
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Happy Hello and Special Visitors

Hi everyone.  Had fun playing in my studio yesterday.  This card started with a background I made a while ago (click HERE to see a card made earlier and instructions on how I made the background).

This time, my experiment was to see if my new Zig watercolour pens would colour over the frost sprayed background.  They did! :)  I used my Misti for stamping on this card.  I used the "bumpy" side of my watercolour paper for this background, so really needed some help to get clean stampings of my flower stem and sentiment. The Misti came to my rescue ... I was able to stamp each of them multiple times until I achieved the look I wanted. :)  Then I quickly coloured in the flowers and leaves with my Zig pens.

I had so much fun just playing. :)


Also, I wanted to share that hubby and I had two very special visitors come by a couple of days ago.  Darnell (djkardkreations) and her Mister dropped by on their way back home after vacationing on Vancouver Island.  Dolly (that's what I call her), is a lovely, kind, and generous person --- exactly what I expected after getting to know her on-line.  And her Mister is a sweetheart.

It was so exciting to meet her after being "friends" on-line for a long time.  I have always admired Darnell's creativity ... and I always enjoy her witty posts.  You make me laugh, Dolly ... and my days are always brighter when I stop by your blog.

We had a great visit, talked about all kinds of things ... family, work, crafting.  The time flew by all too soon.

Dolly made sure that we took a picture of the two of us before leaving.  I am not good in photographs, but Dolly looks great! :)  I didn't think until after they were gone that I should have taken a picture of Dolly and Mister.  Hopefully we can do that next time. :)

Stamps:  Delightful (Penny Black); The big, the bold and the happy (Winnie & Walter)
Paper:  Watercolour (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  Black Archival (Ranger), Zig watercolour pens
Accessories & Tools:  Textured mesh stencil (Memory Box), Watercolour sprays made from Liquid watercolour concentrate (Dick Blick), water brush


  1. Your card is beautiful Loll!
    ... and how lucky are the 2 of you to have met in real life!
    Awesome ♥

  2. Can you believe it?! We actually got to meet in person!! Everyone will be so happy for us! You are a real doll, just like I knew you would be! Thank you so much for a wonderful visit and lunch and new toys!! Now you and Gord need to come visit us! Mwah!! Huge hugs, Dolly

  3. What a special card Loll - love the background and the stamping over. I am so totally jealous!!! You got to meet Dippy and Mister - what an absolute treat..........hoping next time she does a quick detour via the UK!!! lol


    Karen xxx

  4. Lovely card Loll . . . and love that happy photo of you and the lovely Darnell! I am so jealous that everyone all over blogland are managing to meet one another, what a lovely way to spend some time! It must be terrific getting to meet someone in the 'flesh' that you get to know quite well on-line! Have a lovely week! Hazel xx

  5. Lovely card, Loll! MISTI & Zig Clean Color Markers are 2 of my current obsessions. Those and my stitched rectangles - as we all know, Ha. So happy that you & Darnell met IRL! What fun! Someday I would love to meet all of my blogging friends.

  6. Looks like someone is having fun with those new watercolour pens :) How awesome that you and Darnell got to spend some time together! Love the picture of the two of you!!!

  7. Fabulous card and so excited for you to have met your good friend in real life! I'll bet the room was ringing with laughter! :)

  8. I know you had a wonderful afternoon with D. & K., Loll! What a special time! Love your card and the rich colors the Zigs give! So pretty against that green background!

  9. Gorgeous card Loll! Love that background and the flowers are just lovely! Isn't it wonderful to meet new crafty friends, sounds like you had a great time! hugs :)

  10. Lovely card Loll but how fantastic that you and Darnell met up! Its like you've always known each other when you finally meet :0)
    Val x

  11. How FUN Darnell & DH stopped by to physically meet you! Isn't it so fun how you "know" each even though you never had met - its the best! Your card is quite fabby -- got to love MISTI for the solid stamping :)

  12. Beautiful background for your stamped flowers and leaves. Your MISTI really worked great.

    TFS your wonderful picture Loll of you and Darnell. You both look so happy and the best of friends:-)

    Hugs, Nancy

  13. Great card - so pretty, your background! Darnell makes me laugh, too! Such fun that the two of you were able to meet!

