
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tribute to Melissa

Today I'm joining in the Tribute for Melissa Lane of honeybeelane, being held on the STAMPlorations blog.

Melissa sadly and suddenly passed away on Oct. 2nd.  This tribute it to honour her and at the same time let her family know how much she was loved in the crafting community.

I worked with Melissa on the same design team for a year in 2015.  She was always positive and upbeat.  Melissa happily shared her love of her family, along with her amazing talents.  She was a shining light and will be missed.

Melissa loved butterflies, so I have made a card featuring a butterfly on a red (one of Melissa's favourite colours) and purple background.  I will be sending the card to the family via Shery's generous offer to collect cards and forward them on.

If you knew Melissa, please join in.  The linky is HERE.  There are also instructions for mailing the cards to Shery if you would like to do so.

Thank you.


  1. It's 4am here and I just had to look at the gallery already. Your card is beautiful xx

  2. Your card is so beautiful and filled with love, Loll. Such a sad occasion for a card, but hopefully will lessen the pain for Melissa's grieving family and friends. TFS dear friend. Hugs, Nancy

  3. Beautiful card, Loll -- a wonderful card to remember a beautiful soul. Thank you for celebrating Melissa with us.

  4. A gorgeously simple beautiful butterfly card Loll. Perfect sentiment. So sad but what a wonderful way to celebrate Melissa's life by sharing her love of butterflies.

  5. Your card is so beautiful and filled with love. Thanks for sharing such a great art work for us.

  6. This is such a beautiful tribute to Melissa. Love your background and love the gorgeous color. How sad that someone so young and vibrant suddenly passes. Prayers for her family.

  7. What a beautiful card, Loll. Wonderful vibrant colour and a gorgeous image! I'm sorry it's for such a sad occasion.

  8. Beautiful card and lovely tribute to Melissa, Loll! Your background is so striking...I love how the colors blended and your artistic butterfly is perfect! I'm sure Melissa's family will love it, too!

  9. How sad, Loll. Your card is a wonderful tribute and I'm sure will be a comfort to the family.

  10. Your card is absolutely lovely Loll and I'm sure it will bring a measure of peace and comfort to Melissa's grieving family. I did not know Melissa but had visited her blog a few times...such a sad loss of someone so young.

  11. A wonderful tribute to a crafting friend Loll, your butterfly and vibrant colours are perfect. I am sure Melissa's family will take great solace in all this beautiful cards.

  12. I love your card Loll and love Melissa. It's indeed amazing how this community binds together people across the world. The world is such a better place here, with so love, respect and solidarity.

  13. What a wonderful card Loll, and a great tribute to someone who was obviously loved my many in the crafting community

  14. I didn't know this lady, but your tribute and so very beautiful card tell me she was loved and appreciated.

  15. Beautiful card and what a thoughtful and loving gesture that will touch her family. She sounds like a wonderful woman who is sorely missed.

  16. This was such sad news. Your card is a beautiful tribute to such a lovely lady xx

  17. Wonderful card to pay homage to such a talented lady, Loll.

  18. Such a beautiful card for a very sad occasion. Thank you for sharing.

  19. This is as always, such a beautiful card. I was saddened to read it's for such an unhappy occasion. I did not know Melissa, but it's hard anytime we lose on of our crafters, and what a lovely picture you've shared of her. My heart goes out to her family, and they will appreciate the tribute you've paid with this card, to the things she loved. TFS & Hugs

  20. Such a symbolic masterpiece. She would be proud. So sorry for your loss, so thoughtful of you all.
    This piece is truly an honour in her memory, a BEAUTY dear Loll xx

  21. A beautiful tribute to Melissa, Loll ... and a comfort to her family. Hugs, Anita :)

  22. Your card is So very beautiful x Such sad news x

  23. Beautiful card and tribute to Melissa, Loll. xx

  24. I was so saddened by Melissa's passing. I loved our time together years ago, we all had fun together, didn't we! She so loved butterflies, I miss her. Beautiful card my friend.

  25. What a beautiful card featuring some of her favorite things for Melissa's family! I am sure they will be comforted by your thoughtfulness! Even though I didn't really know her I was very shocked by the sad news.

  26. It's such a sad circumstance to create this card. I'm sure Melissa's family feel great support from Melissa's many friends and acquaintances. So sad that she left ...


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)