
Friday, January 15, 2016

Heartfelt Thanks

Hi everyone.  Back with another watercoloured card using my Zig Clean Color Brush Pens.  I do love the vibrant shades from these.  I used purple today ... not a colour I use very often - not sure why because I love how this turned out.  The two shades of purple work perfectly with the silver embossed image and sentiment.  Silver ... because that's the challenge at the new CAS challenge at STAMPlorations.  So excited to see a CAS challenge there.

I used another free stamp I received from STAMPlorations with one of my orders (gotta love that!). This is French Marigold.  Isn't it gorgeous??!!  I know marigolds are yellow or orange, but I really wanted to create a purple flower. :)

Originally I just had the flower and the sentiment on my card front, but I thought it would be fun to add some interest to the background, so I randomly inked up spots on my large grid stamp and then heat embossed in silver.  I love how it just adds a little somethin' somethin' to the background. :)

Here's a close-up ...

Since I used STAMPloration stamps, I'll also enter this into the STAMPlorations Anything Goes.  This challenge is always open ... enter as many times as you like, just as long as your main stamp is made by them.

I have signed up for an on-line watercolouring class that starts on Jan. 25th.  There's a pre-class gallery for students to share the watercolouring projects they've been working on, so I'll share this card there as well.

Edited to Add:  I used a snippet for my flower, so I'm dropping by the Playground for a visit. :)  Had some technical difficulties, so Di is letting me add to this weeks challenge.  Thanks Di!

Thanks for dropping by for a visit! 

Stamps:  French Marigold, Fond Expressions2 (STAMPlorations); Grid (Simon Says)
Paper:  White Card base and front (Neenah); Mixed Media for flower (Strathmore)
Ink:  Versamark, Zig Clean Color Real Brush Watercolour Markers
Accessories & Tools:  Silver embossing powder (Ranger), waterbrush

STAMPlorations January CAS Challenge
STAMPlorations Anything Goes Challenge
Snippets Playground Week 212


  1. Beautiful colouring, Loll and the silver and purple go so well together.

  2. Oh wow...gorgeous watercoloring on the marigold, Loll! The silver embossing looks amazing. Super happy to see this beauty in the STAMPlorations CAS Card Challenge and Anything Goes Challenge galleries! Hugs :o)

  3. I really like the grid background, it seems to ground the image. I adore the purple!

  4. Love the purple flower with the silver embossing and the grid background, gorgeous. :)

  5. TFS the closeup too Loll of your beautifully colored and heat eb marigold! I love your purples, shading the esp. how you added the silver eb grid behind your flower. All Stunning! I just posted my bird to the online watercoloring pre-gallery right next to your beautiful flower :-) We do have fun my friend! Hugs, Nancy

  6. love the purple flower and the embossed partial grid background - hugs Tanja

  7. Simply stunning and so beautiful! I love this, Loll, and I'm not into purple either but your coloring is amazing and caught my eye right away at the class gallery. The sliver is a perfect contrast.

  8. So very delicate and pretty. Great colour combination and always great techniques x

  9. Love that gorgeous purple bloom against the grid background. The shades of purple are just perfect, Loll!

  10. Loll, you couldnt have improved on this if you tried. What a brilliant layout and choice of colour. Your fussy cutting is soooo good. The silver and purple work so well together as does the partial grid behind. The flower actually looks like its painted on vellum, I'm assuming not as it would warp I think but just has this look to it. Sounds like there are a few of you doing the watercolour class, hope you enjoy yourself.

  11. Wow this is so stunning, and you are right the colour is spot on. Absolutely love the background grid pattern too!

  12. Oh yes, that flower just had to be purple. It's gorgeous against that grid background. Wonderfully done.

  13. This is stunning Loll and fantastic colouring! LOVE the purple with the silver ... stand-out fabulous! Have a great evening! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  14. Stunning card Loll and your gorgeous flower really pops out


  15. I think nurseries everywhere will began working on purple marigolds after this hits the Pinwaves, Lolly! It is absolutely breathtaking!! Hugs, Dolly

  16. I think it looks like a purple rose, Loll! It's gorgeous whatever you call it! Love the purple with the silver and the bit of silver grid adds just the right pizzazz!

  17. Love this! Just why don't they have purple marigolds anyhow? Love your little added pizazz in the background.

  18. The purple looks wonderful with the silver embossing - love that grid background too! have a lovely weekend Loll! Julia xx

  19. Really beautiful! Love the purple, marigold or not, and that regal silver embossing!

  20. gorgeous card, love the background and that stunning flower. xx

  21. Stunning card Loll. You've outdone yourself with this gorgeous card. Love the colour on the flower and that grid background really makes the flower pop.


    Karen xxx

  22. Very beautiful card. Love the coloring as well as the silver embossing. The background grid really made the whole thing gorgeous!!

  23. So beautiful Loll!
    Love this flower and background silver embossing!

  24. This looks so beautiful Loll, love the depth it has a great deal :)

    1. Another pretty card I saw on FB, and came over for a better look. Gorgeous and loved your background idea. The Zigs worked beautifully here, and so happy to see you visited the Playground! TFS & Hugs (need to check on the watercolor class as well).

  25. What a beautiful card. I love the colour and that flower is a gorgeous stamp. Barbxx

  26. Oh, Loll - this is drop dead gorgeous!! I love the silver and the purple and that background is fabulous! Great idea.

  27. Super looking vibrant floral card here Loll. Hope you enjoy your watercolouring class. LOVE the use of the grid behind the flower.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  28. This looks even better on the big screen than it did on FB, Loll. I mean that flower is absolutely gorgeous and if you hadn't told us it was a marigold we wouldn't know. I'm really loving that grid background, too. Duh, why don't I ever think of those things?

  29. Oh my this is one gorgeous card Loll! I love that flower, and by it being watercolored in purple, it doesn't look like a marigold. So it can be any color you want. lol I love the embossing in silver, and those grid lines make for the perfect background for this beautiful flower. Hugs, Brenda

  30. All I have to say is 'Wow' - your flower is stunning and I just love this beautiful card - hugs xx

  31. Stunning card Loll, love the purples with silver. The grid makes a great backdrop too, Cathy x

  32. So glad you linked Loll - this is such a stunning card - LOVE the silver embossing and the purples are so luscious too.


    Di xx

  33. So so pretty Loll and the watercolouring is really effective against the silver embossing. I love the grid pattern in the background too. x

  34. Beautiful card, Loll! I like the partially stamped and embossed background.

  35. I've said it before and I'll say it again--too gorgeous for words!


  36. This card is absolutely STUNNING! Love love love...

  37. wow! This is simply stunning. Love it.

  38. I think Shery knew exactly which 'freebie' to send you, have done an amazing job with this Marigold! Your silver embossing is so striking, and the shades of purple are gorgeous! You have really inspired me to take out my Zig markers :)

  39. How beautiful, Loll ... what a gorgeous bloom ... the silver embossing is fabulous with your soft watercolouring! Don't use purple much either ... but funnily enough it appeared on one of my cards this week too! Hugs, Anita :)

  40. Loll, this is amazing take on our 1st CAS Card challenge! Love your silver embossing, specially the background that definitely adds somethin', I would say, depth. Thank you so much for sharing your card with us at STAMPlorations CAS Card Challenge. -Ksenija, DT

  41. Wow such a fantastic card! Pretty silver behind the flower and that flower is super pretty.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)