
Saturday, June 06, 2020

Bright Flowers

Hi everyone.  Today is another watercoloured flower card.  I hope you aren't getting sick of seeing these.  I can't help myself, flowers are my favourite cards to make, and I mostly watercolour.  This time I used distress inks and then a little watercolour pencil work to add in some shading.  I also used watercolour paper this time and really had fun with that.  It is so different than working with my usually mixed media paper.  I love the texture of the paper and how it adds to the overall look.  Once I finished watercolouring, I wasn't sure how to finish the card.  I decided to tear it ... not sure it's the best design, but it's something a little different.

This is the first time this has been inked up, so I'm sending it over to the NBUS (Never-before-used-schtuff) #15 Challenge.

Close-up ...

Thanks for coming by for a visit!

Flower Cascade (Penny Black)
Happy Snippets (Penny Black)

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Latest Jessie photo
Having a bad hair day!

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Stamps:  Flower Cascase and Happy Snippets (both from Penny Black)
Paper:  Watercolour paper (Arches 140 lb. Cold Press); White card base (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:  Distress Inks:  Spiced Marmalade, Ripe Persimmon, Broken China, Salty Ocean, Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn (Tim Holtz)
Accessories & Tools:  white embossing powder, heat tool, watercolour paint brushes, Watercolour pencils (Derwent)

NBUS #15


  1. I love your beautiful watercoloured flowers Loll and torn into that partial circle shape leaves that lovely space for the sentiment. What a lovely photo of Jessie. I often take my socks off indoors and have a vision of someone going to their shoes and finding they only have one x

  2. Thank you Lolly for sharing your pretty watercolored flowers. Always fun to come up with a different CAS layout. I like your torn edge with your stamped sentiment:-) I have seen more torn edges recently..guess the technique is coming back:-)
    LOVE Jessie's bad hair day, but carrying her favorite sock around and sharing with you, made her day and yours and mine:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  3. Loving the torn edge!! I would never have thought of doing that. Beautiful flowers, too. Coloring/painting is not my forte - I sure wish it came naturally for me.

  4. Can't get sick of seeing your beautiful watercolour flowers Loll! Another gorgeous make.
    So can I tell you that even with a bad hair day Jessie's locks are looking better than mine! I am like Rapunzel's mad sister! Is that Jessie's own sock or has she taken a liking to one of yours?! xx

  5. Wonderful card, Loll. Your watercoloured flowers are amazing! I love the effect of the torn paper, it never looks right when I try to do it. Love the cute photo of Jessie. xx

  6. I love the torn layout and those bright flowers, Loll! Such a happy card! Jessie looks adorable with her "bed head"! Love that she carries that sock around!

  7. Loll your watercolour flowers are so beautiful, and Jessie's hair is amazing.some serious bed head going on there :)

  8. I love the torn edge - it gives a lot of interest. And the vibrant blue and orange flowers are so striking. Great watercolouring.

  9. Forgot to say that I had to smile at the photo of Jessie - quite the wild hair-do! And I love the way she carries the socks around.

  10. Huge smiles for Jessie... she is soooo cute... oh yes and smiles for your fabulous watercolouring too.... a gorgeous card, Loll, I like the torn edge too. Have a great weekend, stay safe Robyn

  11. It would never be possible for me to tire of seeing your beautifully water-colored blooms, Loll... or for Jessie's bad hair day to take away her preciousness!

  12. So lovely. Fun design with the torn edge. Beautiful watercolouring as always. Covid look or not 😂, Jessie is simply adorable.

  13. I love seeing your floral designs and this one is beautiful. The torn edge is a really nice touch.
    I know all about bad hair days at the moment ..... just wish I looked as cute as Jessie! xx

  14. Flowers and watercolor -- you ace them both! Lovely card, and I kinda like the torn edge!

  15. I am never tired of watercolour flowers. these ones look fabulous and tearing the paper really works as a finish xx

  16. Your watercoloured flowers are always a joy to see, Loll ... this is just lovely ... so bright and pretty! The torn edge is a great touch! Hugs, Anita :)

  17. Yes Jessie I know exactly how you feel....x
    The torn edge on your pretty card looks great Loll and a fun idea. Your water colouring is so beautiful and so is your card x. I would never ever tire of seeing your cards Loll x.

  18. Who would get tired of seeing your gorgeous watercolor flower card? This is so pretty, Loll! I think adding some shading with w/c pencils worked very well. I love the unique design of this card - the torn edge and the sentiment stamped open space below.
    I would love to have a bad hair day every day if I could look as cute as Jessie!
    Hideko xx

  19. Beautiful, beautiful card Loll, and I love that torn edge!
    Jesse looks full of character!
    Stay safe

  20. Message for Lady J, "We are all having bad hair days but you can rock it!" Loll this card is stunning the colours are wonderful and I love that tear. x

  21. I love that torn edge on the gorgeous flowers. I never get tired of seeing your flower cards, they always inspire me. That face! I just want to hug her. How cute she is with her sock. Actually her hair looks a lot better than mine!

  22. That face!! I love Jessie's bed head, lol, and her sweet little sock! And I love your gorgeous watercoloring, Lolly! Let's bring back tearing! You've made it look modern and fresh again! Love, Dolly

  23. I love seeing your watercolored flowers Loll...keep them coming :) Great idea to tear the cardstock on an's such a clever design detail and of course, your watercoloring is flawless, as always! Another beautiful work of art, my friend ~ Barb xx

  24. Oh my goodness, I completely forgot to say how much I LOVE Jessie's latest photo :) She's adorable, even if she is having a bad hair CUTE!!!

  25. I love your bright and cheery flowers Loll! They make me smile and bring happiness. You are so good at watercoloring and I always enjoy seeing your flowers and your watercoloring. Jessie is just the cutest!! She looks so sweet and I love her bad hair because it just looks adorable to me and not bad at all. Hugs, Brenda

  26. What is it about a torn edge - I just love them and I love how you got it arced like that, Loll. Looks amazing and I love the colors on your flowers too!!

  27. OMG, who could get tired of seeing beautiful watercolored flowers? The colors here are some of my favorites. It's just so incredibly pretty! Too many of my NBUS are non-flower stamps, boo hoo. Gosh, it's been a couple of days since I looked at blogs 'cuz I've got some other projects going on. Stopping here today is a treat! You know how I love to see pics of Jessie, too!! This pic melts my heart. What is it about a dog holding something in its mouth? Always so adorable. I had to show Rich. Thanks, Loll!

  28. Your watercolored card is so pretty with the torn edge Loll - but what I love most about this post is Jessie! I wish you lived closer so she could come and visit me for a day - what an adorable face!! xx

  29. Wow! I love the vibrant colors on the card. The tear in the image made the card acquire a very interesting expression, so different from your cards. I also love the texture of watercolor paper. I noticed that depending on the company, they can have very different surface patterns.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)