
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Favourite Five Christmas Cards 2015

I'm joining in the fun event over at Debby's blog.  She is again posting her five favourite Christmas cards she made this year, and is asking others to share their favourite cards as well.  The event is open until Jan. 5th, so there's lots of time to play along.

I found it really easy to pick my favs this year ... turns out they are all mixed media cards. :)  Who knew??!!  :)

To me, a few of them may be CAS as well (except for the Deck the Halls card).   The lines are getting blurrier and blurrier for me to distinguish these days. :)  CAS is supposed to be one main focal point, and all my cards have two ... so maybe they aren't CAS after all.  What do you think??

I hope you'll come join in the fun over at Debby's blog.  She usually has another event to share her five favourite cards of the year (not Christmas).  Looking forward to that too. :)

Debby's Five Favourite Christmas Cards 2015


  1. Fabulous selection of cards, Loll! Love them all! :-)

  2. These are all beautiful, Loll! I would have had a hard time choosing just 5 of your cards as favorites! They may not all be CAS, but they are clean and crisp. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying some relaxing time now.

  3. I have NO idea how you pick 5!!! I've YET to see one of your cards that I didn't think was freaking FANTASTIC! As to CAS, I'm a loser. For the life of me, I can't seem to get the hang of it. But, to me, even if you have 3 or 4 mediums, what matters is when I glance at your card, I see everything working together as ONE element. If my eyes are jumping around, I don't get the feeling something is CAS. Thanks for sharing all your work, are amazing!

  4. Beautiful cards, Loll! I couldn't even begin my faves of your cards.

  5. Thank you Loll for your gift of sharing your favorite 5 cards for 2015 :-) What a joy to see your Gorgeous cards again. I say your cards were CAS except for the one. Happy New Year my friend. TFS

    1. I think I'd have a difficult time choosing a favorite from just THESE 5 cards...and I wouldn't want to contemplate 5 out of all the beauties you've shared for Christmas 2015. It's easy to see, though, that you've taken the mixed media & had a blast making something pretty each time. Hope your Christmas was wonderful and that New Year's Day will be equally happy. TFS & Hugs

  6. All great choices Loll my friend! I just LOVE those backgrounds you have created! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a great New Year! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  7. These are all beautiful cards! I would not be able to pick a favorite!

  8. Just gorgeous, Loll. I love them all but in this selection I think the rainbow sky is my fave, absolutely stunning! xx

  9. Fantastic selection Loll, loving those backgrounds, I don't know how you whittled it down to just 5. HYN xx

  10. All your cards are beautiful Loll but if I had to choose it would probably be the Deck the Halls card but all your cards are stunning. I personally feel that providing the card is pared down and there are no extra fussy embellishments, and it has that clean and crisp look, then it is CAS. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. x

  11. Beautiful Loll! Happy stamping 2016 to you!

  12. They all are fabulous, mixed media or CAS, who cares, they are fab. Happy New Year my friend x

  13. Five beauties Loll, love all the backgrounds. Carol x

  14. Such an array of loveliness, Loll ... fantastic choices! P'raps we need a new category of card ... Clean and Mixed Media maybe ... CAMM?! Hugs, Anita :)

  15. Oh Loll, how on earth can you choose 5 favourite Christmas cards out of all your beautiful cards??? But you've done a pretty good job and I adore the deer and the rainbow cards.


    Karen xxx

  16. No point in asking me if they are CAS I can never work it out myself. What they are is perfect, wonderful cards.

  17. Gorgeous line up Loll. Just popped in to say I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I'm sending cheers for a Happy New Year! hugs :)

  18. Not possible to pick five faves from all your beauties this year, Loll! *smile* I love that there are so many mixed media cards here! Hugs and Happy New Year!

  19. These are all such beauties, Loll! I think my faves are the Deck the Halls and Snowy night, but they are all fabulous. Thanks also for the update on Christopher - so glad they are hopeful - such good news!! Happy New Year, friend!

  20. Happy New Year to you! I look forward to seeing what you create next year. FYI love the deer in the snow! Makes me smile.

  21. These are all lovely, Loll, but you have so many more lovely cards that I don't know how I'd pick 5 if I had to. Everything you do inspires me.

  22. OH.EM.GEE!!! I can see why these are your faves. While these are all beautiful, my favorites of these are DEFINITELY Snowy Winter Night and Rainbow Snowy Sky -- just absolutely to die for!

  23. Your 'Mixed Media' cards are always gorgeous, so I'm not surprised these were your faves...I think every one of them is just beautiful, Loll! And, I'm sure the recipients feel the same way :)

  24. I'm not sure how you narrowed down your stunning gallery to *only* 5 cards, but...the selection truly is stupendous! You and Mixed Media: perfect match! Love these!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)