
Sunday, November 08, 2015

Day Five ... Twelve Tags of Christmas

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Day Five of the Twelve Tags of Christmas event.

I hope you're inspired by the tags so far.  Today we have three more that I know you're going to love.  Come take a look.  And I hope you'll play along and join in the challenge with your own mixed media Christmas tag!

Click HERE to see the Twelve Tags of Christmas Pinterest Board with tags from me, along with my wonderful Guest Designers and participants.  There's already over 50 tags pinned ... and more tags will be added each day! :)

Rules and Prizes for the Challenge are listed in the right-hand column, just below the Twelve Tags Badge.  Thank you!!


Patterned paper background, with matching papers for the rolled tree.  Torn white card stock for the snow with stamped sentiment.  Heat embossed Frantage for the falling snow and star topper.

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Guest Designers

Joining me today is the wonderfully talented Karen (Made by Meadie).  She has a beautiful CAS style and inspires me and so many others.  Her projects are always so perfectly designed.  Stop by Karen's blog to get all the details on how she made the tag below.

Karen M.

Isn't this just the cutest tag EVER??!! :)  YES it is! Thanks so much Karen. xx

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Nancy is another Splitcoast Stampers friend who is joining me today.  She doesn't have a blog, but you can view a gallery of her cards through SCS by clicking HERE.  Don't you just LOVE those crazy birds from Tim Holtz!!  I hope you'll check out Nancy's post on SCS with the details of how she made the tag below.

Nancy S.

This is such a fun tag, Nancy --- those birds crack me up!  And I ALWAYS LOVE your backgrounds --- amazing! xx


I'm also playing along with:

Come join in the fun there too!

See you tomorrow!


  1. All three tags look amazing. Your rolled tree is so clever and I love that background. Karen's tag is so crisp yet full of texture and you are so right about Nancy's tag...

  2. Fabulous idea with the rolled paper for the trees and loving the frantage background. Karen's card is soooo cute and Nancy's brought a smile to my face with the gorgeous and funny sentiment. Yep, another great day for inspiration, thank you x

  3. Another day of fabulousness!


  4. These tags are adorable!! Thank you for the comment, Loll, I hope it made you smile :) hugs xx

  5. Love all of these tags, Loll! Yours with the rolled paper tree is awesome and you know I love those birds.

  6. Three more amazing the Frantage snow and that adorable tree!

  7. Oh my .... I've said it before and I'll say it again ..... this just keeps getting better and better. What a fabulous collection tonight Loll. I love your Christmas tree .... so clever. Karen's tag is just the cutest and Nancy's well ... what can I say, I never get sick of seeing these little guys and I love how she's shrunk one of them ..... I'm giving that a go! Great collection .... I'm loving the event! xx

  8. Three more fabulous tags today Loll...great inspiration from all three of you. Carol x

  9. Loved your beautiful and creative rolled layered tree Loll. Your Frantage snowflakes turned out beautifully too. TFS and hosting your awesome tag event my friend.

    Karen and Nancy S 's tags are so fun and beautiful. Off to read their full deets. TFS girls.

  10. So much inspiration! Karen's card is so sweet and I love how Nancy played with the birds and sentiment on her fun! I really love your rolled tree and how you spattered the Frantage to create snow! Another really beautiful tag!

  11. I love how you've rolled the papers to make this tree, Loll! What a great idea to use up bits of papers! Love the background with that chunky glitter and another awesome bow!

  12. Love the rolled paper tree, Loll. What an unique idea. And frantage. I had to look it up to see what it is. It looks lovely in the background. Love Nancy's crazy birds and Karen's gift giving bear. I promise I'm working on tags. ;)

  13. I just love your rolled paper tree Loll - what a fun dimensional design! and two more beauties from the guest designers!

  14. Super fun background with your rolled tree - very clever

  15. Loll, that rolled tree is genius! Love that idea and the soft colors you used to create it! Karen your bear is so adorable and your coloring is outstanding! I am so enjoying seeing all the tags. Wow the talent in all the submissions!

  16. Your rolled tree tag is so fun and festive, Lolly! That splashy background is perfect for it!! Hugs, Dolly

  17. Adorable tags! Love the rolling for the tree levels...

  18. Loll I love the rolled patterned paper tree you created, I am totally inspired by that :) adorable creations by Karen and Nancy :)

  19. These tags are amazing! I love that little bird. My fav is the rolled trees - what a GREAT tag! Love all the entries as well - such great work in there! :)

  20. Wonderful tag, Loll! I love the rolled Christmas tree, and it's set off beautifully by the frantage falling snow.

  21. Great tag Loll, dont know how I missed this post before. Neat idea with the rolled up paper for the Christmas tree, love the colours too.

  22. What a gorgeous tag Loll and the rolled paper tree is magnificent! Love your soft snowy background too.
    Thanks for sharing with us at HLS while you are so busy with your own event.

  23. Your rolled patterned paper tree is fabulous; the bear is darling and the crazy birds, fantastic! Yet more dazzling delights to make us smile!

  24. Wonderful use of the frantage for the background and star! And fabulous use of dp for the tree!

  25. I am dropping in again just to say that I am smitten with the tag created by Nancy :) since I am not a member of SCS, I was unable to leave a comment there :)

  26. Such cute tags from Karen and Nancy, Loll ... and yours is gorgeous ... I just want to reach out and touch all that gorgeous texture and dimension! Hugs, Anita :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)