
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Happy Belated Birthday Laura!

Hi everyone.  This is a card I sent to Laura (one of my blog followers) who turned 80 years old a while ago.  I'm hoping that she's received my card in the mail by now.  Hope you had a wonderful birthday Laura!

I love this hydrangea from Stampin' Up!  It's an old stamp set, but one I will hang on to.  I watercoloured the hydrangea bloom and butterfly with Distress inks before fussy-cutting both images.  I die-cut this fabulous Penny Black frame and adhered my images on top, popping up the butterfly for a little extra dimension.  I added one of my favourite HB sentiments from Technique Tuesday.

Close-up ...

* * * * *
Jessie on Mother's Day
Stopped running after Violeta for a moment to pose for this picture.
Don't usually see her tired with her tongue hanging out. :)

Celebrating both birthdays on May 17
Jessie's BD (May 15) and Jer's BD (May 17)

Jessie's birthday portrait

Jer and his girlzies

Photos by Alejandro Garcia

Stamps:  Best Thoughts (Stampin' Up!); Cosmos - sentiment (Technique Tuesday)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Black (Versafine); Distress Inks:  Salty Ocean, Mowed Lawn, Ripe Persimmon, Mustard Seed (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  Watercolour paint brush, Simple Stackers Frame die (Penny Black), white gel pen


  1. What a beautiful hydrangea and butterfly Loll and finished with that gorgeous frame, so elegant and pretty and a great birthday card for Laura, also super photos of Jessie and Violeta with Jer, and hope he had a wonderful birthday too, and a lovely birthday portrait of Jessie. x

  2. Your card is so pretty, Loll.
    Love that hydrangea and that fabulous PB frame!

  3. I bet Laura loved her card and what a wonderful milestone birthday for her. I love the pictures of Jessie and Jer. I don't know how you got her to sit so still for her birthday portrait but she looks so sweet. Those eyes are so expressive and how could you ever say no to her!

  4. Your hydrangea is gorgeous, Loll! And great photos of the birthday dog and man!! My younger daughter celebrated her birthday on the 17th also...did you know that is a special day in Norway? It is kind of like our 4th of is big in Norway and the people and kids all dress in Native Norwegian clothes and have parades and everything! I love your little Jessie...and the photos are so GREAT, I didn't expect anything less from Alejandro! Have a great day, Loll! Heart Hugs to you! col

  5. I love this stamp and you've colored it beautifully, my friend! I'm sure it was so appreciated! Love the birthday pictures! Jer looks so happy and so do the pups!

  6. Beautiful water coloring, Loll. I love seeing your artwork since you never disappoint and I do love the font of that sentiment. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of Violetta and Jessie too and Jeremy looks so happy. What a pleasant day that must have been!

  7. Beautiful Hydrangea Loll, your watercolouring always amazes me.
    Love the pics of Jessie, Violeta and Jer :) Miss our get togethers :(

  8. Fab photos of Jessie (and Jer and Vi) - Jessie is so adorable!

    And a beautiful card - love the beautiful blue of the hydrangea and the great die you used for the panel - it frames it so nicely.

  9. A most gorgeous card Loll, yes a lovely stamp which looks fabulous on that amazing die frame...I love it, Have a wonderful week, hugs and stay safe Robyn

  10. A stunning card and a gorgeous twin of my past Cavalier!
    Faith x

  11. Oh those photos are fabulous and your card is just wonderful! I'm sure your friend was thrilled!

  12. I still have that Hydrangea stamp too Loll, but haven't used it in FOREVER! You've colored it just beautifully and I'm loving that die cut frame too. Lovely, lovely card and I'm sure Laura loved it too! And great pictures of Jessie, Violetta, and Jer...aren't family photos the best?! Hugs. :0)

  13. Lovely hydrangea, I always love the colours you choose, you somehow bring a vibrancy to your cards with your colours. Thats a great frame die too. Thanks for sharing the family pics too xx

  14. The most beautiful Happy Birthday card Loll. The hydrangea is so pretty and the die cut frame is wonderful x.
    Super adorable Jessie just loves to pose and happy belated birthday for the 15th x. She sure did strike lucky when she came to live with you x.
    What a happy and wonderful photo of 'handsome' Jer and his girlzies x.
    Loved the post Loll x

  15. Happy Birthday to Laura! Such a milestone birthday for sure!! I love Laura's card Loll, that bloom is just gorgeous and I swear that that butterfly looks like it could land on that bloom at any moment! I want to say I have this SU set, but will have to check for sure. I am pretty sure the only hydrangea bloom I have is SU. OMGosh, Jessie is so cute with her tongue hanging out, she looks like she was running around having fun! Goodness, you have a good many birthdays in May! I didn't realize that Jessie's birthday was in May, she is adorable in her birthday portrait! And I love Jer with the dogs, so cute and sweet! Hugs, Brenda

  16. What a fun birthday post! Gorgeous hydrangea and butterfly on your card. Very striking against the white. I sure do love that PB frame! Jessie looks adorable with her tongue hanging out from exercise. I can tell she'd been having fun! Happy birthday everyone!!

  17. A beautiful flower and a darling dog. What more could a blog post reader ask for. I'm sure Laura loved her card, Loll.

  18. Your hydrangea is gorgeous, and a great card for your friend -- 80 is such a fete!

  19. What a stunning card Loll - beautifully stamped, coloured and composed. Love in that frame die cut!
    Stay safe

  20. Just look at your little pup growing cute. Lovely pictures.
    Great card, so pretty and sure your friend will so appreciate it!
    Hope you and yours are all well as we get through these tough times.
    blessings mf.
    xx Karen

  21. Oooh, man, how wonderful these photos are of Jessie and Jer with both girls! Jer sure has your dimples and your beautiful smiling eyes, Lolly! And it's fun to see Jessie all tossled from running around in the wild! This time the photos did not make me forget you card, however, because I love hydrangeas! Your coloring is gorgeous and I love the crisp design with that neat border and sweet butterfly! Hope you are keeping well! Love, Dolly

  22. So soft and pretty, Loll ... the framing is just lovely ... Laura must've been delighted! Great photo's too ... so fun! Hugs, Anita :)

  23. Oh Loll, a real diamond among the cards. Your flower is as expressive as if viewed through a magnifying glass. The butterfly and frame perfectly complement the card

  24. Your hydrangea card is gorgeous, Loll! Love the blue shading! I'm sure Laura loved it.
    Happy birthday to Jer and Jessie! All three photos Alex took are wonderful. I especially like Jessie's birthday portrait. My dad was a great photographer and took hundreds of pictures of me, but I don't remember I looked as good as Jessie in the portrait!;-)
    Hideko xx

  25. Gorgeous hydrangea & absolutely LOVE that PB die! Fun seeing the puppydog pictures!

  26. Oh I think I saved the best for last. 😉 Happy belated wishes to all. Jessie is just adorable as ever.
    Your card for Laura is beautiful. Gorgeous watercolouring as usual. Love the frame.

  27. Well Jessie certainly has grown, wowzers. Such a beautiful dog ...filling your days with so much love. Perfect during our days of confinement.
    Back to the card. Laura must have been ecstatic to receive this special birthday card. You find the most awesome frames and know exactly when and where to use them.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)