
Friday, October 29, 2021

Remembering Anne ...

Hi everyone.  Today I'm sharing a sympathy card that I mailed to my dear friend, Anne's husband.  Anne passed away recently after a very long and hard battle with cancer.  She was an AMAZING person.  So passionate and caring, she got to know everyone she met and became friends with many.  Anne was one of those people who you met and instantly felt comfortable around, like you had known her for years.  She worked as a Family Counselor, which was the perfect job for her.
We moved in across the lane from this sweet couple in 1987, just one month before Jeremy was born.  As soon as Anne saw me out at the back, she started up a conversation, and soon asked us to come over for dinner to get to know each other.  We've been friends every since.  Our children were similar in age and grew up playing together.

I will miss her so much, but she is not suffering anymore and for that, I am grateful.

Anne always loved my hand-made cards and I sent them to her regulary to help brighten her day.  I found it really hard to try to create something for her and decided I needed a little help.  This is a very simple card using some patterned paper for the background and a lovely tree stamp with a wonderful poem that is fitting for the occasion.  I know Anne would have loved the card.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. So sorry for your loss🙏🏻 Card is gorgeous!

  2. A beautiful and very appropriate tribute to your friend. You were blessed to have had such a lovely lady in your life and I’m sure that she will have felt the same x

  3. Such a sad occasion for making a card. I know how hard it is to lose one of your best friends. It's a beautiful card - love the background paper you chose. And that tree stamp with the poem is wonderful.

  4. So very sorry for the loss of your friend.I am sure your beautiful cards brightened many of her days.

  5. It is so hard when a good and long time friend passes as we miss them so much. I also have a friend of over 50 years who recently passed and I have so many treasured memories and appreciate what a blessing our friendship was for both of us. It would be great if you could post a link to the poem on your card as it is hard to read on-line. Thanks for sharing! GlendaJ

  6. Beautiful card, Loll. So sorry to hear about your friend. xx

  7. I'm sorry, Lolly. It's so hard to lose a good friend. I'm sure she treasured her friendship with you and much as you did. This is a beautiful card with an awesome sentiment! Perfect, my friend. XOXO

  8. You have made a beautiful card in tribute to your friend. Im so sorry you 've lost such a strong and good friend!

  9. It's a beautiful sympathy card Loll. So very sorry for your loss... I too have lost a close friend 2 weeks back... she too had cancer and battled on for 2 years also a lovely lady and gone too early, feeling so much for her hubby - so I can feel your loss - special hugs Robyn

  10. So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Loll, it's a beautiful card and I'm sure a comfort to her hubby, Cathy x

  11. Beautiful card Loll, the background paper is perfect for the stamp. I love the poem too. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend ...... sending you love and hugs xx

  12. A beautiful tribute to your friend Loll, so sorry for your loss. x

  13. Oh Loll, what a loss for you - and a beautiful card to express your sorrow, and support for, Anne's husband.
    Stay safe

  14. What a beautiful card for your lovely friend. I am so very sorry for your loss. I'm sure your thoughtful card will help comfort her family. Gentle hugs.

  15. Such a beautiful tribute to your dear friend. I am so sorry that she suffered so much, and so happy that your life was blessed with your friendship with her. Your card is beautiful, as is your heart.

  16. I had to come back to you, Loll. I am so very sorry you've lost your friend, and wonderful neighbor. I'm quite sure your cards brought her years of pleasure - Anne would really treasure the bit of your heart you've added to this one! I know I sure love it...xx and prayers.

  17. So sorry for your loss, Loll. I'm sure Anne is looking down and smiling at the card you sent to her husband. It is difficult to make cards for those who have serious health issues but I've always found simple prayer cards to do the trick.

  18. So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend Loll and what a really beautiful card..made with much love. x

  19. Beautiful card and tribute to your dear friend. I am very sorry for your loss, Loll. Love, Col

  20. How sad to lose such a great friend and good neighbor. That card is a stunning tribute to her and it is beautiful.

  21. I realize I'm overly sensitive, but your words and your lovely card have made me feel as though I lost a friend, too. How perfect this stamp is, and the paper makes it all the more beautiful. Poignant and meaningful. This is a profound loss for both you and Anne's husband and family. I'm so sorry.

  22. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet, thoughtful forever dear friend, Anne...Lolly. Knowing she is no longer suffering helps, but still...a difficult time for her family and friends. I know you will treasure your years of wonderful memories. Your gorgeous card filled will Love will be treasured by her dear husband. TFS Love and Hugs..Nancy

  23. Your card is lovely and a wonderful tribute to your friend...So sorry to hear of her loss.

  24. A sweet story. I'm sorry she's gone and that it was a long battle for her. Making cards and giving them to people that love them is such a blessing to both people. My sympathies. [Bunny]

  25. So sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend, Loll. This beautiful card will comfort her husband. Even though you don't see Anne any more in this world, I'm sure she, in your heart, loves the card.
    Hideko xx

  26. Gorgeous card Loll. It's so hard loosing a friend like that ♥

  27. Beautiful card to remember Anne with, and honor to her, I'm sure to be loved by her husband. I hope your pain eases and your memories take over where the grief is facing.

  28. I'm so sorry Loll for losing your friend. It is sad that wonderful people go away and leave us in this world without their presence, which they supported us. But if someone suffers from disease, death is a release from pain and suffering, although we who remain on earth continue to suffer. I feel so sorry for you, Loll.
    I'm sure Annie would like this card very much. And now, when he looks at her from another dimension, he is sure to smile and hug you.

  29. I am so sorry for your loss Loll, it is never easy. Cancer sucks but it seems the Lord handpicks his roses for his rose garden and it sounds like Ann was a definite rose. No she isn't suffering anymore and I'm sure she is rejoicing in heaven. Those of us left behind miss them so much, but one day we will see them again. This stunning card is perfect! I pray Ann's husband gets comfort from it, I think he will. I've loved this tree/poem since you first shared it. It's is so beautiful. Hugs, Brenda

  30. Oh, that's so sad. It is always hard to lose someone. Your card is very special and just beautiful. what an amazing background and trees are always so comforting. Great poem too. I am sure Annes's husband loves it xx

  31. Dearest Loll I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your dear friend. Cherish the memories and what a thoughtful and beautiful card for Anne's husband x. Sending hugs x.

  32. I am so sorry for your loss, Loll! Losing a dear friend is never easy, but I must say you have created a lovely tribute to your friendship and I'm sure Anne's hubby is going to love it!
    Another gorgeous work of art ~ xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)