf :-)

    BTW, your card is absolutely stunning. Kylie will Love it!

    Hugs, Nancy

  3. Oh, for the love of creativity, Lolly, this is your best one yet! That gold looks like you could take it to the bank and deposit it!! Jeepers, woman! And you were also considerate of the fact that it is fall/winter where Kylie lives so your card is perfect for that aspect, too!! You are seriously incredible!! Thanks so much for being the mother board for Kylie's birthday cards and for inviting me to join in the party!! Happy Birthday, Kylie!! Hugs, Dolly

  4. I think I am speechless for the first time in my life. Wow, wow, wow.... Loll thank you so much! Your card is so beautiful and is just stunning in real life! I have just opened my parcel from you - yippee stencils that you made for me. I love them!! Thank you, my friend xx I cant wait to have a look at these cards!! xx

  5. Honestly, when I saw your card, I gasped!!! What an AMAZING work of art you have created, Loll! The gorgeous gold and deep, rich colors you chose to create your leaves are just beautiful, and a real tribute to Kylie! Love. This. Card!!!

    Thank you so much for organizing Kylie's Birthday Linky Party...You are such a great friend to do this for her, and I can't wait to see everyone's beautiful creations!

  6. Wow, Loll, this is gorgeous! Those leaves look so real and the gold looks real too! Love that sweet bow! Thanks for organizing this party for Kylie! I know she's thrilled!

  7. How fun to see that Kylie knows she is the Party Girl! Surprise's are not easy to pull off :-)

    Happy Birthday again Kylie. What a fun, fun time you are going to be having with ALL your creative friends:-)

    Thanks again sweet Loll :-) Hugs, Nancy and

  8. Your card is so beautiful Loll - the gold looks amazing! Thank you for hosting a fun card party for our lovely friend Kylie - I hope she loves her suprise! Hugs xx

  9. You are such a sweetie to set this up for Kylie, Loll! Thank you! Such an elegant those leaves set against the gold! The wispy bow is just perfect touch on this!

  10. Your card is stunningly beautiful, Loll! Thanks so much for sharing it. Kylie is lucky to be a recipient of your art!

  11. Late to the party - but, I made it! Beautiful card Loll - Thanks for Hosting this fun celebration! Happy Birthday Kylie!

  12. Fabulous/glorious card Loll. Happy Birthday to Kylie who inspired so much fun and inspiration.

  13. I love that Gold background and I am sure Kylie does too x

  14. Loll thank you and the other ladies for organising this wonderful birthday party for our lovely Kylie and what a stunner of a card, the gold is AMAZING I'm sure she will adore this


  15. What an absolutely fantastic card Loll, I love that glossy gold and the textured leaves are so scrummy.
    I'm sure Kylie will be over the moon with all these good wishes. :)

  16. What a fabulous card - that gold embossing past and the gold sentiment with those leaves - Kylie must love it! Thanks again for hosting, Loll!

  17. Oh my goodness Loll, how do u create such beauties, I love the gold and rusty orange leaves! I can keep staring at this one forever :)

  18. Loll this is absolutely gorgeous, love the leaves, Kylie will be most pleased with this.

    Happy Birthday Kylie.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  19. Absolutely gorgeous. I am in love with the gold die cut sentiment. And those oh-so-fine threads.

  20. Yet one more gorgeous beauty of the kind I've come to expect here at your blog. Kylie will adore this gleaming gold and rusty leaves card. It fairly sings! TFS & Hugs

  21. Wow ... Loll, this is simply beautiful! I love all the rich shimmery gold ... background, die cut, sentiment, thread ... and those gold splattered leaves ... stunning! Thanks so much for the invitation to Kylie's party! Anita :)

  22. Absolutely gorgeous Loll! I loved it on SCS and it looks even better here! Beautiful work. Hugz!

  23. Wow, this card is stunning Loll!! I swear that gold looks like 24 kart gold! So shiny, so beautiful. Those leaves are gorgeous too, Just a beautiful, stunning card. Hugs, Brenda

  24. Love the wonderful gold on this Loll - with the beautiful orange of the leaves - a beautiful b'day card for Kylie!

  25. Beautiful card and happy birthday kylie. I am new follower of this blog and love to be here


  26. Wow Loll - the gold looks so realistic! Love the fabulous Happy die-cut, and as for the leaves - they're AWESOME!!
    Thanks for organising a brilliant linky for Kylie's birthday! Sylvia xxx

  27. I'm late coming to applaud your gorgeous rust-and-gold card for Kylie! Eye-catching, dazzling, delightful in every way! Those leaves...the gold...swoon-inducing! We're at my in-laws this weekend and in the midst of pre-travel planning, traveling, spending time with relatives and so on, my post for Kylie is late. Naughty me! Still, I'm sooooo thrilled I created a card just for her; and exponentially thrilled to be part of the celebration! What an awesome friend you are!!

  28. Wow! I have come to thank you for your sweet comment and have found this amazing card! Please, please share your secret and tell me how you created this amazing golden background! I have been wanting to buy some golden embossing powder and really need some that is actually gold. Not brassy gold, but nice gold... like this one. Any tips, please? A
    Also, may I say, you are a wonderful friend to make such an effort for Kylie... so sweet! I shall join your followers in a hope that we might be friends too and totally look forward to some more amazing inspiration from you! :) Thanks, Ingrid xx

  29. This is just spectacular!!! I love the gold!!

  30. Absolutely beautiful card, Loll! The stencilled harlequin background is stunning and the leaves look like felt. Thanks so much for hosting Kylie's link birthday party :)

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Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)