
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Daisy Hello

Hi everyone.  Today is the start of the February Sketch Challenge at Happy Little Stampers.  Kylie has come up with another fabulous CAS sketch ... which can be used for ANY style of card (doesn't have to be CAS).  I hope you'll come and play along! :)

Here's the sketch ...

I did keep my card CAS (clean and simple), sponging a background using a starburst stencil, and adding a die-cut flourish with a little sponging around the edges to give it interest.  The daisy is punched and shaped using tweezers and a stylus (see my written tutorial here on how I shaped this flower).  I added a teeny, tiny bit of pattern with the brad I used for the center of the daisy.  A simple stamped sentiment finishes the card.  I wanted to match the colour of my brad and didn't have an ink that colour, so inked the stamp first with ripe persimmon and then one quick swipe with barn door and then stamped ... it matched pretty well. :)

That's about it ... pretty simple design.  Easy peasy card to make that didn't take very long.  I hope you'll come and play along with our sketch challenge.

And, if you also enter your card into the same challenge located on the Happy Little Stampers Forum, your name is automatically entered for a random draw prize.


You may have noticed that I haven't been around for a little while.  Just over a week ago, I was out for a nice walk with my hubby when I tripped and fell.  I tore a tendon in my leg and had to have surgery.  I've just been home from the hospital for a few days now.  The recovery is at least six weeks with not being able to put any weight on the one leg and have it straight at all times.  It's a challenge to say the least.  After that there will physio to get everything working properly again.  This means my on-line time  will be limited and I may not be get back to my studio for quite a while.   In the meantime, I have some pre-scheduled posts with some fun cards that I hope you'll check out.

Stamps:  Where Your Heart Is (Simon Says)
Paper:  White (Neenah); Pear Pizzazz (SU!)
Ink:  Pear Pizzazz (SU!); Mustard Seed, Ripe Persimmon, Barn Door (Distress inks by Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Starburst stencil cut with my Silhouette Cameo, sponges, Flourish #6 die (Crafty Ann), Medium Daisy Punch (Punch bunch), Designer Brad (SU!), tweezers and stylus for shaping daisy, glue dots


  1. Oh goodness, Loll. You're not supposed to do that! I hope the recovery goes well. Take good care of yourself. And I hope maybe you check your email every once in awhile...

  2. Hi Loll
    Fabulous card... Love the stencilled background....
    Sorry to hear about your fall... Take it easy....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  3. So sorry to hear of your accident Loll, rest up and take care of yourself! Gorgeous card, love the pretty stencilled background, Cathy x

  4. So sorry to hear about your fall and subsequent op, hope you get back on your feet as soon as possible. In the meantime I hope your hubby is pampering you. X
    PS Fab card. :)

  5. You poor thing.. I hope you heal quickly. Gorgeous CAS card. love the daisy.

  6. Hi Loll, So sorry to hear about your accident, I do hope you are not in too much pain, do not worry about posting on here we will still be here whenever you are, if you get my meaning lol! You just concentrate on getting better.

    Gorgeous card, love the background on it too, really sets the daisy off.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J

  7. Oh,no, Loll. I'm so sorry about your fall. Get better quickly so you can get back to your studio but don't worry about posting or visiting. I love your card, the background and the wonderful dimension in the daisy.

  8. Your card is a beautiful take on the sketch. LOVE your daisy, you make them look so professional. You know I am thinking of you and hope you have a speedy recovery. What have I said about drinking and walking?? Or just walking? It's bad for your health, lol!! Get better soon, dear friend xx

  9. Sorry to hear about your fall and op Loll ..wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Lovel your CAS card...


  10. Sorry to hear about your accident, wish you a speedy recovery. I have just found your blog after following your tutorial for saturated watercolour, which I loved and have made a few cards.
    Your card is gorgeous I love the daisy and the back ground. Hugs Gail xx

  11. I love this daisy and the feminine flourish! They are beautiful with the soft, sunny background! I hope today is a little easier than yesterday! Gentle hugs.

  12. This is perfect, Loll! You always get the balance of elements spot on. Sorry to hear about your fall and op - hope it doesn't keep you out of the craft room for too long!

  13. So sorry to hear about your fall and stay in hospital, Loll ... wishing you a very swift recovery! Your card's beautiful ... gorgeous bloom and flourish against the lovely stencilled background! Anita :)

  14. Awful news about your fall and downtime! You heal fast so we can see your fabulous cards again soon! At leat you can surf the web sitting with your leg straight. What PITB for sure!

