
Monday, February 01, 2021


Hi everyone!  Today I'm happy to be celebrating 10 years at!  When I started this blog I had no idea what it would bring.  I know now it was a good decision.  I have met and become friends with so many amazing people.  And it's so fun to share the love of card making with them.

I have been blessed with being able to meet several of my crafting friends in person.  Some local friends that I see regularly, and some farther away, but still able to get together once a year (with the exception of 2020).  And some that I have a strong connection to with monthly Zoom calls or "talking" through email.

There are giveaways to celebrate the 10th birthday.  Just leave a comment on this post before the end of February to be entered for the draw.

Thanks to all of you who support me and follow my blog.  I appreciate YOU!

Also to honour the 10th year, I have changed my blog design.  It may be familiar to you.  This is the header that I used for the CAS Stencil Challenge that is now part of the CAS Mix Up Challenge.  I just love this background with the white crackle paste through a stencil, along with distress inks, seedless preserves and mustard seed.  I had a lot of fun making this background and I love it, so thought I'd use it for my 10th year make-over! :)

* * * * * 

For the card above, I wanted to make something special to celebrate 10 years of blogging.  I used the same flourish stencil (Flourish Layering - Tim Holtz) as my banner in the background of the card, and a new flower stencil using the colours of my banner. :) 

Close-up ...

Since this is new-to-me stencil - Floral Sprays (Sweet Poppy Stencils), I'm entering my card into the NBUS Challenge #23, run by my dear friend, Darnell (aka Dolly).  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  Don't forget to leave me a comment below before the end of February to be entered into the prize draw (one comment per person please).

Stamps:  Cosmos - retired (Technique Tuesday); Script (Penny Black)
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:   Smoky Slate (SU!); Distress Inks:  Mustard Seed, Seedless Preserves, Hickory Smoke (Tim Holtz); Black (Memento)
Accessories:   Masking tape, Flourish stencil (Tim Holtz); Blending Brushes, Floral Sprays Stencil (Sweet Poppy Stencils)



  1. Happy anniversary Loll! Love the new header and your card is just beautiful.

  2. Congrats on 10 years blogging Loll. You inspired me so much when I first started along this all consuming and creative journey, even before I dared to start blogging! Your positive support over the years has been greatly appreciated. Best wishes for many more years of blogging and inspiration. :)

  3. Happy 10th Blog Anniversary Loll x.
    You are hugely inspirational on the blog and I love learning new techniques from you Loll x.
    I am fortunate to be amongst your many friends that 'Talk' through e-mailing and you know how much I cherish your blog friendship x.
    Loving your new header Loll and it suits you x.
    Wonderful layering on your beautiful card and what pretty floral stencilling. A happy and stunning card for your special birthday celebrations Loll x.

  4. Congrats on 10 years of blogging! Your card today is fabulous with those pretty stencils working the background and soft pastel flowers taking the spotlight. May you continue for at least another 10 years with your inspiring blog!

  5. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. I've learned so much since I started following your blog. I love your video tutorials and now use some of your techniques regularly.
    Here's to the next 10 years.

  6. Happy Anniversary, Loll! Congratulations on 10 years. That is quite the feat. Thank you for always encouraging and inspiring. This card today is just gorgeous. Here's to many, many more years! Hugs!

  7. I read your blog every day and love, love, love every card you make! I have also tried to replicate many of your cards, but by far yours always is the better! I love to see what you come up with, and make me realize what additional stamps, dies, etc, I must have!!! Keep up the great work. Here's to another 10 years!

  8. Congratulations Loll on 10 years of blogging and thank you for inspiring us with so many new techniques over this time, it has been wonderful working with you dear friend. xx

  9. Many Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary Loll and for giving us joy in sharing your beautiful cards and tutorials over the years. Love your new header too.
    Faith x

  10. Loll, I'm forever grateful for all the inspiration I've gotten from you, and this wonderful blog!
    Congratulations - and cheers to the next ten! Your card is just fabulous!

  11. Congrats on 10 years. Beautiful card to celebrate with too.

  12. Happy 10th Blogaversary, Lolly! I'm so glad you started this blog and I treasure the 10 years we have shared ideas, inspiration and friendship! Cheers to the next 10 years, my dear friend!

