
Monday, March 11, 2019

Musical Jingle Belles

Hi everyone.  As you can tell, I've had a lot of time in my studio lately.  Lots of posts ... but I wanted to get this up for the Jingle Belles Challenge - Music before it closes in just over a day.  :)

This card gave me a bit of grief. :)  Everything was going smoothly with this card until I added the red glitter glue berries.  The container exploded on me (my fault ... it wouldn't come out so I was squeezing as hard as possible!).  What a mess! :) Glitter everywhere ... on my card, desk, fingers, etc.  Luckily, it wiped off most things.  Please don't look too close at the berries ... they obviously were over ripe and exploded on the branch. :)

Here's a close-up ...
Thanks to Stef and Lauren for this great challenge!

Also entering this card into the Just Us Girls #478 - use a background stamp.  The challenge is hosted by my friend, Bobby.  I used a musical background for my card.  Fun challenge Bobby!

Stamps:  Music (Stampin' Up!); Christmas Sentiments (Gina Marie)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb. 400 Series); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Smoky Slate (SU!); Versamark; Distress inks:  Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Red embossing Powder (WOW!), heat tool, Stitched circle die (AliExpress), Arched Fir Branch die (Tutti Designs - gift from my friend Mary)

Jingle Belles - Music
Just Us Girls #478 - use a background stamp


  1. don't you just hate it when the nozzle clogs and and there's a big spurt out. Great save and gorgeous card Loll and love that big bold sentiment :)

  2. I love the visual of over-ripe berries ... great save ... so glad you helped us *sing* at Jingle Belles.

  3. Hate a blocked nozzle too! Well rescued and a super card. :)

  4. Don't you just hate it when that happens!! A lovely Christmassy card nonetheless

  5. Explosion or not this is Yummy, love the sentiment and design.

  6. I love the look of this card mf...well done.
    xx Karen

  7. I've done that before too with stuck glitter bottles and can just envision the mess it made! What a beautiful design with your music circle, the bold red sentiment and the pretty green stem Loll!

  8. I had the same yesterday with a bottle of Nuvo drops. Thought I'd picked up the nearly empty one so gave it a good old squeeze, only to find it was a new one! Ooops ..... white stuff everywhere!
    Lovely Christmas card ..... I like the music in the background xx

  9. I think this is a wonderful Christmas card. I love your design here, Loll. That green you've chosen is lovely and a great compliment to the gray and the reds. Those berries look fine. Nothing is exactly perfect in nature, and I'm always smiling when I come across those fun 'imperfections' in my flower beds. I had a bottle of glue do the same thing some years ago, and now I keep a corsage pin in my tools box on my desk. Glad your card turned out so sweetly. Have a great week, and keep crafting!! Bev

  10. Uh-oh... been there, done that, Loll. But would never have noticed had you not mentioned it, Beautiful card with the soft music score. Love all the dimensions. xx

  11. Love those exploding berries!!! x Such a wonderful design and love the combination of the die cuts and stamping. The pop of green and red looks fabulous against the crisp white x So glad you've found time in your craft room x

  12. such a beautiful and elegant card, i love the combination of elements you've chosen here. i love every single thing about this, actually. (& i truly had not noticed anything odd about the berries so THERE!) :) so happy you could "sing along" with us this fortnight at JINGLE BELLES! ♥

  13. I am so glad you were able to save your beautiful Christmas card and your studio from the exploding red glitter glue. TFS my friend, Hugs..Nancy

  14. This one is so beautifully designed and I know we can all relate to the exploding, overripe berries. I so seldom use those products for that very reason. I'd say you did a fabulous job saving it! I see nothing wrong at all in spite of you mentioning the issues with the red.

  15. This is such a beautiful card with just the right amount of glitter berries!

  16. The perfect sentiment to go on the music score, Loll! I think your over ripe berries look very lush and beautiful! I'll bet you'll be finding red glitter for quite a while. I believe glitter grows when it's released from the container!

  17. What a pretty Christmas card. I love the musical stamped background. The lovely red sentiment pops so nicely. I'm sorry to read you had an issue with the glitter, but honestly, I wouldn't have known had you not said anything. That said, I can certainly feel your frustration with that. The branch is lovely. This is a really pretty card! Thanks for sharing!

  18. The design layout is wonderful, Loll. The berried branches and snowflakes frame the background circle beautifully. I'm so glad you joined the challenge at Just Us Girls this week.

  19. Yikes, the horror! How lucky that you were able to clean it up and salvage this gorgeous card, Lolly! I love the musical background cut with a circle die! Another post to bookmark!! Hugs, Dolly

  20. I can't believe you have any issues with making cards Loll, but I guess it happens to the best of us! Those stickles can be a stinker sometimes and they get clogged. Sorry it happened to you! Still your card is so beautiful, I love the branch and berries as well as the snowflakes, but that really grabbed my attention was the big circle of music and that beautiful sentiment. The branch just tops it off so nicely! Hugs, Brenda

  21. That luscious green branch is fabulous with the sparkly berries, Loll ... and what a delciious bold sentiment against the subtle music background! Hope you've been able to banish any lingering glitter ... eeek! Hugs, Anita :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)