
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

My Favorites from 2013

First of all, Happy New Year to all!! :)  We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's ... lots of time with family and friends.  And, of course, lots of time with our sweet grandson who has brightened our lives beyond words :)

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and are resting up today and getting ready for a fresh start.  Where has the time gone ... 2014 - wow!  Hubby and I realized last night that we started dating in August of 1974 - almost 40 years ago! Time flies when you're having fun :)

This year I'm hoping to change things up a bit on my blog.  I want to get back to when I first started this adventure, sharing little bits about myself and my family.  The past year has been mostly just cards, which is my passion, but it's also nice to get to know each other through our posts.  Also have some ideas about what I want to do this year as far as cards ... the one thing I know for sure ... start my Christmas cards early!!  I started in June last year and I actually ran out before my list was completed ...  I couldn't believe it!  So I'm hoping to join in some of the Christmas card challenges that run all year so that I have a good stash when it's time to send them out.  And my focus is also going to be on Christmas tags ... had so much fun making tags, but need to make more and I will share them with you as well (didn't share this year).  So I guess this sounds more like a new year's resolution ... and hopefully I follow through.

First up ... I'm joining in at Debby's blog to pick my favorite five cards I made this year.  Debby runs this each year and it's fun to look back.  I made 218 cards this year that I posted on my blog and here are pictures (with links) to my favorite five ... 




I hope you have enjoyed looking back at some of my past cards.  And I hope you'll join in the fun at Debby's blog and post your favorite five that you've made in 2013!

I'll be back tomorrow with a very special card to share with you.


  1. Oh Loll, you picked some real beauties here! I love every single card you make but these ones are truly fabulous.

    Happy New Year!

    Hugs, Di xx

  2. Happy New Year Loll! I hear you when you say you need to get started on your Christmas cards as early as possible ... or to continue creating when once you've started. My Christmas card production failed miserably in 2013. Actually, I didn't create a whole lot of cards anyway. But I guess it's a good thing to look back to see what one did create. Off to have look at Debby's blog, but first let me say you've picked a really nice selection of cards. It must have been tough to choose only 5 if you've created so many.

  3. Thanks so much for your review of such gorgeous cards, Loll ... it's fabulous to revisit them! Happy New Year to you! Anita :)

  4. Hi Loll - wonderful to look back at some of your favourite makes of 2013......not sure how you chose just 5! I'm hoping to join in with the fun at Debby's.....hope I have time!

    Karen x

  5. A beautiful selection of cards Loll - It's a pleasure to see them again.
    Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful New Year.
    Sylvia xx

  6. A great idea to look back on your cards and pick your favourites Loll and this is a wonderful selection that showcases your style. Love all your flowers:)
    Val x

  7. I love all five that you posted, Loll, but none of them are my favourite of your 2013 cards. The fifth one you posted was on my short list of my favourites of yours for the CAS Favourites of 2013 on SCS but I picked a different one. You'll have to head over there to see which one I picked!

  8. Great choices but I loved so many of your cards that I would have a hard time deciding! Happy New Year my friend. I hope the year brings you health and laughter!

  9. So fun seeing your 5 favorite cards Loll. It would be difficult to pick only 5 of your fav's since they were all so inspiring and creative.

    Can't wait to see more blog entries about you and your family this year, esp. pics of your new grandson :-)

    Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year my friend :-)

  10. So fun seeing your 5 favorite cards Loll. It would be difficult to pick only 5 of your fav's since they were all so inspiring and creative.

    Can't wait to see more blog entries about you and your family this year, esp. pics of your new grandson :-)

    Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year my friend :-)

  11. Your cards are absolutely beautiful, Loll...and a reminder of why I enjoy following your blog so much! Your attention to detail and choices of stunning elements are so creative and well executed...thanks for sharing them with us!

    Sending you my best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  12. Love seeing your five faves, Loll. But with so many fabulous choices, I'd have a tough time coming up with only five! You DO make the most amazing cards! Happy New Year!

  13. Too often I've come, looked, admired and NOT commented. Thanks, Loll for sharing your thoughts, talent and ideas. Your cards are beautiful. I look forward to reading your latest blog in my mailbox and hope you continue to inspire others as you've inspired me. Happy New Year!

  14. Hi Loll, 5 gorgeous cards, so many of your cards are my favorites! Happy New Year, Cathy x

  15. Very excited to hear we will be hearing more about your life and fab collection of cards x

  16. A Fabulous Choice Loll, I love all your cards though so it would be hard to choose 5 favourites xxxx
    Love the Mountain one...It takes me to my favourite place in England..The Lake District. I have just got the Window Die and Box for my Birthday in Dec. so look forward to using that.
    Every Blessing for 2014 sweet friend.
    Huge hugs Mau xx
    look forward to you sharing with us.xxxxxxx

  17. Hi Loll. All I can do is sigh, with a touch of drool!! These cards are exquisite. I love your cards for their clean pristine look and your fabulous sense of design. Have a wonderful New Year, especially with your new grandson.

  18. What beautiful creations Loll - you are so creative with the little flowers on frames and windows - and I love that tree scene! I love stopping by here - I always leave inspired! Happy crafty 2014 GF!!

  19. I don't think I could have picked only 5 favorite cards, Loll! These would certainly be among them! Thanks for sharing your talent in the past year and I look forward to seeing more in the coming year and watching that grandson grow!

  20. Fab cards, Loll! I love the landscape (I think I missed that one when I was on my travels).

    Happy New Year to you!

  21. Stunning collection. I have the same plan -to start Christmas cards early! :)

  22. Love everyone of your 5 cards, Loll.

  23. Out of all the beautiful cards you made last year Loll I don't know how you possibly narrowed it down to the Top 5! These are all gorgeous. Happy New Year to you.

    PS that grand baby looks very huggable - hope your getting to do that lots.

  24. Oh Loll...these are all beautiful. I couldn't narrow your cards down to just 5 faves...I've loved them never have a 'miss'! You are a phenomenal talent my friend! I'm blessed to receive visits (and comments) from you. So happy we are blog friends! I can't wait to see what 2014 brings!

  25. Lovely cards. I especially love the Trellis Window card.

  26. Beautiful cards. Happy New Year. :) xx

  27. These are all so beautiful! I love how you make such gorgeous creations without them being too bulky. A lot of cards these days simply won't fit in an envelope and it's a real challenge to keep them that way and still use all those wonderful dies and embellishments. I need to visit more often. So many blogs, so little time! Happy new year!

  28. I love all of these but I particularly like the landscape with the trees for it's lovely sky and hills, and the first one with the embossed frame and the lovely little flowers, for it's elegant simplicity.

  29. Wonderful selections of cards Loll, they're all gorgeous.
    Thank you for joining in with My Favourite Five of 2013.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)