
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Two Birthdays and Two CASES

Hi everyone.  Today I'm here with a Happy Birthday wish for Chrissie (Simply One of a Kind).  Chrissie is well know throughout the crafting community as one of the original owners of the very popular Less Is More Challenge.  She is also now a team mate of mine on the Happy Little Stampers CAS Challenge. :)  I have long admired her AMAZING creations.  Chrissie has a special spot in her heart for butterflies, and I couldn't resist CASE'ing this gorgeous card.  Thank you Chrissie ... you are such an inspiration to me! :)  I know that Chrissie is away and celebrating her special birthday with her family.  Have a wonderful holiday and the best birthday EVER, Chrissie!  xx

The background was made last time I got together with my friend Susan (Cardmaker's Garret).  She shared a technique she had learned from her friend Christine, on how to use Inka Gold wax paste to make beautiful backgrounds.  You just spread a bit of the paste on your non-stick mat (I used Cobalt Blue, Jade Green, and Platinum).  Mist with lots of water and then drop your card stock on top and press down.  I pulled three pieces with just what I had on my mat.  The first one was the darkest and I used it for the solid butterfly, the second one was lighter and that's what I used for the main panel.  I have an even lighter one to use for another time. :)  Inka Gold pastes are metallic and have a shimmer and shine that you can't see in the photo, but are so pretty in real life.  I used silver embossing on some dots on the main panel and for the sentiment.

It's also my friend, Jules (Crafting with Jules) birthday!!!  Happy Birthday to you Jules!  Hope you have a wonderful day filled with joy and laughter!

I CASED this beauty from Jules blog.  It really is a shameful copy, actually.  The only thing I changed was the sentiment ... and the background is brushos on coated card stock instead of Jules beautifully sponged background. :)  I have long admired this card, and I thought it was a great opportunity to honour Jules today. :)

I have mailed off birthday cards to both Chrissie and Jules, but as always, I seem to get these things into the mail late.  Hopefully they will arrive shortly. :)

So I'm playing along with a few challenges this week.  I'm entering my butterfly card into Addicted to Stamps & More - CAS challenge ... and also entering it at Less is More where they are looking for snippets (my butterfly is a snippet!).  And speaking of snippets, I'm popping into the Snippets Playground too! :)  And I'm adding my Christmas tree card to the Happy Little Stampers July Christmas Challenge - Trees.

Edited to add:  Just found a new-to-me challenge at SSS (Work it Wednesdays) through another crafter's blog.  This month's it's die-cuts so I'm entering my butterfly card above.

Butterfly For You:
Stamps:  Gorgeous Grunge, A Word for You (SU!)
Paper:  White (Neenah)
Ink:  Versamark
Accessories & Tools:  Inka Gold wax pastes (Cobalt blue, Jade Green, Platinum), water mister, Moonlight and Kaleidoscope Butterfly dies (Memory Box), silver embossing powder (Ranger)

Thinking of You at Christmas:
Stamps:  Vignette: Tree Silhouettes (STAMPlorations); Beautiful Season - sentiment (SU!)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Coated Card stock (unknown)
Ink:  Brushos (turquoise, purple); Copics; Versamark; Pear Pizzazz (SU!)
Accessories & Tools:  water mister, Snow drifts dies (My Favorite Things), White embossing powder, Shabby Chic Frantage (Stampendous), heat tool

ATS&M #154 - CAS
Less is More #234 - Snippets
Snippets Playground #187
HLS July Christmas - Tree
SSS Work it Wednesdays - Die-cuts


  1. Fabulous card .... Lol....
    Love the Butterfly....
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  2. Love the results of that technique, Loll! Stunning cards! Something I will be adding to my "must try this" list :)

  3. Just beautiful texture Loll x

  4. Beautiful cards! Love the textured background!
    Thanks for sharing the technique...I am going to pull out my Inka Gold!

  5. Absolute perfection here today, Lolly! Wonderful CASEing and tributes to both of these very dear and talented ladies! You did them proud!! And thank you for sharing the details on the gorgeous technique! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Dolly

  6. Beautiful cards! Love the butterfly's so serene. Christmas tree card is fabulous.

  7. WOW! Loll these are totally stunning and gorgeous as ever! Can't pick a favourite as they are both so elegant and pretty. I'm sure Chrissie will love hers and the fact that you cased one of hers makes it all the more special. Great use of your snippets and thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  8. Oooh, & Aaah! On both these lovely cards. Oh goodie, another background technique idea. Will have to try this. The CAS butterfly is just too gorgeous against that lovely background. And I am so loving the tree scene. That looks like frantage as the snowflakes (and I'm rubbish with that stuff.) It's so very dimensional and this is just a gorgeous scene. Always get such grand inspiration here. TFS & Happy Sunday

  9. What a beautiful birthday card for Chrissie! I'll have to look into the Inka Gold. The butterfly is gorgeous! Love the pretty winter scene too! Love the snowbanks and icy trees!

  10. Aw shucks Loll, thanks for such a lovely tribute.
    I'm afraid the weather here is awful today so we have stayed put, hopefully we will get out later in the week. I had my daughter and grandson over this morning with cards and a pressie( 2 new butterfly dies!!!) :) xx

  11. Beutiful cards! Thanks for sharing the Inka technique - I was just thinking about a different way to use the ones I have! Awesome - I will try your water downed effect...

  12. Gorgeous cards, Loll! I am particularly fond of the first one with the fabulous background and cool technique - which I now need to add to my " to try" list!! Great work, as always!

