
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Hello There

Hi everyone.  I have something special to share with you today.  A sweet card maker, Ishani (Quillish), contacted me a few weeks back and said she wanted to learn more techniques and thought CASEing my cards would help her do that.  She is starting a series of posts, CASEing cards of mine with new-to-her techniques.  I'm so honoured.  Thanks you so much Ishani!

The series is starting today and I asked if I could participate in the first post.  Today Ishani and I are both CASEing the card below, which is a recent card done with the rubber band technique.
CASEing this card

Here's a close-up of my CASE of the card above.
I used one of the left over samples of rubber band technique with white embossing from making my video.  I simply sprinkled on some Tibetan Poppy Teal Magical powder (Lindy's), misted with lots of water and then tilted the panel to let the colours flow.  I managed to keep some deep colours in the center with lighter towards the edges.  Love how it turned out.

A bird on a branch is die-cut from black card stock, a thin (1/16") black frame added to the panel and it is popped up on foam for dimension.  The card is finished with a black stamped sentiment.

The colours from the Magicals are beautiful.  No only the colours, but the shimmer that comes along with the Magicals.  I managed to capture some of it in a closeup ... see below.
Thank you for stopping by to see my card today.  If you have time, please stop by to see Ishani's CASE of my card by clicking HERE.

I'm adding this card to these two galleries:  CAS Mix Up April Challenge - Rubber Band Technique and CAS Watercolour April Challenge - Bird.

Stamps:  Many Everyday Messages (Hero Arts)
Paper:  Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb. 400 Series);  White card base (Neenah 110 lb.); Black (Stampin' Up!)
Ink:  Versamark; Tibetan Poppy Teal (Lindy's Stamp Gang Magicals)
Accessories & Tools:  Brayer, rubber bands, white embossing powder, heat tool, water mister, bird on a branch die (AliExpress)

CAS Mix Up April Challenge - Rubber Band Technique
CAS Watercolour April Challenge - Bird


  1. How fun! Awesome CASE of your own beautiful card, Loll. Your Magicals background is gorgeous. I need to remember to tilt my piece next time. xx
    i’ll have to check out Ishani’s card tomorrow. Tine for bed. 😉

  2. You are so kind and helpful,Loll. I was so scared to message you. But now it's like talking to a teacher... I feel so blessed and happy, to get your guidance and learn from you. I hope I do justice to your cards :) Thank you so much for everything!

  3. Love, love, love your background with the Lindys... a stunning card Loll!

  4. Stunning effect, love those magicals and what a fabulous way to use the rubber band technique. So unique and so very beautiful x.

  5. I am not surprised, you are a true leader Loll and the perfect coach. I agree those Magicals are beautiful and give a gorgeous shimmer. Darn, I thought I wouldn't have to buy more supplies. Congrats dear Loll xx

  6. wonderful CASE of your own card - that background is magical with the Magicals!!

  7. Wow! What a lovely honor. You are a wonderful teacher, that is for sure. Your case of your own card is so beautiful. The Magicals look to be just that, magical. How fun. Your cards have a distinctive feel to them and they always make me smile. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  8. love it!! Great wonder she wants to case you!!
    xx Karen

  9. OMG...this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL Loll! Definitely must try this with the Magicals...stunning, STUNNING background!! Love the silhouette over the top of it too! It's no wonder Ishani wanted to CASE you and now I'm off to see what she did!! :0)

  10. I love the way the Lindy's and water played on this, Loll! The colors are gorgeous and the depth is amazing! Such a pretty die to place over it too! Ishani couldn't pick anyone better to CASE!

  11. Beautiful my friend! You are an inspiration to so many, you may have an idea of the number, but it is a lot!! Ishani did a wonderful job CASEing you too!! Heart Hugs, col

  12. Beautiful watercolor card. You created such a beautiful picture, Loll. I would love to be in that place. Your card has allowed me to achieve a state of relaxation for a while. Thank you :-)
    The second card has an amazing background. I love how the color grouped together.

  13. I"m a fan of rich contrast and you have achieved that on all three of these gorgeous card. Love the monochromatic color scheme, Loll. These caught my eye right away. I really must try this!

  14. What a great idea from Ishani and how sweet of you to join her! Love your CASEd card! Those magicals really look magical with that gorgeous shimmer! Fabulous card!

  15. Beautiful cards Loll, I'm not surprised Ishani wanted to CASe you your cards are amazing and your style so distinct :)

  16. I don't know if you know this but in my group of blog friends I have a Die Cut Queen, a Stencil Queen, a Silhouette Queen and I now dub you my Technique Queen. I've always enjoyed learning from you, Loll, and answering Ishani's call and helping her with the techniques and letting her CASE your cards is such a generous and warm thing to do. Those Magicals have a perfect name because they magically give such beautiful color and shine to your rubber band embossed panel.

  17. You would win the rubber band challenge with this stunning card if you didn't own the challenge, Lolly! This is my fave of all! That silhouette bird looks like he is backlit by a breathtaking stain glass window!! Ishani is paying you the highest compliment a card artist can get and it is very well deserved!! Hugs, Dolly

  18. Your panel looks like wonderful glass tiling Loll - what a beautiful background for your silhouette die cut bird! Julia xx

  19. It's such a fun inspiration! I've never used the rubber band technique before but I have to give it a try! Learning new techniques and discovering them is so exciting. It makes this hobby so interesting! Thank you for sharing!

  20. How lovely to be the subject of a fellow card maker's CASEs, Loll ... Ishani will learn so much from you! Your CASE of yourself is gorgeous ... those shimmery magicals pooling in the rubber band embossing make for a stunning background for that simple silhouette bird! Hugs, Anita :)

  21. I'm sure that many of us would love to CASE your cards Loll with your clever use of techniques and colour, and Ishani has just beaten us to I love the way you have CASEd your own card and beautifully. The black silhouette die cut bird sits very happily over that beautiful white embossed rubber band background which has the look of cracked ice, and the Lindy's Magicals with their gorgeous shimmer have given a stunning finish. x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)