
Monday, June 26, 2017

Framed Flowers

I recently received my latest order from STAMPlorations which included a few framed stamps.  I made two quick cards with them a couple of days ago.   The images are stamped in Versamark and heat embossed in gold.  Then I used Zigs to loosely add watercolour to the flowers and background.  These cards were fun to make and didn't take very long at all.  I love how they turned out.  Both are already in the mail to friends to let them know I'm thinking of them. :)

Here's the second ...

Yesterday the family got together to celebrate early for my upcoming birthday.  It was such a fun time to have everyone together.  My DDIL and DS wanted to do some gardening for me as part of my gift.  It has been a few years since I've been able to garden, so it was very sweet of them to do this on what had to be, the hottest day of the year.  Nikki worked so hard, then took a break while we enjoyed a meal together.  Then she was right back outside.  This time she took along my two sons and a friend to help.  They finished up the whole front yard, including packing away the yard waste and watering the garden when they were finished.  I really appreciated all the hard work ... the yard looks AWESOME!

Alex had his camera and managed to get some beautiful shots of my grandchildren, and some of my mom too.  I'll share below.


G-Nana (grand nana) with Parker and Cooper

G-Nana with Violeta

And here's a picture I took of Cooper getting a big hug from Tio (uncle) Alex. :)

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Stamps:  Framed Cherry Blossoms; Framed Dahlias (STAMPlorations); Many Everyday Messages (Hero Arts)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed media for image panels (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:  Versamark; Zigs (lemon yellow for backgrounds); Cherry Blossoms (light pink, pink, wine red, pale green, light green); Dahlias (purple)
Accessories & Tools:  gold embossing powder, heat tool, water brush


  1. Gorgeous cards, Loll. And thanks for sharing pictures of grandkids and your mom. And early, Happy Birthday....

  2. Your beautiful mother and grandsons have stolen the show here, my friend! What wonderful pictures and a memorable day! Your cards are beautiful too!

  3. Two beautiful cards, Loll and fabulous colouring with the Zigs. Thank you for sharing your lovely family photos. I've just today placed my first order with STAMPlorations and one of the items is the framed dahlias! Sending happy birthday wishes xx

  4. What a fun Post, Loll. Loved both your heat embossed and watercoloured framed images. I agree they are fun images to color..I have 3 now :-)

    LOVE your grand babies and mom photos. The boys are so adorable! Even got a photo of Violeta and a peak at Alex (your main photographer). TFS them all.

    What a fabulous birthday gift...gardening is such hard and rewarding work. The end results are so beautiful. Now all you have to do is water :-)

    Thank you again for sharing your family and fun Birthday Party. Hugs...

  5. Two fabulous cards, Loll. The images look so classy embossed in gold and I love the colours you've used. TFS the photos of your family - beautiful! xx

  6. Love your framed flowers Loll so stylish! Beautiful family photos too, how fast the children grow xx

  7. Beautiful watercoloring on the gold embossing and as you already know, I'm always fond of your color combinations. Those two little guys of yours are the sweetest things and your mom looks like she is enjoying it too! Too bad the years go so quickly.

  8. Lovely cards -- I really like the 2nd one. Cute grandkids too!

  9. Gorgeous cards and lovely pics of your family too. What a wonderful gift for them to do your garden, the best presents are the ones that money can't buy :)
    Hugs, Kaz x

  10. great family pics, the grand kids look as thought they are having so much fun :)
    love the cards they may have been quick to make but they look awesome, Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

  11. Stunning cards, Loll. I love those beautiful framed stamps and your coloring is wonderful. Thanks for sharing the pics of your family with us. Happy early birthday!! Enjoy your day!

  12. Gorgeous cards Loll and smiley faces too, joy to ones heart... and happy birthday too :) thanks for sharing your wonderful talent, you are an inspiration!!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  13. Both cards are so pretty - don't you love framed images for a quick card? What a great birthday gift!

    TFS the family pics - they are wonderful.

