
Tuesday, June 02, 2015

HLS June CAS Challenge - Sprays

Hi everyone.  This month at Happy Little Stampers, the CAS challenge is Sprays / Mists.  I am in love with my new sprays ... I think I might have mentioned that before a few times. :)

Sprays are fun to use and I hope you'll come play along.  Don't worry if you don't have any spray inks.  Just pull out a water mister and join in the fun!! :)

Today I used both watercolour sprays and water mister for a new-to-me technique called Ghosting.  Click HERE to see a video tutorial by Dyan Reaveley on this fun technique.

I sprayed my watercolour panel with three different colours of sprays (lime green, green, and turquoise).  Once dry, I placed a leafy stencil over top and misted with lots of clear water.  I pulled the stencil off right away and then left the panel for about 10 seconds to let the water work itself into the watercolours. I blotted up with a paper towel, which removes the excess water, and some of the colour, leaving this dreamy looking, soft leafy design in the background.  LOVE IT!

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, and it's probably very obvious to most of you, but by using small panels of these technique pieces, I maintain the CAS feel to my card, even though the main focal panel has a lot going on.  It gives me the opportunity to play with all these fabulous techniques and products that I love ... while maintaining the CAS style that is me. :)

I made this birthday card for my good friend, Mary.  She loves birds, and she loves to make sprayed backgrounds on her cards, so I thought she'd like this. :)  She's received it now.  I made sure it would be there before the end of May, in time for her birthday.  Then I found out I was a month early. :)  Happy early birthday, Mary!! xx

This month we are thrilled to welcome Chrissie (Simply One of  a Kind) as our Guest Designer.  Welcome Chrissie!  Click HERE to check out the challenge and see the amazing cards done by both Chrissie and Kylie.

I hope you'll join us for this fun challenge.  Make sure to use a spray(s) or water mister on your CAS card, and then add your link to the challenge.   I'll be back soon with another way to use sprays. :)

Because I used a few little snippets for this card, I'm joining in the fun at the Snippets Playground for a second time. :)

Stamps:  A Little Sentimental (Clearly Besotted)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Versamark
Accessories & Tools:  Sprays made with Liquid Watercolour Concentrate (Dick Blick) in Turquoise, Green, and Lime Green (green and yellow mixed together).  Leaf Stencil cut with my Silhouette Cameo, water mister, paper towels, Nested Bird (Poppy Stamps), Twigs and Berries die (Memory Box), Tender Leaves dies (Memory Box), white embossing powder, heat tool, stylus and mat for shaping leaves



  1. Love this Loll. Need a video!

  2. Wow Loll - what a gorgeous result from the Ghosting technique - a perfect background for the white birds. AWESOME!
    Hope all is well with you and yours - Sylvia xx

  3. Beautiful Loll, Ive not yet been able to let go and do this. Maybe its time, as you say using small parts keeps your card looking CAS. Love it

  4. Love the technique, adore the card, Loll! That background is amazing!

  5. Fabulous - your background is amazing!

  6. Hi Loll,

    This is absolutely stunning, so love this background and the colours are gorgeous.

    Love & hugs
    Jacquie J xxx

  7. This is amazing, Loll! I watched the video and Dyan makes it look easy and you make it sound easy. I've got to give this a try! Mary will get to enjoy her birthday even longer this year!

  8. Curious as to where/how you use your sprays -- Lordy but I get it everywhere [I have gone at at least using a box NOW - don't look at my computer keyboard though], and ALWAYS too much on my paper :( -- I love how even your panel looks with the coverage. Tutorial?? :)

    1. I use a box a lot of the time when I spray. :) It helps keep things contained. :) But I sometimes can't wait to get going and just start happily spraying. All my sprays are waterbased, so they clean up easily (thank goodness). :) xx

  9. I love that technique, Loll, and it's the perfect background for the die cut bird.

  10. I don't have any stencils, so I wet a stamp with water and stamped on the sprayed background - worked great!!

  11. Gorgeous colors for your beautiful ghosting bg technique Loll! I will definitely be trying. Love your die cut branch, bird and sentiment in white too. TFS and always Inspiring all of us mf.

  12. Love the colours and love the bleaching effect of the stencil and water spritz. :)

  13. Wow! This is just gorgeous! That's a technique I'd definitely like to try!!

  14. What a gorgeous background Loll! I love the color and the softness you created with the stencil. Looking forward to this month's challenge (as I have all the other ones too!).

  15. Gorgeous background such lovely colors.

  16. Oh my, I am so loving this background on this card Loll!! Such a stunning background, it made for a beautiful card. Love, love, love! Hugs, Brenda

  17. Beautiful stencil background colours Loll and it really shows off your lovely die..


  18. Oh Loll, this is divine! And, as you say, still CAS even with a busy image panel - such a great tip!!


    Di xx

  19. This is gorgeous Loll, the background is beautiful. Carol x

  20. You put into a nutshell just what I'm trying to achieve Loll. I love to try out all the new arty techniques that are out there but am trying to incorporate them into CAS style cards. I love that you put links to YouTube technique videos on the HLS blog, it's so much fun trying out new things! Gorgeous card, hope I get a chance to play along. Stef x

  21. Fabulous technique Loll, your cards always take my breath away! Love that bird on the branch, I'm sure your friend was delighted with her card even if it was early!
    Val x

  22. how your cards mf...
    Thanks for the visit to my blog. Your support and kind comments are very much appreciated!

  23. p.s. love your new blog fun.

  24. It's lovely. And as beautiful as it is in the photo, it's even MORE SO IRL. The photo doesn't show as well the unbelievable splash of color & the texture of those leaves. Love it! And so has everyone who has come in the house that saw it on the mantle! You got it right...Love my birds and those wonderful sprays. Happy, Happy when one gets this kind of very special card! Thank you! Hugs

  25. That's a beautiful card Loll. Fab ghosting technique. xxx

  26. This is gorgeous. I was admiring that subtle background, and saw that it is a technique I have never even heard of. So happy to stop by and learn something new that I can't wait to try. Your white die cut looks fantastic and so bold against this background.

  27. Oh my goodness Loll...This is over the top GORGEOUS! Your background is just so beautiful, and you've inspired me to try this technique ~ Thanks for the link and for your step-by-step on the details!

  28. A stunning result with this technique! The colour is gorgeous and the bird was perfect for Mary xx

  29. This is really pretty Loll and you have taken just the right amount of water out to give the look without being too heavy handed. I love the background colour and the white die cut is just perfect. x

  30. Simply gorgeous, Loll ... what a wonderfully soft and dreamy background ... perfect with the crisp white die cut! Anita :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)