
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Chevron - Part 2

Here's another of the chevron designs.  I posted one yesterday (my first attempt); this is my second attempt.

I used more water to soften the tones and ended up with this soft pastel look.  My hand strokes are a little better than the last one (still lots of room for improvement), but I was surprised how much more relaxed I was with my second attempt.  I made a full card front, cutting it in half to have a smaller panel for today's card.  This is more my usual CAS style :) ... plus I still have another half panel to make into a card at a later date.

I'm still working on techniques from Day One and inspiration from Day Two.  I hope to start my Day Three lessons soon, but I'm already falling behind. :)  I'm not going to rush this course, and just work at my own pace.

Thanks for following along as I learn new things. :)


One other quick note.  I've lost many followers the last couple of days ... guess Google is doing their "thing".  If you aren't getting my updates in your blog roll, please consider following me again.   Thanks!  xx

Stamps:  Fun Birthday Seniments (Happy Little Stampers)
Paper:  White card base (Neenah); Watercolour Paper (Arches 140 lb. cold press)
Ink:  New Gamboge and Alizarin Crimson watercolour paints (Winsor & Newton); Gold ink (Delicata)
Accessories & Tools:  1/2" flat brush, Little Leaves die (Sizzix)


  1. Awesome, I love the chevrons! Did you mask that, or freehand everything? Either way, I'm jealous... I'm with you on taking those classes slow though, too much to learn if you push it!

  2. This is such a gorgeous CAS version of yesterday's card, Loll ... such a lovely background to that crisp white leaf sprig! Sorry to hear you've lost followers after the blogger debacle ... I'm happily getting all your posts via Feedly! Hugs, Anita :)

  3. Loll, I thought you had stamped this one, it looks awesome. I'm loving the effects of all the different water colours. Definitely on my to do list of on line courses

  4. I still can't believe you had the patience to freehand those! What a gorgeous job you did on this! Love the idea of the smaller panel too and the white die cut is perfect with this! I plan on doing those classes the same way, even if it takes me months to get through them!

  5. Wow, that panel is fabulous, Loll! Looks like a great class - I wanted to take this class too, along with some others, but there just isn't enough time in the day!

  6. Love the CAS look to this, and great job on those chevrons again.
    I've also lost a few followers over the last couple days ...... Google eh! why cant they just leave things alone ...... Xx

  7. A wonderful way to use this chevron piece! Love the softer shades but also love the more vivid shades of your previous chevrons!

  8. what a lovely chevron background Loll - I have to check your other post to see if this is a stencil or completely hand painted! love the colors! Julia xx

    1. Another lovely chevron. I can see that your control of the strokes is better than in #1 effort (which I liked very much). You are relaxing & it shows! This made a wonderful background for the white branch and the lovely gold sentiment. I'm not Dawn, but I'm giving you an A+! TFS & Hugs.

  9. I love how you cropped this pattern for this card, and your lovely white leaves are the perfect touch, Loll!
    I agree with you about taking your time with these techniques...I think this is such a great class with so many fabulous lessons!

    1. Very pretty Loll, you appear to be taking to this like a duck to water. The colours are lovely and soft and flow beautifully.

  10. Loll... Looks like you are having lots of fun with your card designs, my friend.
    Big thumbs up :)


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