
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Penny Black - For You

Hi everyone.  Happy Valentine's Day!!  Hope you are all having a wonderful and relaxing day.  

Penny Black has a new release "Daydream" with went live yesterday.  This is the first image I'm playing with (...For You).  These mice are so adorable carrying the beautiful rose.  Smiled the whole time I was making this card! :)  I wanted to have the mice standing on something fun, so added a chain of hearts (heart image from Huggable) for them to run across.   Both cards are watercoloured with a mix of Distress Inks and Dye Inks.

Close-up ...
You can see the shimmer of clear Wink of Stella on the hearts to add a little sparkle. :)

Next card is super CAS.  I just used the rose from the same image above ...
This rose is so gorgeous, I wanted to show it all by itself.  I then fussy-cut and popped up on my card front that has a wonderful sentiment from one of the other new sets - Smiles.

I'm sending this card over to The Flower Challenge #53.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!!

Smiles (30-802)

Stamps:  For You (Penny Black); Smiles (Penny Black); Hearts (Huggable - Penny Black)
Paper:   Mixed Media (Strathmore 140 lb.); White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.)
Ink:   Black (Memento); Distress Inks:  Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy, Worn Lipstick, Picked Raspberry, Rustic Wilderness (Tim Holtz); Granny Smith Apples, Real Red (Stampin' Up!)
Accessories:   Clear embossing powder, heat tool, water brush, Clear Wink of Stella



  1. Ahh Loll, these two cards are so cute, love the single rose on its own, eye catching creation. And the other with those cute as mice carrying the rose just perfect for valentines day or just to show love. xx Hugs Aileen

  2. Love the mice dancing over the hearts - so adorable! And the rose on its own on the second card is fabulous - CAS perfection!

  3. Two great cards Loll, your rose is so delicate and your mice are so adorable :)

  4. Love your mice scampering across the pretty row or hearts while carrying the rose, Lolly:-) So sweet and beautifully watercolored, my friend. Thank you and sending Happy Valentine's Wishes your way too. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  5. P.S. LOVE your Less is More single watercolored rose, card. Gorgeous fussy cut and rose and perfect placement of your sentiment. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  6. I wish I could attach an audio file right now, Lolly, because Hammy is squealing with joy over these cute little mice tip-toeing over the schparkly hearts to bring their special loved one a beautiful rose! It is just too cute and romantic for words! And your twofer of the single perfectly painted rose is completely CASlicious and elegant. I love a design that can be used for many occasions. Thank you for showcasing these new stamps for us! Love, Dolly

  7. Yes and I'm smiling toooooo both cards are just gorgeous Lol, cutest mice and yes the rose is a stunner.. hugs Robyn

  8. Oh my goodness - my heart is going pitter patter with these stunning cards Loll.
    Stay safe

  9. What delightful and full of love cards.
    Faith x

  10. Two very lovely and love-filled cards. That first on is just the sweetest! I'm smiling over here, too! Crafty hugs!

  11. Somebody you love very much must have received this adorable Valentine, and shared all the smiles you enclosed while making it, Loll!
    So darling - and a beautifully done solo rose!

  12. The little mice delivering the Valentine rose are delightful, Loll! I love how they are skipping across the hearts! The single rose by itself is so elegant and beautiful! It deserves it's own space! I hope you and Gord had a LOVEly day, my friend!

  13. I love your meeses to pieces! So cute and the way they're running across the hearts -- great grounding. And yes, the rose is just beautiful

  14. I'm smiling all over looking at this! You know how I adore cuteness, and you've given this first card an extra dose with the string of hearts and your pretty watercoloring. Speaking of pretty, it's clever of you to see the rose on its own in all its glory. That's one gorgeous card, Loll!

  15. Both are beauties, Loll. Those mice certainly caught my eye when I was watching Jill’s release video.

  16. If only I could watercolor like this! I tried yesterday and again major fail. I will be up soon for my lessons. These are so beautifully painted and the depth to that single rose is just amazing!

  17. I love those cute little running mice Loll and they sure look like they want to deliver that pretty rose x. Stunning single rose card too Loll x.
    After commenting on the two days Loll it has been a real treat to see the depth of cards, your amazing creativity and diversity of styles...I have really enjoyed it my very talented and inspirational friend x.

  18. Such a sweet card with the cute mice Loll and the CAS one is so gorgeous with that fabulous single rose also. Awesome cards again mf ;) hugs Viv xx

  19. I love mice, or at least the cute little chubby ones you see in cards. This little fellas would bring joy to anyone's day!
    Sandy xx

  20. Both cards are fantastic, Loll! The cute mice walking on a chain of sparkly heats and carrying a rose!! This card will make any receiver smile and happy!
    The rose in darker pink and green shades looks stunning against the big white space. Love the simplicity and elegance of the super CAS card!
    I hope you and Gord had a happy Valentine's Day. :-)
    Hideko xx

  21. Love both of these cards. The little mice with the rose are so cute, and then the rose on it's own is just CAS perfection xx

  22. These are beautiful! I love that single rose!

  23. Those darling mice tiptoeing across those hearts made me smile too, Loll. And I love the shading on the single rose. Am I supposed to thank you for sharing it at The Flower Challenge? lol

  24. Two lovely cards, Loll. The first so much fun with these cute mice. I perfectly understand why you were smiling when you created this card. And the other card so brilliant CAS! I love this great contrast for the rose on the white background. I love this card


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)