
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sketch of Nature

Ever have one of those days when you think everything is going great ... you've created a wonderful card and you're just at the point of mounting it onto a card base to finish ... and then things unravel??  This happened to me today.  I made this lovely scene with a beautiful blue sky, clouds, mountain off in the distance and pine trees at the bottom of the mountain.  I was happy and proud of myself.  Then in a rush to finish, I cut off too much of the picture - uggghhhh!  Into the garbage it went.  I was soooo mad at myself!! ... of course, hubby was nearby to take the brunt of my wrath ... :)

So I wasn't about to start the same scene again ... and I couldn't leave the art studio empty handed - that just wouldn't do!  So I created a quick ... let's call it "15 minute card".  Clean and Simple might be a better title.  It's all about the main image - no ribbon, no brads, no embellishments whatsoever.  Hope you like.

"Sketch of Nature"
Stamps:  Sketch of Nature (Innovative Stamp Creations); Vintage Labels (SU!)
Paper:  Soft Suede, Whisper White (SU!)
Ink:  Old Olive, Always Artichoke, Soft Suede, Barely Banana; Stampin' Write markers:  Old Olive, Early Espresso, Sahara Sand
Accessories & Tools:  Sponges, small paint brush, medium oval punch, small oval punch, adhesives, dimensionals

* * * * *

I inked the stamp using Stampin' Write markers: Early Espresso for the trunks and branches and Old Olive for the leaves.  I stamped onto the Whisper White cardstock and then colored in the trunks using Sahara Sand Stampin' Write marker.  I swiped a small, stiff paint brush across the Old Olive ink pad and added color to the leaves, repeating until they were mostly filled in.  I then swiped the paint brush across Always Artichoke ink pad and added some dark green to the base of the leaves.

I sponged Barely Banana in the background all around the tree (and in amongst the branches), but leaving a little white space to add interest.  I also sponged the Whisper White scrap with Barley Banana before stamping the sentiment in Soft Suede ink.  I mounted the stamped sentiment on a frame of Soft Suede cardstock.

I sponged Old Olive ink at the bottom of the trees to create grass and added Always Artichoke near the top.  I sponged some Soft Suede ink right along the base of the trees.

I mounted the image on the card base and added the sentiment, popping it up with dimensionals.

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