
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Watercoloured Tiger Lily

Before we get to the card details, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you that sent me comments, emails and cards with well wishes.  I really am humbled by your generous support during my recovery from surgery.  Thank you all so much! I'm truly blessed!


Crazy title for a challenge, right?? :)  That's the challenge that sparked this card - AAA Game 33 - use orange on your card.

I LOVE orange, especially the shades of orange in Distress Inks.  So that means I needed to watercolour --- again! :)  This time I stamped in black ink and heat embossed in clear.  Then I watercoloured with distress inks.  After the flower was dry, I just randomly added lots of water to the background and dropped in bits of orange and green DIs.  Something new for me to try and pretty happy how it turned out.  The sentiment is also stamped in black and clear embossed.

I wanted to post this today, so I took pictures before the card was completely dry ... you can see there's some warping. :)  Once it's dry, I'm going to weight it down to flatten it out and it will look better. :)

I'll add this to the growing gallery at Happy Little Stampers February CAS Challenge - Embossing.  And also, I used my water brushes to "Make My Mark" at ATS&M Challenge #132.

Stamps:  Tiger Lily (Penny Black); Lots of Thanks (Simon Says)
Paper:  Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Black (Memento); Distress Inks:  Dried Marigold, Spiced Marmalade, Ripe Persimmon, Rusty Hinge, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  clear embossing powder, heat tool, waterbrushes

AAA #33
HLS February CAS - Embossing
ATS&M #132 - Make Your Mark


  1. Hi Loll,

    Beautiful creation as are all your cards. love the background effect on this, so random but awesome.

    I hope you are feeling better today and on the road to a full recovery?

    Take care

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Beautiful card. Lily look like submerged in the fog, just wonderful. The colors are stunning, gorgeous watercolouring. I love the stamp used.

  3. This is gorgeous as always, Loll. I'm so far behind on reading my blogs that I didn't even know about the surgery. I'm so glad everything went well and you are on the road to recovery.

  4. This is a beautiful lily! Love the washed background. Glad to see you're getting more time in the studio!

  5. Beautiful card Loll, love the colours. Glad to hear your on the mend :) Cathy x

  6. Gorgeous!! Awesome that you are getting better too!! :)

  7. Wow, this is so gorgeous Loll! I love tiger lily's and this is as beautiful as the real thing. Your watercoloring is always stunning! I hope you are healing well from your surgery Loll, although I know it takes time to heal. Keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, Brenda

  8. Wow, this is so gorgeous Loll! I love tiger lily's and this is as beautiful as the real thing. Your watercoloring is always stunning! I hope you are healing well from your surgery Loll, although I know it takes time to heal. Keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, Brenda

  9. Gorgeous tiger lily, Loll! I love the vibrant orange and your water colored background is perfect! I'm so glad you were able to play along with us at ATSM, and really glad to know that you are healing since your surgery! Take care of yourself!

  10. Love that Tiger Lily image Loll, it looks gorgeous given the w/c treatment.
    So glad to hear you are on the mend.

  11. Love your take on this challenge Loll...gorgeous card...pleased to hear you are feeling better


  12. your watercoloring looks fabulous - thanks for sharing your beautiful card at ATSM this week

  13. Lovely water coloring, Loll! That fab lily shows up so well on your beautiful background!

  14. So gorgeous, Loll! Your tiger lily reminds me of those we'd see growing wild along the roads we'd travel to my grandparents' farm. Such beauty, swaying in the breezes...I have such a fondness for these flowers, be they lovely orange, like yours here, or pink, which I had in my garden, years ago. You've triggered warm, wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing your *make your mark* work of art in the ATSM gallery!

  15. Just lovely, Loll ... beautifully watercoloured and such a soft background that allows the lily to shine! Anita :)

  16. Wow Loll what a fabulous lily! Love your watercoloured background too:)
    Val x

  17. You are so ready to move on to canvas with your watercoloring, Lolly, if you haven't already! Your tiger lilly looks so real, I swear I can smell the heady fragrance!! I hope your recovery is progressing and going smoothly!! Hugs, Dolly

  18. So beautiful. These grow wild in Michigan!

  19. I'm sorry I did not know of your surgery and hope you are recouping nicely, Loll. Your hands are working just fine judging from this gorgeous watercolor! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely tiger lily with us at AAA Cards!

  20. Gorgeous - just like all your cards, no exception!!!!

  21. Gorgeous colors and design Loll.

    Hugs Diane

  22. This is so very beautiful :) looks like a painting :)

  23. Hi Loll! So glad you are recovering from you surgery!! Love your card today, the water-coloured background is stunning and the flower just pops!! Thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog, I missed you while you were laid up! hugs :)

  24. Great watercoloring Loll. I hope you are feeling better already.

  25. Gorgeous card! I do love this wonderful watercolouring tiger lily!

  26. Beautiful water coloring - Thanks for joining in at AAA!

  27. This is so pretty, So glad you could play along with our orange challenge at AAA Cards

  28. Watercoloring scares me, this is gorgeous Loll. Love your background around your image too.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)