
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Christmas Greetings

Looking for the Twelve Tags of Christmas Event??

Hi everyone.  Thanks to all that have entered The Twelve Tags of Christmas event with Loll & Friends ... it's been AMAZING!!  The linky will remain open until midnight (PST) on Nov. 24th if you want to join in.  Top Tags will be announced on Nov. 30th.

Also wanted to say that I got WAY behind on my visiting my friend's blog during the tag event and I hope to catch up soon with all that everyone has been making over the past couple of weeks.

Today I'm sharing a card for the CAS Watercolour November Challenge.

To make the above card, I placed my stamp in my misti, coloured the leaves using Old Olive Stampin' Write Marker, and stamped onto mixed media paper.  I then used my waterbrush to move colour around.  I repeated these steps with red for the berries and dark brown for the branches.  I then added shading to the leaves and berries using markers with darker shades of the same colours.  Once I finished, I used the narrow end of the Stampin' Write markers to outline the images and add veining to the leaves.  The finishing touches were to splatter diluted green ink over the panel and adding a few highlights to the berries with a white gel pen.

I hope you'll check out the challenge blog and then play along!

* * * * *
A few weeks back I ran a mini challenge on Splash Watercolouring.
The winner was randomly drawn - #6

Jeannie (Lv2grdn at SCS)
Beautiful card with your Splash Watercolour background Jeannie!  I'll be in touch shortly.

Thanks to all that participated!!

Stamps: berry kissed (Penny Black); festive snippets (Penny Black)
Paper:  Mixed media main panel (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card base (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Stampin' Write Markers:  Old Olive, Always Artichoke, Real Red, Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso (Stampin' Up!)
Accessories & Tools:  Misti, water brush, paint brush for splattering, white gel pen

CAS Watercolour November Challenge - Holiday


  1. Wonderful job on colouring the image with your markers. I like the way you trimmed the image down so that you'd end up with a more CAS card.

  2. This is so pretty, Loll! Beautifully colored and I love the splatters! Congratulations to Jeannie! That's a beautiful card!

  3. You did an outstanding job on this, complete with detailing of your leaves! Love seeing these. Your shading is so perfectly done. What a steady hand you must have to outline so perfectly too.

  4. Wow, Loll. Your card and watercolouring is simply gorgeous.

  5. What a fabulous card you have here Loll. PB stamps are amazing. Love your colouring and the touches you added with the veins white gel pen and the splatters.

  6. Gorgeous card, love the splatters and beautiful colouring
    Hugs Kaz xx

  7. Gorgeous Loll, now I really want that stamp :)

  8. Beautiful watercolouring, Loll! It's amazing that you've done this with SU markers! The white jell pen lines make the berries look pretty and realistic! Hideko xx

  9. Beautiful, Loll! You are the master! Love this, it's just perfectly stunning!

  10. Fab job with this stamp Loll,love the close cropping and the splatter. I know it's quite tricky to get such a clean crisp finish with this style of stamp. ;)

  11. Beautiful card. Love the red and green traditional colors. The spatters look very nice. [Bunny]

  12. Beautiful card, Loll. Oh my, your colors are wonderful. How neat that you achieved the gorgeous coloring with markers. Your splatters add a lovely touch, too. You are mega talented!

  13. Perfection! Love the way you added your color to this stamp with the various techniques you've used. Very seasonal looking for the holidays.

  14. what a gorgeous result of stamping and water coloring this image Loll - I really have to sit down and take some time to try this out - what a beautiful card you created! Julia xx

  15. I do love this stamp and I love how you've coloured it, it looks so festive xx

  16. Artsy and so beautiful, Loll ... what a stunner! Hugs, Anita :)

  17. What a beautiful card Loll! I love that image and the way you have colored it. I know you said you outlined it, but it looks like no line watercoloring to me and it is stunning. Hugs, Brenda

  18. Lovely, lovely card Loll! BEAUTIFUL coloring it! I have that same stamp but it's never quite come out looking as good as yours...I think you have more patience than me! :0)

  19. Congratulations to Jeannie....Such a clean and gorgeous card, CAS perfection with great colouring and splats...really beautiful x

  20. I love that stamp, Loll, but haven't gotten it out this year. You and your markers did an excellent job with the coloring.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)