
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pink Mountain Sunset

Today is Jeremy's 24th birthday.  Happy birthday Jer!! ... Love you.  Can't believe my youngest is 24 - where do the years go??!!  Jer has to work tonight, so we're having the family dinner on Thursday - looking forward to a fun time!

On to the card for today.  I had so much fun with the Color Challenge through Splitcoaststampers last week, that I decided to try again today.  Today's challenge is "Rich Vanilla Rose" ... meaning the three SU! colors are Rich Razzleberry, Very Vanilla and Regal Rose.  I decided to do a brayered piece (haven't done one for a while).  I didn't use the "dessert" part of the challenge, which was to add butterflies (optional). 
Hope you like.

"Pink Mountain Sunset"
Stamps:  Large Pine Tree (Stampscapes)
Paper:  Rich Razzleberry, Very Vanilla, Glossy White
Ink:  Rich Razzleberry, Regal Rose, Basic Gray, Basic Black, Craft Black
Accessories & Tools:  Speedball Rubber Brayer, scrap paper for masks

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I brayered Regal Rose on the top half of the Glossy White cardstock.  I brayered Rich Razzleberry over top, making sure to not completely cover the Regal Rose.

I tore a mask from scrap paper and brayered the mountains with Basic Gray ink.  I ripped a second mask from scrap paper to create a smaller range in front and brayered with Basic Black.  I set the ink with my heat tool.

I stamped the Pine Tree with Craft Black ink (it is "juicier" and creates a stronger black image and is also easier to clean from the stamp when you are finished).  I re-inked and stamped the Pine Tree twice more.  I used my heat tool to dry the ink.

I mounted the brayered image onto the Very Vanilla frame and attached it to the card base.

Gord and I are heading to our friends, Anne and Jim's for dinner tonight.  As usual, we'll be taking along a bottle of wine to have with dinner ... but if I have time, I like to take something homemade as well.  Today I had time to make Coconut Almond Cookies.  This was one of Gord's favorite cookies when he was growing up.  So when we were first together, I got the recipe from his mom and have been making them every since.  They became a family favorite and my kids loved it when I made them!  I'm adding the recipe to my Baking page on the website.  If you decide to make them, you won't be disappointed!!  They are soooo yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this card I like making Stampscapes scenes, but have never tried using a brayer. One of these days I must try it. I am going to make your almond cookies this week. They sound yummy!


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