
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Watercolour Class - Day One

Hi everyone.  I started an on-line watercolouring class yesterday.  I'm learning all about watercolour paints, brush strokes, etc.  Up until now, I have been mostly using different inks to watercolour, so this is a new experience for me.  I did one watercolour wash card using peerless watercolours about a year ago, and it turned out wonderfully.  I'm now think it was beginner's luck. :)  Watercolouring takes lots of practice to learn how to control your brush strokes, how much water versus pigment to use, etc.

I'm sharing my first card I made.  You can see that I don't have a very steady hand at this yet, but hoping with practice I will get better.  I really did enjoy making this card.  It is a very similar design to the example card from the course, and not my usual CAS style, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

I also received my latest STAMPlorations order in the mail yesterday - YAY!  And used one of my new sets to create the sentiment banner.  It's heat embossed in white onto a torn piece of vellum.  I then I coloured in the Happy on the back of the vellum using a copic marker.

I did make a second card front with the same design, using more muted tones by adding higher water ratio than this card.  I hope to make it into a card later today and share with you.

Stamps:  Big Greetings (STAMPlorations)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolour paper (Arches 140 lb. cold press); Vellum
Ink:  Watercolour Tube paints (New Gamboge, Alizarin Crimson - Winsor & Newton); Versamark
Accessories & Tools:  1/2" square tip brush, white embossing powder, heat tool; copic marker Garnet; sequins


  1. very cool, the strokes look like tiles :)

  2. I think your card is mighty impressive! I've been reading your blog for quite a while and love your art! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  3. I thought about taking the class and read the description but decided against it because I don't have all those watercolor mediums. After seeing your wonderful card and what you learned, maybe I should take it. Did you take the first watercolor class? And to you recommend doing it before this one?

    1. Hi Bobby. I did take the beginner's watercolour course a year or so ago, but it is not a pre-requisite for this class. They are totally different and I don't think you need the beginners class to sign up for the intermediate. xx

  4. Beautiful Loll, love the colours. Looking forward to seeing all your projects from the classes!
    Val x

  5. Nice work Loll. If this is your beginner, I can't wait to see what you do by end of classes!

  6. Way to go! A beautiful combination of colours, great sentiment banner, and lovely placement of the sequins.

  7. This is fabulous, Loll! I love the hand-paintedness (is that a word?) of this. Reminds me of terracotta tiling. Looking forward to seeing more of your homework!

  8. Beautiful card, gorgeous colours and a fun design Loll!
    Can't wait to see what you come up with next! Sarah x

  9. Cool, colourful, graphic, Loll ... what a fabulous pattern ... perfect with the vellum sentiment! Hugs, Anita :)

  10. Great job, Loll! You handled the watercolors very well! And I love the idea of coloring the sentiment on the back of the vellum! I wouldn't have thought of that. I almost signed up for that their on-line classes. But didn't. So I'll love seeing your cards!!

  11. I LOVE how your Chevron turned out Loll. Your new STAMPloration sentiment is so beautiful heat EB on vellum and with the Happy colored. Love how you simply finished your beautiful watercolored bg. TFS my friend.

    I am finally getting a chance to practice today. The new samples and videos are awesome. Hugs, nancy

  12. LOVE THIS!! I love the "not steady hand" I think it looks fantastic!

  13. Oh, how freaky, Lolly, I published a watercolor class homework post today, too!! We're such sisters! Which class are you taking? I love how your design turned out and the unsteady hand affect is what I love about watercoloring, so I think it's great as it is! I think the experts work hard to get that look!! Hugs, Dolly

  14. I think your chevrons are remarkably even, Loll! I don't know that practice will get mine this even! Love the colors too! And that big colored sentiment on the vellum is perfect!

  15. What a great start Loll! This is stunning! I wish I could control water-colouring like that! Have a great evening! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  16. Wow, love this card Loll! No not like your usually CAS style but very beautiful all the same. I think your chevrons are looking pretty steady to me and I'm sure you will keep on improving. Good thing is that it looks like you have it down for the most part. I really love the colors on this card and that new birthday sentiment is fabulous. Hugs, Brenda

  17. WOW!! Love this .... great design and the chevrons look good to me! xx

  18. Well done with your 1st class Loll, gorgeous colours. I always think that the brush size and quality has more of an influence on end results than the paint used. The best you can afford, but I do draw the line at paying for pure sable, a quality synthetic is a great compramise. They say the larger the brush the better, it's amazing how much detail a good brush will allow you. Happy painting. :)

  19. Fabulous for the first class. Gorgeous colours and your technique is fabulous. Yes so much to learn and it looks like you are loving it! x

  20. Great card Loll - love the colours and the torn vellum with the sentiment on it. That's the problem with watercolouring - it either turns out brilliantly or not quite so brilliantly!!! lol


    Karen xxx

  21. Admiring all your cards for class, Loll. This one is just gorgeous!

  22. Beautiful colours, and great water colouring, Loll!

  23. Sounds like a great class with lots of good learning going on! I think I like the slight unevenness of your lines Loll - it adds interest!

    1. I was SO happy to see this card! (Good for you on the homework...I've not even looked at the videos yet!). This turned out very nicely, and adding in that fab sentiment added so much sheer charm. This looks great & you should be proud of it! TFS & Hugs

  24. You did such a great job with this technique, Loll! I love your choice of colors, and that you added the vellum panel for your sentiment! You're off to a great start, my friend :) Me? Not so much!

  25. I love it!! Guess I should think about taking that class. Just wish I wasn't so busy and could sit and enjoy it.
    Have a great wknd. mf.

  26. Pairing torn vellum with this is sheer genius, Loll.
    A for Amazing. X


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)