  13. And I love your new blog look!

  14. WOW...10 years! Congrats Loll...that's a LOT of blogging!! And I LOVE your new's absolutely perfect for your blog!! And of course your card is beautiful as always!! Congrats again my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  15. Happy "Stamping with Loll" 10th anniversary. You've celebrated as only you could with gorgeous stamping. The subtlties of your overlayed stamping are a sight to behold. I'm sure your pal, Darnell, is gonna love it. (Is it Dolly because you're Lolly or is that just a trick of the universe?)

  16. Beautiful card. Happy 10th anniversary! Have loved following your blog. Have received much inspiration. - Sharon

  17. Happy 10th Anniversary Loll! Your card is beautiful. Thank you for all your inspiration and sharing your cards.

  18. Congratulations and happy 10 years, Loll! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    Your “new resurrected” header is perfect for you. As always your card is fabulous with beautiful layered stencilling.
    Wishing you many more years to come! 🤗

  19. Congrats on your 10 years of blogging Loll, it is my 10th year as well. We both started in 2011, only you started a few months before me. I love your new header and yes it was familiar to me and know I know why. It is definitely you! I so agree with you, I have met so many people online, I've not been as lucky as you to meet up with a lot of people in person, just Mama Mary. But still consider my online friends my friends all the same. Your card is just beautiful. Loving those colors you used. The That background is so subtle that at first I thought it was a watermark, looks so pretty in that soft gray. The flowers are so artsy and I really love them. Again, loving the colors of them. Once again, congrats on your blogaversary!!!! Hugs, Brenda

  20. Happy TENaversary Lolly!
    Been one of those who have LOVED being your blogging buddy and thank you for all your encouragement, support - oh and patience when i used to drive you insane with my questions!
    Loving this card - they're colours that I wouldn't have put together - but guess what - I will now! xx

  21. Congratulations on your 10th year of blogging, Lolly. Gosh time flies by, my friend. It is because of you that I started my blog 5 years ago this March. Without your encouragement and helping me design my would never have happened...Thank you, thank you.

    Thank you also for all your time and creativity, organizing and keeping your CAS Challenges going every month. I have learned so many new techniques and how to use new and old products. I also treasure all my new and old friendships. Blogging is a wonderful way to keep in touch during the last year too. I have mailed out cards more this year than ever before:-) Enjoy your month of celebrating and thank you again, Lolly for being...You!!! Love and Hugs...Nancy

  22. P.S. I noticed your new header immediately and loved your stenciling with the crackle paste and the beautiful font. How nice to have been able to use the CAS Stencil badge for your design. Also your card is simply beautiful with the soft stenciling behind your pretty stenciled and watercolored flowers. Who would have guessed there were so many ways to use stencils until you started the CAS Stencil Challenge:-) Now I am loving all your techniques you and others are sharing on your Zoom Classes:-) I can not thank you enough for sharing all your creative talent, my friend. Love and Big Hugs...Nancy

  23. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Loll! A blog is a great way to meet new people who share one's own passion. I'm so glad you've been blessed along the way by meeting some of your blogging friends in person, too!

    Your card is a pretty use of mixed media. Soft and beautiful.

  24. Beautiful cards, Loll! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! You are an inspiration to so many! That 2nd card is just stunning, with the flowers stenciled over the lighter stenciled flourish and script! Your new header looks awesome with the crackle paint!

  25. I love the new header using the old CAS Stencil image and congratulations on your ten years of blogging Loll. I have always loved what you do and your innovative techniques and love of colour which is something that appeals to me too, and it is great to have you as a blogging friend. I adore your card using the beautiful SP stencilled flowers and love the TH Flourish stencil in the background, which I have and love it but don't use nearly enough, and so lovely that it is the same as on the header and the stencilled flower colours the same as you used on that too...such a lovely idea. x

  26. Congrats on decade blogging Loll I celebrated mine two months ago, too. When we started Blogging was really big and growing rapidly.. slowed a lot since then and a lot have dropped away. I get posts in my inbox so dont comment always. But enjoyed recent Eileen inspiration. Eileen was first encourager to join my blog, she was my inspiration to blog!
    Brilliant card, love the double stencilling they compliment one another nicely.
    Hope we both keep on blogging and sharing!❤
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  27. Wow - can't believe your blog is already 10 years old! Love the re-use of the CAS Stencil banner - it's so perfectly you!

    And what a beautiful card - very regal in the purple and deep gold-yellow.

