
Thursday, August 25, 2022


Hi everyone.  Today's card is for the Rudolph Days August Challenge - Anything Christmas Goes. 

I'm sharing a card made from my stash of card fronts.  Over the years I have made several card fronts when crafting with friends (in-person or on-line).  I have been inspired by my sweet friend, Bonnie (Stamping with Klass) to finally make these card fronts into cards. :)  She has been working for months going through her box of unused items and has made so many amazing cards.  Thanks for inspiring me, Bonnie! :)

The card above was made using the stenciling monprint technique (ink'ing the stencil background (acetate cut with my Silhouette Cameo), spritzing with water, turning it over onto a piece of mixed media paper).  It's a great way to stretch the use of your stencils by getting a negative image.  You need to blot with paper towel to absorb any stray ink so that the stencil image is clean and shows the colour of your card front.  I used magicals to make this background ... you can see all the variations of colours.  Once dry, I used a permanent silver pen (Pilot) to outline the snowflake.  The panel is popped up on foam for added dimension and the sentiment Christmas Sentiments (Penny Black) is silver heat embossed on my card base.

Close-up ...
You can see the shimmer from the magicals in this photo, along with the shine from the silver pen.

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Stamps:  Christmas Sentiments (Penny Black)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Mixed Media paper (Strathmore 140 lb.)
Ink:   Magicals (Lindy's); Versamark
Accessories:   Snowflake stencil (cut file from Silhouette America), acetate sheet, Silhouette Cameo, water mister, silver pen (Pilot), silver embossing powder (Ranger), heat tool

Rudolph Days August Challenge - Anything Christmas Goes


  1. Loll you are smart to follow Bonnie's lead - you've done it so beautifully today!
    This is one big stunning snowflake!

  2. I can indeed see the shine, Loll, and it's gorgeous.

  3. This is really pretty and love the beautiful colours of the magicals in the background Loll, and the silver pen highlights the edges of the snowflake beautifully. x

  4. Oh my..You and:-)Bonnie are really inspiring me, Lolly I need to look thru my card fronts...I LOVE your Magicals monoprint card front, silver lining of your large snowflake and pretty stamped sentiment and framing. All so beautiful. TFS Love and Hugs..Nancy

  5. I'll take big beautiful snowflakes like this over the real deal any day! Fantastic card, Loll!

  6. I know you've made a lot of amazing backgrounds and parts and this is certainly one of them! It's truly magical with the Lindy's Magicals. Maybe someday I'll figure those things out. I do love the monoprint technique. This is simply beautiful, Loll!

  7. So beautiful and such lovely colours! I need to do that technique more often.

  8. gorgeous snowflake Loll, and our outlining is perfect it really makes the image pop ♥

  9. I love these colors along with the silver to really pop your snowflakes off the card, Lolly! It's galatical and schparkly and amazing! And well done using your backgrounds. I need to get on mine, too, instead of just adding to the box! Love, Dolly

  10. What a fab design Loll, love the shimmery background to your snowflake. I'm trying to use up my stash of backgrounds too but it doesn't appear to be getting smaller! ;)

  11. Just look at all that shimmer!! This is beautiful Loll, the colours from the Magicals looks so pretty, and I really like the silver outlining on the snowflake. Gorgeous card! xx

  12. A striking effect on this snowflake

  13. What magnificent use of the stencil and a beautiful background Loll.

  14. What a fabulous large snowflake. So pretty.

  15. This is lovely, Loll. Mono prints are so pretty and the silver pen made it shine like snowflakes do. Magicals made a wonderful sky for this.

  16. You always get such good results with this technique, Lolly! Such a clean, crisp image! Love that shimmery background and the subtle outlining! You remind me that I need to get back to emptying that box instead of adding to it!

  17. Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL card Loll, and YAY to you for turning those backgrounds into cards! I need to do the same! Hugs. :0)

  18. I love the soft look you get from that technique and it is so nice to see you using up remade backgrounds. Well done xx

  19. Lovely card, Loll. I love how you've outlined the snowflake in silver. xx

  20. What a fabulous technique, Loll and your beautiful snowflake makes such a striking design! The shimmer and the outlining with the pen are great touches.
    Hope you are well.
    Take care,
    Carol x

  21. Just beautiful. I've been trying to use up my backgrounds too!

  22. Beautiful snowflake stencil monoprint, Loll! This is one of my favorite techniques. I love the gorgeous variations of the colors! You caught the pretty shimmer of Magicals and silver shine so well in the close-up.
    You and Bonnie inspired me to make my card fronts (sitting in a drawer for a logn time) into cards!
    Hideko xx

  23. Beautiful, and pretty shine - the monoprint and stencil outline worked wonders for this beauty

  24. Lovely snowflake card Loll, and great Bonnie's inspiration has you using some of your stash ... cool technique too. Robyn

  25. Simply stunning and thanks for joining Augusts Rudolph Days Challenge Luv Sam x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)