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Two fab cards Loll, those framed flowers need very little else to shine.
    Those two little ones look like butter wouldn't melt! :)

  15. Gorgeous family photos Loll, thanks for sharing. Beautiful cards too.
    Huge Happy Birthday wishes my friend ... have a fabulous day xx

  16. Happy Birthday in advance Loll - and what a fabulous birthday gift - my Brother and SIL cleaned some of my gardens for me after DH passed - it was wonderful, so I can understand how much you appreciated the gift.
    Love your cards - they are so colourful and make such good use of the framed stamps

  17. What a kind gesture to do all that work (even though it was your birthday gift), you have a very caring family x Your cards are so pretty and those stamplorations framed stamps are perfect for a quick CAS card. Vibrant and pretty colours. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous and personal photos...Handsome looking family x

  18. Many Happy Returns of The Day x Thinking of you x

  19. What pretty cards and wonderful family time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY.

  20. Happy Birthday Loll, knew I would be late getting my card there but it sounds as though you have had a wonderful time and your grandsons look wonderful. Love that shot with your grandson on his own and grandma with the two grandkids so wonderful. And such a lovely gift for your birthday, I hope it was a day filled with love and joy.

  21. Happy Birthday wishes my....Loved seeing the pics of your beautiful family...
    great cards too.
    Wishing you many blessing mf.
    xx Karen

  22. Lovely, lovely cards Loll and a very happy birthday to you my friend! Glad you got to celebrate with family (love all the pictures!!) and what a special gift with the gardening! Hope your day is truly special today!! :0)

  23. Happy Birthday Loll, love the pictures of your family. Your cards are also very lovely. Thanks for inspiring me.

  24. Two beautiful cards Loll. They look like very useful stamps.

    Belated Birthday Wishes. What a wonderful Birthday present. I'm sure it gave you the greatest pleasure to have your garden looking smart and tidy. It sounds as if it was all hands to the pump to make the day special for you. They are lovely photos of your family. Thank you for sharing. Barbxx

  25. Happy Birthday! The cards are lovely and so are your family pictures. So glad you had a special celebration.

  26. I'm so glad I didn't miss this beautiful post, Lolly! First of all, LOVE those pretty framed images and your gorgeous treatment of them! Secondly, I'm delighted about the practical and thoughtful birthday gift from the kids! How terrific! And what a blessing to all be together from the youngest the oldest. The boys are darling and your mom is so pretty! Happy, happy blessed birthday tomorrow, my dear friend!! Love, Dolly

  27. Happy Birthday Loll! Two fabulous cards and some lovely photos. How kind of your son and daughter in law to do the gardening for you.

  28. I think I need to adopt your family for a long weekend! What a spectacular/practical/wonderful birthday gift they gave you!! Now that's what we could all use!! Wonderful family. And a very happy birthday to you darling friend! Had I known, I wouldn't have to say that I'll be working on your card in the morning, haha. Many happy returns! Your cards turned out so beautifully. Such pretty colors, and I love the gold embossing. Just might have to near-CASE them. xo Bev

  29. Loll, your cards are fantastic, love both of them and must try to CAS them!! that is a compliment by the way!! so enjoyed the pictures of your family! What fun and what a thoughtful gift to give you!. My daughters bought plants for my two big pots on the front porch and even planted them for my Mother's Day that they do that for me!! Happy Birthday Loll!! Heart Hugs, col

  30. Happy Birthday, Loll.

    Your two cards look so pretty. I think my fave is the second one! Methinks that is because I love the gold embossing...something that I always forget to try!

  31. Just the prettiest cards, Loll ... the soft watercolouring is gorgeous with the gold embossing! Hope you had a very happy birthday yesterday ... it sounds as though the celebratory weekend was a wonderful one ... what a brilliant idea for a gift, one you'll enjoy for ages! The photographs are fabulous, thanks for sharing them! Hugs, Anita :)

  32. I feel so badly when I fall so far's so much fun to see all these great pics of your family...the boys are growing up so fast! How lovely that your family worked really hard to plant a garden for you...what a great gift! And one that you can appreciate every time you step outside your front door, too!

    Two really beautiful cards! Your gold embossing brings out the lovely details in the blooms and your loose watercoloring is so pretty! Good to know they were quick to work with...thanks!

  33. Lovely cards, lovely family, Loll. I'm glad you had such a great birthday.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)