
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom!

Hi everyone.  A couple of days ago, my mom turned 93! :)  She is AMAZING!  We gathered at her house (just seven of us --- obeying Covid restrictions) to celebrate.  Every year we order in dinner from a local restaurant and just have a good visit ... no work for anyone.  Gotta love that!

I made this card the morning of her birthday.  I know ... always late getting going, especially these days when I'm not feeling 100%.  I found a panel of flowers already stamped and watercoloured.  Cut the panel down, added a few score lines and stamped the sentiment.  Having the panel already watercoloured made it quick and easy to get her card done.

This is the Unfolding stamp from Penny Black.  It's so pretty and I love (what I am going to call peonies), watercoloured in pink.  My mom used to love working in her garden which is filled with flowers, including pink peonies. :)

The sentiment (Gratitude - Penny Black) is stamped in black to finish the card.

Close-up ...
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Stamps:  Unfolding, Gratitude (Penny Black)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:   Black (Versafine); Distress Inks:  Worn Lipstick, Mowed Lawn, Pumice Stone (Tim Holtz)
Accessories:   water paint brushes, Scor-Pal

Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Anything Penny Black goes


  1. Beautiful shading in those lovely flowers! I'm sure your mom loved the card. Amazing to be 93! So glad you had a good get together for her birthday!

  2. Gorgeous pink peonies for your sweet 93 year old mom:-) I bet she Loved your beautiful card, Lolly. Wonderful sentiment too. TFS... Love and Hugs...Nancy

  3. Gorgeous! I love that layout! I bet your Mom loved it!

  4. Happy Birthday to your mom! Sounds like the perfect day for her with the perfect card to boot!

  5. Beautiful card for you mom, Loll. I would not call it late if you found one ready to go. Love the painting on the petals of these peonies. Sounds like your get together is wonderful too especially the no cooking part for anyone.

  6. A beautiful card Loll - and even better to know it was made with what you had 'on hand'. It is so elegant. Sorry to hear you are not 100%.
    Stay safe

  7. Wonderful card, Loll. I’m sure your Mom will treasure it. Sounds like a good idea to order a meal in, hope your Mom enjoyed her 93rd birthday celebrations. xx

  8. A quick card and a BEAUTIFUL card Loll...I'm sure your mom absolutely loved it!! Glad you were able to celebrate her 93rd with special!! (My mom will turn 90 in April and she's still going strong too!) Take care my friend and hope you'll be feeling better soon! Hugs. :0)

  9. That is awesome that you all got to be with her to celebrate 93! That is amazing and I love the idea of ordering out so no one has to cook. This card is so perfect for her and the watercolor is lovely, as always.

  10. Your Mom must have loved this eye catching bed of flowers you've planted so beautifully on your card. I adore your loose watercoloring and the layout which is simple but interesting. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling 100% these days. Seems there's always something. Your get together and dinner sounds wonderful.

  11. A beautiful card for a special lady, Lolly! These peonies are gorgeous and I love the background wash and the score lines!

  12. Happy belated birthday to your mom, Loll! I'm sure she enjoyed the celebration and loved your beautiful peonies card! The shades of pink are so pretty and Pumice Stone for the background is a wonderful choice!
    Hideko xx

  13. gorgeous card Loll, I know your mum must have loved the card and I can't believe she's 93 ♥

  14. What a pretty card, beautifully watercoloured for your Mum Loll x. Always good to catch up and share a meal and especially as it was ordered in x. So sorry to hear you've not been 100% Loll....Sending hugs x.

  15. Your card is gorgeous!! 93? Oh my what a terrific lady. I miss my Mum, especially today funnily enough. Sorry I haven't been able to comment on all your creations... I did scroll back and love everyone.

  16. A very pretty card - gorgeous flowers.
    Thanks for joining our Penny Black Saturday Challenge
    Lorraine x

  17. Great make when it's short order -- the flowers are beautiful and look like splendid peonies to me. Congrats to your mom on 93 years!
    Hope you are feeling better too, very soon

  18. I always leave making cards for the special people in my life late because I find them so hard, not sure why that is except that I want to make them extra special somehow. This one is beautiful, I really love the colour and the soft background and how very special to be 93. Well done her xx

  19. Such a special card for a special lady .... so glad you all had a lovely day. Belated Birthday wishes to your Mum xx

  20. I'm sure your mom was delighted with this card, Loll. These peonies look so beautiful and their image surely makes your mom feel a bit of summer in the middle of winter. I love how you added embossed lines to frame the image of these flowers. Hugs for your mom. Lots of health for all of you, Loll.

  21. Thank heaven you had this panel of flowers tucked away...they worked out perfectly for your mom's card, Loll! Happy 93rd birthday to her...and cheers to the caterer for making everything easy for the rest of you...way to go!!! xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)