
Monday, August 31, 2015

Graphic Birthday

Hi everyone.  Time for the September Sketch Challenge ...


I've had this grid background stamp for several months but don't think it's been inked up until now.  I have a lot of NBUS in my stash, all nicely filed away (and usually forgotten!).  I've now pulled out all I could find and keep them in a separate basket ... hopefully they'll get used now. :)  I think it's a sign I may need to slow down with my buying. :)  You'll notice I didn't say stop buying ... just slow down. Baby steps! :)

I inked up the grid with versamark and heat embossed in white.  Then I used my new distress inks, Twisted Citron and Mermain Lagoon (LOVE this colour combo), to add in some colour using a water brush.  After I did a few squares, I spritzed with a little water and then tilted my card front so the diluted ink would run.  Happy with how this turned out.

I used this bold sentiment from Happy Little Stampers to finish off my card.  I stamped over top of the white embossed grid, and of course, the ink didn't stick where there was white embossing, so I just used a permanent black marker to fill in any blank spots.

I hope you'll join us for this fun sketch challenge.  Come check out the challenge HERE and see the amazing cards from the Design Team.

I'm entering this into a couple of challenges:  Less is More is looking for cards using sprays / mists;  Addicted to Stamp & More is looking for CAS cards (3rd entry); and Simon Says Stamp Wednesday is Anything Goes (3rd entry). :)

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!!

Stamps:  Grid Background (Simon Says Stamp); Bold Birthday Sentiments (Happy Little Stampers)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Mixed Media (Strathmore)
Ink:  Versamark; Twisted Citron, Mermain Lagoon (Distress inks by Tim Holtz); Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  White embossing powder (Hero Arts), heat tool, water brush, black sharpie

HLS September Sketch Challenge
Less Is More #239 - Sprays / Mists
ATS&M #159 - CAS
SSS Wednesday - Anything Goes


  1. Love these soft inked squares, Loll! You're sways coming up with great techniques that I want to try. Trouble is, mine never come out as good as yours. Love this!

  2. Wow, I love this card! I can see it in different colour with different sentiments for many occasions such a great idea.

  3. Love your take on the sketch Loll, the colour combo is perfect. Carol x


  4. What a beautiful color and design!
    Gorgeous card Loll!

  5. Excellent use of the sketch! Totally awesome background~

  6. I love how you randomly places the ink in the squares, Loll, and the colors you used. Beautiful!

  7. This is wonderful, Loll! I love the graphic look and those colours do indeed work well together. I'm with you on the NBUS - up until recently I used to file everything as soon as I got it and there must be so much that has never been used. Now I put it in a container and I'm finding myself going to that box first when looking for inspiration.

  8. Loll, this is so lovely!!! That background is a great interpretation of the sketch without being too literal. Super pretty!!

  9. Super card Loll, reminds me of year 5 art class I used to do re Mondrian, happy memories!
    Love your aside about the stash, aren't we all guilty to some extent. Going to Port Sunlight in October for a stamp fair and was just thinking how much cash to take, don't want to run out and miss something. :)

  10. Lovely card Loll! I really like your graphic background with that soft colours! Hugs Åsa

  11. love your color combo, too - beautiful how the inks fade into white

  12. Fab take on the sketch Loll. Gorgeous colours - so vibrant.


    Karen xxx

  13. I seriously love what you did with this month's sketch. Just brilliant!! xx

  14. This is beautiful, Loll. I have to say you're not helping with my wish list becoming shorter! Now I'm wanting to add that grid stamp and those inks to my wish list too! Lovely use of the sketch!

  15. I am IN LOVE with that grid! And you're right, those colors are yummy together..

  16. Loll this is stunning!!! I think you need to keep that stamp out for a while... fantastic!!!
    =] Michele

  17. What a great use of this sketch, Loll! And now these Distress Marker colors are on my "to buy" list! What pretty colors and what a great technique!

  18. So beautiful!!! I love what you have done with the sketch. xx

  19. Your grid coloring (in my fave colors) is sensational, Lolly! And WTG using your NBUS and putting it all in a basket! Now you will be all set to rock my NBUS Challenge #5 next week!! Hugs, Dolly xxoo

  20. love the grid, and those colours look fab together. xx

  21. Gorgeous card! love the color combo, too!

  22. A remarkable job with the sketch. Your interpretation is great. I love how the colors to dissolve. I love the colors that you used! I love this card :-) It is hard to ignore this beautiful sentiment. Ideal size and shape!

  23. Awesome take on the sketch, Loll! I love the colors and the small scale of your graphic squares...very cool card!

  24. Gorgeous, Loll ... yep, that colour combo is fantastic ... love how the colours fade into the adjacent squares! Hugs, Anita :)

  25. This is just amazing... I am at a loss for words! great job with the sketch Loll!

  26. The grid and the coloring are pure genius!!!!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)