
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Colouring with Zig Markers

Hi everyone.  It's the start of the Happy Little Stampers September CAS Challenge. I think you're going to love this month's challenge!! :)

I have to admit that I rarely make cards that involve masking, but after last month's Masking challenge at Happy Little Stampers, I have a whole new appreciation for this technique.  I used it on today's card, stamping my first flower on my card front, masking it with a post-it-note, and then stamping my second flower higher and to the left.  I removed my mask and voila!  It's magical. :)

I coloured my hydrangeas in two different shades of purple, adding a few layers of ink to shade and darken the centers of the flowers.  I used two shades of green for the leaves and then finished off the image by adding some dots with my white gel pen.  A simple stamped sentiment and rounded top right corner finished the card.  I always forget about my corner round.  I've had it for probably a year and used it once. :)  I remembered to pulled it out ... it adds just a little difference to my card today.

I hope you'll join us for this fun challenge.  We have a wonderfully talented Guest Designer, Riti (A Lil Piece of Heaven) joining us this month.  Stop by the challenge blog and see her beautiful coloured card along with the amazing cards from the Design Team.  I know you'll be inspired to play along.

Hope to see you in the gallery!

Thanks for coming by for a visit!

Stamps:  Best Thoughts (SU!); Butterfly Birthday sentiment (Happy Little Stampers)
Paper:  Mixed Media (Strathmore)
Ink:  Archival Black (Ranger); Zig Clean Colour Real Brush Watercolour markers; Black (Memento)
Accessories & Tools:  water brush, white gel pen, 1/2" corner rounder (We R Memory Keepers), post-it note for masking

HLS Sept. CAS Challenge - Colouring


  1. Loving your card and your colour choice, Loll


  2. THis is stunning!!! Love your colouring Loll, simply beautiful. And that rounded corner makes it stylish and elegant!

  3. A beautiful card and image Loll and the colours are so pretty. Carol x

  4. Beautiful flowers! I am so impatient for my Zigs to arrive now that I finally made the decision and ordered them!

  5. It looks like you've been masking for years, Lolly! This is perfection and, of course, your Ziggie watercoloring is, too! This is a CAS masterpiece!! Hugs, Dolly

  6. Breathtaking! What a perfect job of masking and coloring! I love these colors!

  7. you don't like to mask and yet you created this--girl, it's gorgeous! I played with Zigs at our last crafty day and have been so tempted to pick them up. I've put them on my wishlist and hopefully a certain mister will get the Christmas hint :)

  8. Masking is such an under rated technique. Isn't it fabulous the effects we can create! Your flowers are simply beautiful and I love that the sentiment goes so well with your design xx

  9. Stunning colouring Loll and a v pretty card, :)

  10. Simply wonderful shading on these glorious blooms Loll!
    Awesome colouring!
    Chrissie xx

  11. Your masking is spot on with your beautifully colored blooms Loll! Julia xx

  12. I find new words to express my admiration. Each card is your true work of art! In this card enchanted me how to paint stamps. Except here the depth and chiaroscuro. Amazing card.
    Hugs Loll,

  13. Gorgeous coloring with your Zig markers, Loll! Beautiful masking and color palette, too! Love this CAS card so much!

  14. Those white dots really add a great look to your perfectly Zigged flowers, Loll.

  15. Just lovely, Loll! I too, love the look of a couple of masked flowers, and the white gel dots add that little something! Fun challenge for this month, now I have my fingers crossed that my Zig markers come soon!

  16. A stunning card, Loll! The flower stamp is magnificent and beautifully coloured.

  17. Gorgeous card. Aren't those Zig makers the best!!

  18. Beautiful, Loll ... those colours are so clear and gorgeous ... fab detailing with the white gel dots! Hugs, Anita :)

  19. How pretty is this card? Love the colours and your colouring in is so delicate, a fabulous card x

  20. Oh my goodness--your coloring is stunning, Loll!

  21. Beautiful! Your colouring is amazing, those blooms look fab!! xx

  22. Wow the coloring is mind blowing :)

  23. Love those flowers and your coloring is fabulous! Beautiful, beautiful card, Loll!

  24. So sorry, Loll, just realised I didn't stop off previously and leave some love.
    Your big blooms are just gorgeous, and your colouring is beautiful, love those purple tones. I must use my corner rounder more too! x

  25. Sorry for the late commenting Loll . . . Just trying to catch up a bit on my commenting today! Those blooms are so very pretty, lovely soft colours and the shading is to die for, you give two dimensional objects form and structure! Great talent! Have a lovely Sunday! Hazel xx

  26. Absolutely gorgeous flowers, Loll.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you! Loll :)