  14. Lovely card as always Loll! And I'm so jealous you got to meet Darnell in person! I too love her witty posts and always come away with a smile on my face after visiting! But I love your blog too and all your gorgeous cards and inspiration. I've learned SO much from you and hope you keep it coming for years and years...thank you, thank you!! :0)

  15. Wonderful tiled background for your pretty stem Loll - and how fun was meeting Darnell and the Mister!!! I bet she was happy to meet you as well! Julia xx

  16. I love that background and so glad to hear the Zigs will color over it. So glad your and Darnell got to meet. What a treat it is to connect IRL with our cyber friends.

  17. Pretty background and flowers, Loll! I have my Zigs. Hoping to have time to play with them soon. I know you enjoyed your visit with Darnell. Your package arrived today. You must have put a turbo on it! Love the sweet little card with these same flowers! Now I get a close up look! Thank you so much!

  18. Isn't it fun to meet blogging friends? I was lucky enough to meet Darnell earlier this month! Love your card! It makes me chuckle because I used the same stamp on the card I posted when I talked about meeting her! What a coincidence!

  19. So glad for you, Loll, that you got to meet Darnell - what fun after being on-line friends for so long! I think it's a great photo of the two of you. Love your card too - beautiful shades of green from your homemade sprays.

  20. Your card is gorgeous, and that is a great hint about using the misti to stamp on water color paper. Love that you got to meet Darnell. She is still on my 'need to meet' list.

  21. Gosh I keep hearing about the Misti, trying hard not to look it up! Your card is gorgeous and you look fab in the photo x

  22. What a gorgeous card Loll and the background is just beautiful. I really must get some zig pens after seeing what you achieve with them.
    How great that you got to meet Darnell and that she is as fun in real life as she is on her blog!
    Carol x

  23. Beautiful background, Loll ... and gorgeous blooms over it! Misti ... zig pens ... both in my wish book ... moving rapidly towards to top of the list! Brilliant photo of you and the lovely Darnell ... how fantastic you got to meet one another! Anita :)

  24. I love that background. I'm heading over to your other post to see how you did that! And the flowers and stems are absolutely beautiful. What a lucky gal you are to have met Darnell! Love that picture of you two!!

  25. Gorgeous card. Loved the background

  26. Gorgeous card Loll! Beautiful techniques and I too love the MISTI! Always so fun to meet kindred stampers in person! Glad you snapped a picture to share! Fun to see you both!

  27. Gorgeous card Loll, the backround looks fantastic, so much texture. Awesome photo of you & Darnell, you look like you had a wonderful time, Cathy x

  28. Really enjoyed this fun post! (1) Beautiful card, and so good to know that the Zigs will color easily over these backgrounds with no problems. The result was fabulous against this created & so textured background. Perfect image to complement the background too. Enjoyed seeing the pic of Lolly & Dolly & I know ya'll had such a good time meeting up like this. Isn't it such a wonderful feeling to find out the 'nice online friend' is JUST as nice IRL? Nice picture of the 2 of you, and I see Happy on both your faces. So pleased that this got to happen as planned! TFS & Hugs

  29. Great job with your Ziggies, Loll! I love how you added color to your background and the flowers are so pretty! How wonderful that you got to meet Darnell! I'll bet it was a lot of fun...Great pic of you girls, too :)

  30. Another beauty, Loll! I am so impressed with how well the zig pen ink showed up over the stencil ink. Love it! And love that Penny Black stamp too. So fun that you and Darnell got to meet - she's a honey!

  31. Another beautiful creation Loll and the Zigs have coloured over the background perfectly. The Misti seems to be avery useful tool and think I must add it to my wish list. I love the photo of Lolly and Dolly and how great that you were able to meet up. x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)