  28. Congrats on 10 years, Loll! What a feat -- and we're blessed to have you instructing and teaching us. Wonderful card you've made, and I do love the "double" look to it -- and wonderful updates to your blog too -- love that photo!

  29. congratulations on your 10yr anniversary Loll, you have brought so much inspiration to the card community and I know how much I've learned from you :)
    Wonderful card, it has all your colours :)

  30. Hi Loll, Well done on the 10 years of blogging! Am so glad you are there - very inspirational. And I saw one of your creations on the Sweet Poppy Stencils facebook page too - really lovely!! Your flowers are gorgeous!
    Cheers Maurs xxx

  31. Happy 10th Anniversary ..... that's a lot of blogging! You are always such an inspiration and long may it continue.
    I love todays card, the colours are so pretty together, and the layering looks fab xx

  32. Oh WOW, this is gorgeous and love those colors! You really do have some fabulous stencils and your color choices are just amazing. Love the new header created from your card. And congratulations on the anniversary of your blog!

  33. Happy 10th Blogaversary, Lolly! Thank you for starting your blog so I could get to know you! I love your card! The details are amazing! And I love how you used your beautiful textured artwork as your new header!! Love, Dolly

  34. Well, congratulations on your 10th anniversary, Loll! You've come a long way and inspired many over the years, myself included. I admire your new blog header which you created IRL. It's been quite a journey for you! And now you're still inspiring with this gorgeous card with the pretty combination of stencil and stamps. Subtle and delicate while still colorful and cheerful. Is that possible? I'm not sure what year I started blogging, but it was a long time ago. First on WordPress, then TypePad, now Blogger. I should have started here in the first place, sheesh.

  35. Congrats on 10 years of blogging, Loll! Although I haven't followed you for all that time, you have been a true inspiration to me throughout the years...Thank you!
    I love how you added texture with your stencil and your color palette is so reminds me that spring will be here before long :)
    I also love your new blog suits you perfectly ~ Barb xx

  36. Congratulations on ten years of blogging, Loll. You have plenty to celebrate as your ten years has been full of giving to the crafty community - all your lovely creations and your imaginative challenges have blessed us all!
    (I should check when my blogging anniversary is; I have no idea!!)

  37. Congratulations on your tenth anniversary. How lucky for me you started a blog. I am so blessed to know you through zoom and you have taught and inspired me so much. I love your challenges and instructions and your cards are always beautiful. This Sweet Poppy stencil is awesome and one I'd like to get. The colors are so pretty and the new blog header is lovely. You also reached out to me to make my blog header too and I thank you again for that. You are a terrific friend.

  38. Loll I am so glad that I found your blog and can follow it - I may not get here as often as I would like, but I love visiting you.
    Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, and I love your new 'look'.
    Loving your card too - that is exquisite
    Stay safe

  39. Simply spectacular and so beautiful Loll. Clever how you have used that beautiful stencil in two such different ways. Certainly very special and a big Congratulations on 10 years of blog fun!

  40. What a gorgeous card the colours are very pretty and that flower stencil is specular. x

  41. Happy 10th blog anniversary Loll! I like your new header and this card is beautiful, just like all the creations you post here. I've learned many things from your blog and videos and thank you for so generously sharing with us all. Best wishes for good health and happy crafting for many more years!

  42. Happy 10th anniversary of your blog, Loll!
    I’m so grateful that you started blogging, and that I got to know you and have wonderful experiences through your CAS Challenges. You’re so kind and a wonderful leader.
    You inspire me with your beautiful cards and wonderful techniques all the time.
    Your new banner looks fabulous, and so is this special card!
    Hideko xx

  43. Congrats on ten years and such a beautiful card with amazing stenciling <3

  44. Congratulations on these 10 great years of blogging. When I first found your blog Loll (I didn't know then that you could subscribe to blog notifications at the time), it was still open on my computer. When I had to reset my computer once and lost all bookmarks in my browser, I was despairing and wasted a few days finding your blog again. Since then, I have been with you constantly and you have been inspiring me with your cards for years. Thank you for being there and sharing your amazing creativity with us. All the best and lots of ideas for new cards. I really appreciate knowing you and thank you for your presence in my life.
    The new look for your blog is beautiful and the close-up of cracking paste on a colored background is amazing.
    hugs & kisses


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)