
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thank you!

Hi everyone.  I want to thank all that support me by visiting my blog.  I appreciate everyone who stops by for a visit.  I LOVE making cards and it makes me happy to share them with you!

I am going to sign-off my blog today and take a much needed break after a hectic year.  Before I go, I'm sharing three ornaments below.  These were so much fun to make and I hope to make more next year if time permits.

I will be back on January 1st, raring to go with the first CAS Mix Up challenge of the year.  I hope you'll be back to check it out.

To all that celebrate the season in one way or another,
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Please stay safe!  



  1. Your ornaments are really special and each one a little different - amazing. Enjoy your well earned break xx

  2. all such darling ornaments, Loll -I always enjoy stopping by your blog and look forward to more of your cards in 2021 - enjoy your break and the holidays - see you in 2021!

  3. Glorious mixed media tag/ornaments Loll x. Love the crackle effect and the beautiful poinsettias, holly and cute snowman.
    Enjoy the break and stay safe and give Jessie a hug from me x.
    Amazing inspiration throughout 2020 Loll and here's to 2021 my friend x.

  4. A break is well deserved, my friend, after all you do for us all year. I love these ornaments and can see a tree decorated with them and by next year you can fill a tree! I love your challenges and learn so much from them. Have a safe and healthy holiday season and give Jesse a sniff from Daisy.

  5. It is such a pleasure to watch and enjoy the talents of a gal with so much style and class.

  6. WOW! These are all so beautiful. Don't know where you find the time but so glad you do. Have a wonderful and safe holiday. Enjoy!

  7. Beautiful Lolly.
    Have a peaceful and happy Christmas,a break is earned after all that you do. I hope that you get to spend it with those that you love.
    I send Jessie a big cuddle and you a big hug. xx

  8. I am so happy you’re taking some time off! You deserve it, you always go above and beyond to share ideas with us!
    I have followed you for years and your posts are always the first ones I go to! You have great ideas,I appreciate your explanations and a wonderful talent!
    Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your loved ones❤️💖🥰

  9. Oh my goodness, Loll - the ornaments are beautiful!! When Covid is over and we can craft together again, I really want to make a bunch of these for my sale! Wishing you a well deserved rest over the holidays - have a lovely time with Jer and Alex.

  10. Happy Holidays to you, too! Thank you for sharing your beautiful cardd and creations all year long.

  11. Wow, Wow, all 3 of your Gorgeous Ornaments!!!!!! Enjoy your relaxing staying safe at home Holiday, my dear sweet friend. Miss you already!!! Love to all the family...Nancy

  12. Thank you dear friend for all your inspiration and encouragement! These ornaments are gorgeous! See you in a few weeks. In the meantime, rest and relax. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with happy surprises and blessings.

  13. All the best, Loll! Thanks for a year of inspiration, and so much to love from your craft room!
    Your ornaments are a gorgeous example of that!
    Merry Christmas!!

  14. Briliant ornaments Loll not sure how they're made..
    Have a wonderful Christmas, may we truly this Christmas remember the Christ of Christmas Who came to bring us peace on earth, for in this time of our today we need a Saviour from our sin even more than ever...
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and may He keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. What a great idea Loll and these ornaments are gorgeous. Glad you will be relaxing until the new year, and thank you for all the wonderful inspiration to be found here and on your two challenge blogs and hope you have a lovely Christmas and can spend some time with the family. I look forward to better times and lots more creativity here in the new year. x

  16. Wow they are beautiful!!!

  17. Such gorgeous ornaments!! So beautiful!! Enjoy your break, Merry Christmas!!

  18. Stunningly gorgeous! They're beautiful and enjoy your well-deserved rest! Enjoy the holidays

  19. Love those poinsettia baubles Loll, so, so pretty.
    Hope you have a lovely seasonal break. :)

  20. Loll, was convinced by your 3 earlier cards to get PB's Nature's Allure and PB's Clear Stamps and look forward to using them...something new and easy to work with for next year's cards. I like the use of the poinsettia stamp from that set on the first ornament in this post. I think that set will be very versatile.

  21. Thanks, Loll! Happy Holidays to you and your family. See you next year :)

  22. A fabulous set of ornaments, Loll. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Creative 2021. xx

  23. Merry Christmas and thank you for the inspiration!

  24. Thank you for sharing your creativity and talent with all of us. It is always a joy to see you postings.
    Have a restful and blessed vacation and a joyful holiday season. See you in the New Year!

  25. Three beautiful ornaments, Loll! Have a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year x

  26. Beautiful ornaments, each one is so pretty.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, enjoy the break ..... see you in 2021!
    Love and hugs xx

  27. You have continued to inspire throughout the year right up to your last post... They are all wonderful! Thank you Loll... Have a beautiful Christmas!

  28. Your ornaments are absolutely gorgeous, Loll...and I'll bet they look beautiful on your tree!
    Thank you for another year filled with inspiration! I LOVE visiting your blog...I am always amazed by your talents and how you incorporate so many great techniques in your paper are a true artist!
    Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas holiday and a new year filled with good health and happiness ~ Enjoy your break!
    Big HUGS to you, my friend!!! Barb xx

  29. Three gorgeous ornaments Loll --- so bright and cheerful..... all the Very Best for a Happy Christmas and New Year, hugs Robyn
    ps you're a wonderful inspiration and I'm looking forward to being inspired by your amazing cards in 2021

  30. All three bauble tags are fabulous to end the year, Loll! Love the crackled base and coloring!
    Thank YOU so much for your inspiration all through the year, and all you've done for CAS Challenges!
    Looking forward to your cards next year!
    Merry Christmas, my friend!
    Hideko xx

  31. Merry Christmas to you and Gord and Jessie! I love your gorgeous schparkly ornaments, Lolly! I'll bet your tree is amazing!! Enjoy your break! Let's all raise a glass to a Happy Happy New Year!! Love, Dolly

  32. Fabulous ornaments! Love the crackle. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have been enjoying your break. I've had a nice break, too.

  33. what gorgeous crackle on these sweet die cut ornaments Loll! Enjoy your little break! xx

  34. Three wonderful Christmas ornaments, Loll. I'm sure that someone was very happy with them :-)

    Loll, you create so many cards, they are all so inspiring and so joyful that I love coming to you for inspiration. Blogging, commenting, working at home, and caring for little Jessie are so many responsibilities that I'm not surprised you need a break. Hope you rested enough to continue enjoying card making.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)