
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Two New-to-Me Techniques

Hi everyone.  Had a Zoom call with my Crafty girls a few days ago.  One of the techniques we tried was colouring stamps with powdered inks.  The card above is the second of the three prints I got from this technique.  

Used Hot Press Watercolour paper for the card above with the beautiful image Bejeweled - Penny Black).  Inked up the stamp with Versamark and then lightly brushed on Magical powders.  Spritzed with a light spray of water and stamped onto the watercolour paper.

It's a great technique.  One of the girls from our zoom call got eleven prints off one colouring of a stamp.  Amazing!

The second technique for this card is using that same stamp that still had a bit of colour on it, but not enough for a full print.  I spritzed the stamp with water and randomly stamped all over the background  to create a print background.  Have done with with die-cuts before, but not stamps.  Got a little carried away and wished I had not added so much to the background --- less is more! :)

Even though this is not a Christmas stamp, I thought the colours made it so.  Added a simple Christmas sentiment and voila!

Thanks for visiting.  Stay safe!

Stamps:  Bejeweled (Penny Black); Christmas Greetings - retired (Tim Holtz)
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); Watercolour (Arches Hot Press 140 lb.)
Ink:   Versamark; Lindy's Magicals:  Drop Dead Gorgeous Green, Bells of Ireland Green, Rambling Rose, Maple Autumn Crimson; Distress inks for Sentiments:  Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn, Fired Brick
Accessories:   Misti, Soft brush, water mister


  1. Wow, so beautiful, I have to try this.

  2. It looks Christmas-y to me, and so beautiful! What a great technique and I absolutely love the look of the background. Amazing that one of the girls got 11 prints of one coloring!

  3. I have to disagree with you about the background I absolutely LOVE it. This is a gorgeous card.
    Faith x

  4. Loll, I don't think there's too much of anything here!! You've created a beauty of a card!

  5. I've tried this technique before but never gotten results that look this FABULOUS...absolutely GORGEOUS Loll and works beautifully for a Christmas card! Love it!! :0)

  6. Your card is really beautiful, Loll. What an effective technique. xx

  7. So eye catching and love that sentiment with its fonts.

  8. This is so beautiful using the Magicals Loll and glad you had an enjoyable Zoom crafty get together. I love the background print too. x

  9. I don't think the background is too much at all, Lolly! I think it's perfect! A gorgeous card, my friend!

  10. This is really beautiful - I wonder if Brushos would work as well...
    Well done Loll!
    Sandy xx

  11. Love it! Great idea to add the background stamping! Such a fun technique!

  12. Beautiful Loll, it may not be a Christmas stamp but looks awesome on a Christmas card. love the background stamping :)

  13. Fabulous Loll - what a great way to make a card feature. and a matching background!
    Stay safe

  14. That is a fun technique and your card is gorgeous. I love that you spritzed and got that wonderful background. It's not too much at all.

  15. Beautiful Christmasy watercolored flower, Lolly. I love how you added the stamped prints for the background. Not too much printing for my eye:-) Love your color choices too. TFS your beautiful card and detailed description, my friend. Love and Hugs..nancy

  16. The gorgeous coloring of this beautiful flower certainly makes it look Christmas-y, Lolly, and you've used one of my favorite sediment fonts! I'm going to print this and put it in my binder because I didn't think to continue stamping and make print backgrounds. I don't think you did too much on this one! (BTW, I kept going after the call and ended up with 14 card fronts! Finally I could hear your voice echoing in the Playhouse, "Let it go, Dolly, let it go!" Haha! I'm hoping to find a solid poinsettia or something I can use for Christmas cards and do this again this weekend. I'm running out time, which is funny considering I've been pretty much isolated with nothing but time since March! Slap!) Keep safe! Love, Dolly

  17. I love the soft looseness of this, what great techniques. Something else to go on my list of techniques to try xx

  18. Such a contemporary and artsy Christmas card Loll x. A really striking and unique card x. Great techniques, both of them and my to do list is getting longer....x

  19. I think your background turned out beautifully and your choice of flowers for this technique was just perfect, Loll! LOVE your sentiment and color palette, too! xx

  20. Thank you for sharing another new and fun technique, Loll! Your flowers are gorgeous! Love the artsy look and the mix of the beautiful Magicals colors! I think the print background is so lightly colored that it doesn't look like it's too much.
    Hideko xx

  21. What a fabulous technique, Loll ... so effective ... such a gorgeous bold bloom against the ethereal 'print' background! Hugs, Anita :)

  22. Looking at this again Loll - really quite creative and attractive!
    Sandy xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)