
Saturday, November 02, 2019

CAS Watercolour November Challenge

Hi everyone.  We have a fun challenge for our last challenge of the year.  This month is hosted by Karen (Snippets).  She wants us to watercolour with only one colour.

Using black or white for sentiment only, is allowed.  Otherwise, stick to shades of the same colour.  I do love smooshed and splashed backgrounds.  This was easy to make with three shades of distress inks (broken glass, salty ocean, chipped sapphire).

Once dry, I placed a wildflower stencil over top and sponged more chipped sapphire ink.  Stamped the sentiment in the same colour.

Close-up ...
We are so happy to have Birgit (Rapport fran ett skrivbord) as our Guest Desiger this month.  Please check out the challenge blog to see Birgit's Monochromatic watercoloured CAS card, along with the cards from our talented Designers.  Then come play along.

This will be our last challenge of the year.  The Designers are taking the month of December off to relax and rejuvenate before all the amazing challenges coming up in 2020.

* * * * *
Jessie discovered it's fun to play with the toilet paper roll. :)
Lots in the bedroom, and bits all down the hall (didn't take pic of those),

and finally, the cardboard roll in the center, all chewed to little bits
and left in the family room. 

Last picture is Jessie sitting on the top of the love seat (she does
this all the time), looking innocent. :)

Stamps:  special sentiments (Penny Black)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White car base (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Broken Glass, Salty Ocean, Chipped Sapphire (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Water mister, Wildflower stencil (Tim Holtz), sponges

CAS Watercolour November Challenge - Monochromatic


  1. Wonderful card, Loll. It looks beautiful in shades of blue. xx

  2. Blue is definitely your colour. This looks great with the smooshed background and that navy stencilling on top. Stamping the sentiment in the same colour finishes it off beautifully xx

  3. I love how the colors mixed in the background, Loll. This is so pretty.

  4. So pretty. Love the shades of blue (my favorite color :))
    Cute pics of Jessie. TFS

  5. Wow, Loll, such a gorgeous smooshed and splashed background! Love how the colors have blended and the beautiful silhouetted flowers! Never a dull moment with Jessie around!

  6. I remember only too well Will dashing through the house pulling toilet paper behind him - he was such a rascal when it came to paper (as you well know!). Tessa will shred the empty toilet paper roll if she can get hold of it, but has never shown any interest in the actual toilet paper.

    A beautiful card - love the shades of blue (of course). Great layout too.

  7. Love your blue smooshed background for your dark blue stenciled wild flowers, Loll. I plan to play in this fun monochromatic watercolor challenge:-) TFS Hugs..Nancy

    P.S. Jessie looks so innocent even tho she was caught in the act of playing with TP!!!

  8. Such a pretty mix of blues Loll and the stencilled wild flowers over the top are really beautiful and complemented by the sentiment in the same colour. A gorgeous card. I love the way Jessie looks as though butter wouldn't x

  9. Gorgeous background, Loll...I love how you mixed all those beautiful 'Blues', and your navy-blue silhouette of wildflowers is just perfect! I also love the mixed font on your sentiment...such a stunning card, my friend! xx

  10. Oh my goodness, I completely forgot to talk about Jessie! The innocent look on her face speaks volumes and I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help myself :) And, even though she's been naughty, I still want to reach out and give her a makes no sense, I know!

  11. Gorgeous shades of blue - my favourite! I had to force myself to try a different colour family:) I love the silhouettes on the smooshed background.

  12. Such a beautiful card, Loll! Love the blues! Oh what a naughty but delightfully sweet looking puppy!

  13. Love all the pretty blue on your beautiful card, Loll!! And, great design! Great photo of Jessie! I guess she was naughty with the toilet paper, lol! But, oh, she is just too darn cute!:)

  14. I love the shades of blue and this design with the stencil. I laughed when I saw Jessie's new find with the toilet roll. Looks like she had a great time pulling it out and lots of exercise for you! She is adorable.

  15. Love, love, love this! I'm partial blues and this really "spoke" to me. Thank you for the inspiration. Laughed at the doggie antics - never know what those furbabies will do when we aren't looking :-)

  16. How innocent does Jessie look?...An adorable little minx x. A beautiful card Loll and the tones of blue look fabulous. Such a striking card x.

  17. Beautiful colors and I love splashed background. It looks amazing for your intensely blue wild flowers. Sentiment is perfect.
    Your Jessie is a real innocent, no one would think that she can mess like this :-)
    BożenA xx

  18. The dark blue wildflower silhouette on the smooshed and splashed background is so beautiful, Loll!
    Jessy's playing with toilet paper reminds me of my nieces when they were small. How could you scold her when she looked at you with that innocent face?
    Hideko xx

  19. Beautiful mono-color water coloring, and the like-minded silhouette flower is gorgeous! Lovely challenge and card!

  20. Your card is so simple but so CAS and PERFECT Loll! Love all the shades of blue you used and your stenciling over the smooshed background is just lovely!! Really like the innocent looking puppy pics too...haha!! Aren't they FUN?!! :0)

  21. Beautiful card Loll, your smooshed background is perfect for your stencilled flowers.'
    Looks like butter wouldn't melt in Jessies mouth, don't worry she will eventually grow out of the naughty behaviour :)

  22. I agree, such a beautiful card mf....
    I giggled when I saw the pics of your puppy. Yrs ago our dog did the same thing and what a mess we came home to.
    xx Karen

  23. A lovely blue card Loll, one of your fabulous smoochy backgrounds and clever idea to just stencil the stem of flowers, hugs Robyn


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)