
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Poinsettias and Holly

Hi everyone.  I had two leftover stenciled poinsettia pieces in my stash, so used them on the above card.  The stenciling and sponging was all done I just added silver outlining to the images using a metallic pen.  Finished the card by adding a strip of silver metallic card stock to make a clean finish between the stencilled panel and my card base, and a silver heat embossed sentiment.  Always great when I can use up leftover pieces! :)  

Close-up ...
This view shows how shiny the silver outlining is on the stencilled panel. :)  For some reason, the sentiment doesn't look good but it does IRL.

I'm sending this card to a couple of challenges:

* * * * *
My sister is one of the people evacuated from her home due to wildfires.  She came down to the lower mainland last week with her hubby and two dogs.  They came by for a visit so I took a few photos to share.  Also happy to report the evacuation order was lifted a couple of days ago and they headed home today.


Big size difference :)

Jessie loves her Auntie DeeDee



  1. Thanks for sharing your card - using scraps.
    Also thank you for sharing cute pics of all the dogs.
    Glad to hear your family is safe.

  2. Oh, my, that's cool how you did the silver outlining! A very pretty card with the soft poinsettia and holly panel, Loll. Awww, you know how I love your sweet, darling Jessie, and now I'm smitten with her cousin, Tucker, as well! Beautiful dog with the coloring, the fluff, those ears! What breed is Tucker? What an adorable pair they make. I'm glad your sister was able to return safely home. This is just the beginning of our heartbreaking fire season in the west. I'm trying to begin slowly catching up and getting back in the swing of blog things. It's been a long haul.

  3. LOVE your beautiful poinsettia panels (inside and outside of card) and added the silver metallic pen outlining, which really made your flowers pop, Lolly. Love the silver heat embossed sentiment and narrow border for the finishing touches too.
    TFS the sweet photos of Dee Dee with Jessie. You two sure look like sisters:-) So happy to hear that they got to go back home. I can't imagine how stressful it must be having to be evacuated and not know how your home and valuables are doing.... Love and Hugs...Nancy

  4. WOW! A great card and no one will guess that you used leftovers to make it :-) I love the soft sponging and adding silver outlines to your poinsettias.
    It's a good thing your sister can go home now. The world is turning upside down, and what is happening on all continents is very disturbing. It's good that you can always count on your family, but it's best at home. This is excellent news that the threat is now over.

  5. What a beautiful card using your left over pieces Loll x. The stencilling and sponging looks amazing x.
    So glad that your dear Sister is safe and can return home with DH and her two dogs. Thank you for sharing the adorable photos Loll ....A stressful time for all x.

  6. Beautifully done Loll!
    I am glad your sister and husband got to return to their home.
    I know it is wrong but I covet your sweet dog!
    Sandy xx

  7. Glad to hear your sister had good news and could go back home. That's a blessing. Creative use of the leftovers. Very pretty. [Bunny]

  8. What a beautiful way to use this leftover piece, Lolly! Love the outlining and how the silver strip dresses it all up so elegantly! I'm thinking Auntie Dee Dee loves that Jessie is smaller than Tucker in her lap! I'm glad they could go home and have a home to go back to.

  9. Love the idea of using the silver pen to outline the stencil openings - so effective! Glad you got to see your sister but sorry it was because she had to be evacuated. I bet she's happy to be going home. Tucker looks like a lovely dog.

  10. great way to add to your stash Loll. I love the silver outlining it really makes the images pop.
    Your sisters dog is adorable and Jessie looks like she having so much fun with everyone :)
    I'm glad it was only a short evacuation and the everything is good, fingers crossed it doesn't happen again XX

  11. Beautiful card -- I love those silver pen additions! And of course kudos for using up leftovers!
    So glad your sister is ok, and property is safe

  12. This is a beautiful card, Lolly! I love the way you outlined with your silver pen and brought the design together with the narrow silver strip and silver sediment. And, speaking of love, what great photos of the pooches and I enjoyed "meeting" your sister, Dee! As much as Jessie loves her, I'll bet she also loved having an actual lap dog, lol, as opposed to her big boys! I'm happy that they were able to go back home pretty quickly. Love, Dolly

  13. A very pretty card, love the way you've outlined the shapes with the metallic marker, may have to use that idea! I do love when you can use up bits from your bits box. I'm trying hard but I can't seem to get to the bottom of mine!
    Glad your sister was able to return to her home safely. :)

  14. Hi Loll,
    Happy Rudolf Days.
    Oh I love this card and the very beautiful design.
    Your stencilling is perfect and the silver around the flowers and foilage makes it really pop so lovely and gives it such wonderful depth.
    Thank you for joining the Rudolf Challenge.
    So glad all is well with you sister and she was able to get back to her home.
    Hope all was okay and there was no damage.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  15. I'm glad your sister is safe... I've been following the news in your country and my heart goes out to everyone affected... The whole world seems to have problems...
    Your card is gorgeous Loll, Such a pretty effect with the sponging. Stay safe1

  16. The additional of the silver outline and strip, plus that sentiment made this card so elegant. I love that idea of outlining. So scary that your sister had to evacuate her home. Thankfully everything is okay for her. Tucker is a pretty dog and I bet Jessie loved having company. She looks pretty happy being snuggled by DeeDee.

  17. Love the soft look with the added silver. It makes it look so classy. How horrible for your sister to be evacuated. I do hope her home survives OK xx

  18. This is a wonderful design to use up leftover scraps, you cards is amazing. thank you for sharing the pictures I love to see Jessie and now her cousins and your sister, so glad they are able to head back home and to a home!!

  19. Your card is gorgeous as always. Love the soft look of the flowers and the pretty silver pen outlines helps to catch the eye!

    Glad your sister is safe...

    Thanks for taking part in the July Rudolph Days Challenge.

  20. What a beautiful leftover piece Loll and love the sponged colour for the stencilled poinsettias, and the silver outlines look wonderful, and the coordinating silver strip and silver embossed sentiment look great. So pleased that all is well and your sister can now return to her home. It must have been very difficult to leave not knowing what might happen. x

  21. Beautiful card Loll. I love how you outline with silver, it makes the flowers/leaves have even more definition. So soft and dreamy looking! Oh goodness, I pray your sister's home was safe from the wildfires. Jessie is still as adorable as ever, Tucker is most handsome. Indeed Jessie seems to love your sister! Such a sweet photo! Hugs, Brenda

  22. Yes it's good to use up unfinished panels, Loll, and you did a great job with this one. I love the idea of outlining with silver pen and the strip and embossed sentiment tie in beautifully. So glad the evacuation was lifted and your sister could go back home.

  23. ooh, a classic, Loll! the stencil is so pretty in traditional colours and the silver is an elegant finishing touch. thank you so much for sharing with the Rudolph Days Challenge.
    Linda, DT

  24. What a pretty poinsettia panel, Loll! Your leftover is too good to be called "leftover". The silver lining, sentiment, and border are all so shiny and beautiful!
    Jessie seems to have enjoyed wonderful company! I’m glad to hear that your sister and her husband were able to safely go back home.
    Hideko xx

  25. How scary! So glad they could stay safe with you.

    You make the most beautiful cards from "leftovers."


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)