  13. Both cards are fabulous, love the technique you`ve used.
    Lynne xxx

  14. Simply beautiful Loll . . . I must dig out my stash of Inca Golds . . . that's if they haven't dried up by now! Have a lovely evening Hazel xx

  15. Absolutely beautiful cards! Great blue background on the first card. I love the way the colors blend together. The second card I love these trees covered with the first snow ... Looking at this card I begin to miss the winter, and it already is strange, because I prefer summer :-)

  16. Such gorgeous texture, Loll ... a beautiful butterfly against that yummy background ... and those snow sprinkled trees are just lovely! Anita :)

  17. Gorgeous card for Chrissie Loll, love the colour on the butterfly and background! Love the effect with the brusho's too, not a technique I've tried yet. Thanks for your lovely comments :0)
    Val x

  18. Two gorgeous cards Loll, love the backgrounds they're so pretty. Carol x

  19. Beautiful cards Loll, love the pretty blues in the 1st one. I'm tempted to check out the inka wax paste as this technique looks fabulous, Cathy x

  20. Two fabulous cards Loll! The butterfly (snippets) one is just perfection!


    Di xx

  21. Gorgeous cards Loll,beautiful backgrounds-really like the butterfly card.
    I used to follow you many moons ago when I had my old Blog-but lost you-and have found you again(hooray!)through your meet up with Darnell!Have come to join you again today-you still make the most gorgeous creations :)
    Nessa xxx

  22. Both cards are wonderful. xxx

  23. Fabulosa Cards! Love The butterfly x

  24. 2 fantastic cards Loll, love how you have created the gorgeous backgrounds. xxxx

  25. Wow Loll, these are stunning, so love the backgrounds, so beautiful and I adore the colours. I loved Fridays card too (sorry I have been away for weekend so no access to PC) Beautiful cards all of them.

    love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  26. These are just gorgeous Loll! Love the filigree butterfly on the first one, and the rolling hills in your winter scene almost made me wish it would snow! ALMOST...haha! hugs :)

  27. Gorgeous cards, Loll! You share wonderful techniques that produce really stunning cards. I might have gasped just a bit when I saw the butterfly card. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing!

  28. What beautiful backgrounds Loll - the butterfly card looks so light and airy - and your trees are lovely on the 2nd - I just have one Inka Gold color (a silver green) that I got free somewhere (!) I'll have to try this technique! Julia xx

  29. Back again to leave a comment with my ATSM hat on!
    I do love your textured backgrounds, I've tried and don't come anywhere near yours!
    This butterfly card is just perfect for the latest challenge, thanks for joining in. :) xx

  30. Loll, I'm so happy to see the card you made using the Inka Gold backgrounds we made! It turned out beautifully - and of course is in gorgeous colours that I love!

    And a fabulous card for the HLS Christmas Challenge - love the brusho background with the frantage for the snow!

  31. Love this card Loll, The butterfly colors are fantastic. I can't begin a new technique till I conquer some of the others!

  32. Both your cards are so beautiful and creative Loll! I love your colors, textures and designs my friend. Hugs, Nancy

  33. Fabulous cards. The butterfly card is so delicate, love it!

  34. What lovely cards Loll and as usual, your backgrounds are to die for!!
    Carol x

  35. Two total beauties, Loll. I adore your butterfly card, such a lovely effect and those blue tones are gorgeous. A perfect card for Chrissie too.
    Thanks so much for sharing at Less is More and ATSM this week, Anita x

  36. woooww Loll
    both has adorable Background with that white splatter
    I adore them both and the one with butterfly for ATSM challenge is with soooft color combo
    so CAS and Love your butterfly there
    ADORABLE set of card
    thanks for joining us at ATSM this week
    hugs, Monika (DT Member)

  37. These are both really gorgeous creations Loll! The softness of the colors and the white embossing flakes look amazing!! I love the elegant butterfly on the top one! :) Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Addicted to Stamps & More! Hugs & Smiles - *Vicki*-DT member

  38. Such gorgeous cards my friend! I just LOVE that butterfly! And you know I'm a sucker for that kind of a background with trees! :) :)

  39. Both cards are beautiful. I absolutely adore the first one with the dreamy blue background and that pretty butterfly!

  40. Loll what stunning backgrounds, love that butterfly and I know Chrissie will too!
    Thank you for playing along with Snippets for Chrissie
    "Less is More"

  41. I'm in love with the butterfly card!

  42. Absolutely GORGEOUS backgrounds, Loll! I'll bet they're really stunning in person, too! You are such a thoughtful friend to create these two beautiful cards for Jules and Chrissie...I'm sure they will both treasure them for a long time to come!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us in the CAS challenge at ATSM!

  43. Thank you for your wonderful card and and really flattering words Loll, I feel proud to be so high in your regard.
    I can assure you that those sentiments are echoed by me in regard to your work too!
    Fabulous cards!
    Thanks again

  44. Congratulations on your HM at ATSM for your butterfly card, Loll. It's gorgeous. So is the Christmas one. Another technique to learn and supplies to buy but it's worth it to get cards like this. ;)

  45. Congratulations, Lolly, on the huge honor of being showcased by Chrissie at LIM!! Hugs, Dolly

  46. Congratulations, Lolly, on the huge honor of being showcased by Chrissie at LIM!! Hugs, Dolly

  47. Two stunning cards, Loll! Congrats on your win at LIM, very well deserved x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)