
Wednesday, September 04, 2019

CAS Stencil September Challenge

Hi everyone.  It's the start of the CAS Stencil September Challenge.  This month is hosted by the amazingly talented, Julia (Create with Me).  Julia wants us to use a Baby Wipe with Stenciling for this month's challenge

This is actualy the second version of this design.  I first made a similar design, using a different stamps for a special birthday card.  It turned out really well but wasn't CAS enough for the challenge (not enough white space), so I made a second version.  The card sbove has lots of white space to balance my mixed media panel.

I stamped an image from Magenta and heat embossed in white.  I then sponged over top of the white embossing with Distress inks (Mustard Seed, Ripe Persimmon, Wilted Violet).  I placed a new-to-me stencil over top and used a baby wipe to remove some of the colour.  The design is subtle, but you can definitely see the leaf design (especially in the close-up below).  A simple stamped sentiment in black finishes the card.

Close-up ...
We are also excited to welcome Sarah (Funky Fossil Designs) as our Guest Designer.  Welcome Sarah!  Please check out the challenge blog to see the baby wipe through stencil cards from Sarah and our amazing Designers.  Then come join us!

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I'll also share the first version of this card using a different stamped image.  I'm so happy with how this turned out.  Very artsy, colourful and fun.  This is a birthday card for my SIL, Alex that he received on Aug. 24th.

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Wanting to sleep but someone was taking pictures! :)

Stamps:  Floral Collage (Magenta); Happy Messages (Stampendous); Tree Poem (Stampendous)
Paper:  Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Versamark; Distress inks:  Mustard Seed, Ripe Persimmon, Wilted Violet (Tim Holtz); Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  White embossing powder (Ranger), heat tool, Wander & Find Stencil (Carta Bella), sponges, baby wipe

CAS Stencil September Challenge - Baby Wipes


  1. I think both cards are gorgeous, Loll! I love the delicate details on the flowers and your scripty background is fabulous!
    Thanks so much for sharing another sweet pic of Jessie! She is just too CUTE ~ Barb ♥

  2. such pretty cards, Loll - love the color combo - going to have to give this technique a go!

  3. As always Loll I love these cards! x (And Jesse too.... xx)

  4. What a great subtle stenciling on your background Loll - the more you look, the more you see it - and it's so pretty - both cards are lovely in the stamps and colors you used! xx(and Jessie is so adorable!)

  5. I adore both of your cards Loll and the background stencil lift is very pretty. I love the strong colours you have used and the pretty white embossing...gorgeous! x

  6. Both of these are so beautiful and are something I'd love to case! I know I'll be on a hunt for some of the stamps you used. Love the bright, cheerful colors and I particularly like the shape of the sponged area on your second card. Beautiful and so colorful!

  7. Both of these are gorgeous, Loll! I love the bright colors with the white embossing! The baby wiped stenciling adds wonderful texture! An awesome card for Alex! I know he loved it. Jessie looks so sweet all sleepy.

  8. Two beautiful heat embossed and sponged cards, Loll. I love the subtle stenciling added to the background using baby wipes for both cards. Both cards are very artsy and colorful. I am sure Alex Loved his card from his creative MIL:-) BTW...Love that you shared a sweet photo of Jessie too:-) Hugs..Nancy

  9. Gorgeous cards as always, great colour choice! The stenciling in the background looks so pretty and delicate xx

  10. Love your stenciling and vibrant colours, gorgeous stamps too.
    Faith x

  11. Beautiful Loll, first I have to say Jessie is adorable awe so sleepy. Second the cards are stunning, two perfect images for your blending and baby wipe technique :)

  12. Oh Loll what stunning and colourful cards - love them both, and this technique is inviting me to try it!

  13. Two absolutely GORGEOUS cards Loll! I love the colors you used in your first card...sooo pretty! And I can see why the birthday card had you so's FABULOUS and I hope Alex ooooohed and ahhhhh'd over it!! And Jessie is just as sweet as ever...would love to give her a snuggle! :0)

  14. Two gorgeous cards Loll, you're a genius at choosing colours! These are so pretty. Love the pop of the white embossed images and the soft stencilling adds lots of texture, Cathy x PS Adorable puppy pic! I'd get nothing done :)

  15. I love the effect of the white embossed image and the bright colourful DInks with the subtle stenciled leaves - really eye catching cards, Loll, you're inspiring me again and I'll have time now to practice a few more efforts with this technique, hugs Robyn

  16. I always chuckle now, Lolly, because when you finish your post with a photo of Jessie, I always forget your cards and have to scroll back up! She is a love and both your cards are so colorful and so pretty using this technique! My favorite is your artsy warm card for Alex which he will treasure!! Hugs, Dolly

  17. The subtle baby wipe lift is such a great contrast to the bold colour over your embossing, Loll ... these are both so striking and fabulous! Hugs, Anita :)

  18. Both cards are gorgeous, Loll! You see the bright colors and the beautiful white heat-embossed images and script background first. And then the soft and subtle stenciled leaves emerges. Wonderful baby wipe effect!
    Jessie is so adorable, and I want to take a nap next to her on the couch!
    Hideko xx

  19. Thank you for sharing the two cards Loll. The colours are so pretty and the white heat embossing looks fabulous. The subtlety of the leaf stencil and the baby wipe technique looks so effective. Fabulous cards, both of them.....CAS and mixing the medias x

  20. Jessie is so adorable and no wonder you want to take photos! x

  21. This is such an interesting approach. Love them both and the interesting appeal to the baby wipe effect over stencil BG. Beautiful! xx

  22. Truly magical cards, Loll. Your backgrounds are stunning and contrast so beautifully with white embossing


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)