
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Susan!

Hi everyone.  Whew ... I was without internet for the past day and can't believe how much I rely on it.  I'm SO HAPPY that it is back working ... along with our TV which is tied to the service. :)

Today I'm sharing a CAS birthday card I made for my good friend, Susan (Cardmaker's Garret).  Susan loves blue ... so I just HAD to make her a blue card. :) The background is smooshed with three colours of Inka Gold, and then stamped and heat embossed with white.  I used clear glitter glue to add some sparkle to the tree branches, but it's hard to see in the photo.

Have a wonderful birthday Susan!!  :)

I've been experimenting with my photography ... just trying to figure out how to get better quality photos.  With the low light of winter, and the dreary, cloudy days this season brings, it is especially hard to get any good shots of cards with embossing.  I still have shadows on the photo above, but at least you can see the design of the card. :)  I have ordered a photo tent, so looking forward to giving it a try to see if it will help.

I always appreciate you dropping by for a visit.  And a special thank you to those that take the time to leave me a message ... it always makes my day.

Stamps:  Etched Branches (Penny Black); Butterfly Birthday (Happy Little Stampers)
Paper:  White card stock (Neenah)
Ink:  Versamark
Accessories & Tools:  Inka Gold wax pastes (Steel Blue, Jade, Platinum), white embossing powder, heat tool, dazzling details (clear glitter glue from SU!), paint brush


  1. Beautiful card Loll, she will love it. Your photo looks great, I have always thought they look real good. Let me know what the tents like, I have been thinking of getting one myself so would appreciate input. Takecare aileen

  2. OMG...Gorgeous Inka Gold Background Loll! I love how you just heat EB the sentiment and didn't cover up your beautiful background. Happy birthday Susan. Hugs, Nancy

  3. Such a pretty card :)
    Lighting issues are a pain for many of us here in the UK, that's for sure. I know that sometimes when I'm trying to set up and take a decent photo it can take absolutely ages.
    I wonder just how many Penny Black stamps you have in your collection? I'm after more for mine, but so few people stock them here in the UK that the one's I'm after are invariably out of stock!!!

  4. This is gorgeous Loll. Love the blue backgroound with the delicate branches......I'm sure Susan will love it. Hope you find your photo tent helps.....must admit that I've got one with different colour backgrounds and it does work. So why is mine sitting in a drawer? It's because I'm lazy.......find a large (clear!!! space), set up the tent with whatever background you've chosen, set up the lights, place your card inside...........and then take your photo! I would use it all the time if I had room to leave it out but as I haven't it sits in the drawer.


    Karen xxx

  5. Beautiful card .... lovely background and those delicate branches look fab!! Can't wait to hear what you think of the photo tent ...... I've got one on my Christmas list. xx

  6. Fabulous background Loll love your branches they really pop out of the blue...I find it so difficult to take decent photographs in the autumn and winter months....I shall be interested to see how you get on...I did buy a white photo tent a couple of years ago but it was so big I had no where to keep it!


  7. I love this beautiful card Loll and I'm sure Susan will too! The smooshed background is gorgeous and the frosty branches look perfect against it. I've still not got any Inka Gold but I always have stash envy when I see what you do with it!
    Carol x

  8. Oh my word this is so beautiful, I love it! Your friend is going to gasp when she opens it, I know I did when I first saw the photo!

  9. So soft and beautiful Loll! Love that background - you are so good at them - and the sparkle is fabulous! Have a lovely Sunday my friend! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  10. Gorgeous Loll!! Love the colours and the subtle embossing creates soft a soft wintery feel!! I have also been tinkering with my photography. I find it very difficult to capture things like metallic shine, iridescent glitter and the absolute worst...clear crystal glitter!!! I have had only minimal luck so far, but I'm not giving up! Let me know if you figure out the trick of it. hugs :)

  11. Beautiful card and your friend is going to be super excited to receive this! Awesome sauce colors as well. I am with you on the photography skills. I've never heard of a photo tent, sounds interesting! Hope it works and have fun pkayng with it. ~Niki

  12. This is absolutely gorgeous! One of the best PB stamps ever! And you've used it so well here. <3

  13. Love these frosty branches with perfect smooshed blue background, so soft and pretty!

  14. what beautiful glittery branches against your lovely blue background!

  15. I'm sure Susan loved getting this beauty in her mailbox. :) Will be interested in hearing/seeing how the photo tent works out.

  16. Beautiful background, as always and loving the white embossing. Intrigued too about the photo tent? Another gorgeous card and thank you for the inspiration x

  17. Stunning!!!! I really have to get some inka gold! xx

  18. Stunning, love the background colours, I am sure your friend will love it. xxx

  19. How perfect for Susan! Love that background and I can see the sparkle of the branches! Icy beauty!

  20. Ooooo so soft and so pretty ! Love the white embossed branches :)

  21. This is even more beautiful in real life. And of course, is perfect for me! It's on my mantelpiece front and centre of my other cards. Thank you so much, Loll!

  22. WOW! What a stunner, Loll! I love the various shades of blue and green in the background, and of course all the beautiful sparkle you added to the branches! Susan is going to cherish this lovely work of art, for sure!

  23. Stunning, Loll ... such a gorgeous, soft background ... perfect for those delicate frosty branches! Hugs, Anita :)

  24. You clever girl you! I never thought of using that stamp along the side, Loll. I love the way it looks and of course the background just makes it sing.

  25. Loll, I just finished a CASE of this card as a 50th birthday for a daughter. Used Simply Soft (SU) single flowered branch, embossed in silver on a smooshed background of Lost Lagoon, Mint Macaron,and Pool Party with a smidge of Inka Gold silver. It looks like a swirling sky. Daughter lives in Carmel so colors are perfect. Added some silver thread and an embossed HB on snippet. Thank you again and again for your inspirations.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)