
Monday, March 04, 2024

IDEAS - Inks / Colour Mediums

Hi everyone.  I'm back with another card following Darnell's IDEAS Challenge.
Today is "I" - Inks / Color Mediums.

I recently bought two different sizes of 8 colours of POSCA pens (acrylic paint pens).  These pens are opaque and this is the first time I've used them to colour an image.  They are easy to use ... and they definitely cover over a dark or busy background with solid colours.  

I used a leftover smooshed panel of pearl alcohol inks as my background, stamped with Delicate Beauty (Penny Black) in black ink and clear heat embossed.  It's the first time I've used this stamp as well. :)  Coloured the image and then cut a piece from my panel to use as the sentiment banner, stamping from the same stamp set as above.

Close-up ...
I have used two NBUS items, so I'm sending this card to NBUS Challenge #60.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stamps:  Delicate Beauty (Penny Black)
Paper:   White card stock (Neenah 110 lb.); Coated card stock
Ink:   Black (Memento); POSCA paint pens (red, green, white)
Accessories:   Clear embossing powder (Ranger), heat tool


  1. This is so pretty, Lolly, and so you with these gorgeous sunset colors! I love how you did the sediment with a strip of the panel! You've got me wondering if I have some of those POSCA pens. (I should know after doing the purge not that long ago!!) Thank you for playing with my I.D.E.A.S. schedule and inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Dolly

  2. Such a vibrant panel with the pearl AI smooshing and the PB flowers, Loll - just love how you finished it off popped on the white card!!

  3. I can see those pens have worked really well. Love that glorious background. I have a few acrylic paint pens that I haven't really used so thanks for the inspiration xx

  4. Talk about gorgeous! Love those brilliant colors and the way the image shows up so well on the bright colors. No idea how you heat embossed over coated cardstock. I often have it bubble up on me. Beautiful card!

  5. Beautiful card Loll, I love the rich vibrant colours.
    Liz xx

  6. Thanks for showing what those pens can do, Loll. They really colored in the flowers so they pop against your beautiful ink panel.

  7. What a bright and beautiful pearl alcohol ink background to your pretty flowers Loll, and love the Posca pens which do cover a dark colour brilliantly and some super white highlights on the petals..the sentiment looks great on a matching piece of the background too. x

  8. It does look like those pens do a great job... well maybe it was the sweet lady using them! Pretty card, Loll!

  9. You really put your coloring mediums to work on this one! Gorgeous background, and you and your Posca pens did a fantastic job of coloring right over it. A pretty little PB stamp, too. Gosh, a whole set. I swoon over colors. It's an affliction I've had since childhood. I love that I can always see plenty of color when I visit you here.

  10. Hmm - I think I might have to get some Posca pens if for nothing else than to colour over dark backgrounds! Love the rich colour you got from them! The pearl AI background is gorgeous.

  11. Beautiful vibrant colours, aren't the pens wonderful for colouring on deeper colours ♥

  12. Lovely background and the opaque image over the top is perfect.

  13. You've done a great job of coloring with these pens, Lolly! I love the pop of red on the warm gorgeous background!

  14. Love this Lolly. ~
    I bought some Posca pens too... but ordered glittery ones instead of plain! (DOH!!!) x

  15. Hi. I tripped across you on Pinterest and would like to sign up for your emails. Help please!

  16. Hello Anonymous ... to subscribe to my emails, fill out the form at the top right of the blog. Make sure to add "Subscribe" to the subject line. Loll :)

  17. BEAUTIFUL card Loll and the colors are just GORGEOUS!! I've heard of the Posca pens but have never used them...they sure do make the colors POP! Fabulous card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  18. Hi Loll... I am so pleased to have popped into your blog today... I am so in need of inspiration and your Group of Seven has me thinking and then too I've just seen here your link to Darnell and her IDEAS acronym... thanks for visiting my sad blog and commenting too. Your lovely smooched AI panel with the stamped image that you've then painted with these new pens... looks wonderful.. have a super duper day, hugs Robyn

  19. The colors of inks are so beautiful! I love your simple flower -- both accent each other so well

  20. Brilliant colors in your background and lovely flowers too. A bright spring card for these dreary days.

  21. So beautiful with those bold stand out colours Loll

  22. WOW! Fiery, sunny colors are a huge advantage of this card. This delicate branch of flowers is beautifully colored with POSCA markers. I haven't heard of such an article, thanks for sharing this information. The sentiment goes perfectly with your sweet floral image.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)