  15. So happy Loll you are home now and starting your healing process. If you only knew how I/we have missed you my dear friend! Don't worry about keeping in touch just about healing. Your sketch challenge card is so beautiful and so You! Love it all. Will be looking forward to all your pre-scheduled cards too. Hugs to you and Gord. Now all the family can take care of you my friend :-)

  16. sorry to hear about your accident. I wish you a speedy recovery so you can get back to crafting.

  17. This is a gorgeous card that only you can make Loll! I love the stencil design in yellow and I love, love the daisy and flourish! You sentiment is perfect and I love how you got that color. You always amaze me! Oh no Loll!!! I was wondering what had happened, just thought you were really busy, never thought that you might have hurt yourself!! Thanks goodness you have started the healing process, now make everyone wait on you hand and foot! lol You know we will be right here waiting for you to get better and come back with your beautiful creations. Big Hugs, Brenda

  18. Dear Loll,
    I heard about your fall and surgery in the Dirty Girls thread and have added you to my prayer list! I'm so sorry for all this that you've had to go through and know the days ahead will be rough, but please know you are being prayed for by many, and our Lord is our Healer and I know He will give you strength and comfort for the recovery time ahead!!! Sending hugs and well wishes,

  19. Well, Loll...this is a beauty...wishing you well and looking forward to the day you can get back to making your lovely CAS cards! Hugs and healing thoughts...

  20. Awesome CAS card - hoping you have a speedie recovery!

  21. Hi, Loll - I'm a constant admirer of all your beautiful cards and faithfully follow you even though I don't often make a comment. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident and hope you make a quick and complete recovery.

  22. Such a CAS and pretty card it! SO sorry to hear about your fall! Sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery! :0)

  23. WOW, I love your card, Loll!!!!! Simply beautiful!!!!

    So sorry to hear about your leg!!!! Hope you will have a speedy recovery!!!!

    Have a lovely week!!!

  24. Love the stencil take on the sketch and thinking of you x

  25. Sweet Loll, thinking of you sweetie. You are in my prayers for you to heal well and to have patience to let yourself heal. Love you. This card is so beautiful and makes me happy. Love the color of yellow that pops and sets the background for the daisy. Hugs.

  26. Oh Loll, so sorry to hear you are hurt. Sending cyber hugs and best wishes for a good recovery. I do love your daisy card. :-)

  27. so sorry about your fall and injury - i think i dread a fall more than any injury or illness - your card is so pretty - and so spring! will have to pin this one!!

  28. Your daisy design is just perfect for the happy little sketch, Lolly! I don't know if you got my email, but I'm so sorry to hear about your nasty fall. Take this opportunity to rest and the time will pass before you know it. One nice thing is that it will give you lots of together time with Gord. I suspect he'll be a great nurse nancy for you! The hardest thing is just accepting and letting it all go. No worries about commenting or visiting or crafting. We will miss you terribly, but we will all be here when you return!! Mwah! Dolly

  29. Love this card Loll, just love those easy peasy cards.
    So sorry to hear about your fall, and subsequent surgery, hope your recovery time is quick and not too awfully painful, wishing you the best, big hugs !!!!

  30. Oh, Loll... I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I missed your posts but thought you might just still be fighting that bug you had recently and was not feeling like making cards. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to recover.

    This card is gorgeous. As one who loves die cuts, it's just CAS perfection to me! :)

  31. I love the sketch and your take on it Loll. The flower and flourish look so pretty with that stencilled yellow circle behind. So sorry to hear about the fall and the surgery. I hope you are at least feeling ok even if you can't do much. It must be very frustrating for you but take it easy. x

  32. Shame on me for missing this post...honestly, I thought you were in bed (how silly of me)! Absolutely gorgeous take on the sketch, Loll! I love the soft yellow in the background and your daisy is just so sweet! Thanks so much for your inspiration!

  33. Love your beautiful daisy card Loll! Sorry to hear that you had to have surgery on your's frustrating when you can't do much, but make sure you rest up! Sending you get well wishes and big hugs xx

  34. Oh my goodness ..... I've just been doing a blog catch up, so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope the surgery went well and that you're on the mend. Take care and get well soon hun. Big hugs ... Linda xx

  35. Your card is beautiful!
    So sorry to hear about your fall...
    I can so relate...I did that last year in my own home. I tripped over a computer cord and did a belly flop on my hard wood floors. ( I do not recommend With all the pain I had, I felt for sure that I broke something, but the x-rays came out with nothing broken...did some Pt. The point of this long story is that all is fine now. I will pray for you that you have the good results that I had.

  36. This is just breathtakingly beautiful :) Love the partial stenciling in yellow !


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)